WILMETTB LIF£ I f .· · . . October 29, 1926 . WILMETTE LIFE ISSUED FBJJ)A Y OF EA.CH WBBI by LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. l 222 Central AYe., Wilmette, Ill. , Chicago otnce : G N. Michigan Ave. Tel. State 6326 8UBSCRIPTION PRICE . ............ . SJ.Ot A. YEAR Tel·phone ....... . .... . .. . ,., ; ....... .. ..... Wilmette ltlt All communications must be. a:ccompanled by the name and address of the ~·riter.. Articles for publication must rea-ch the editor by' Wednesday noon to :nsure Bl·PE>arance In current Issue. 'Resolutions of condolence, cards of thanks, obituary, notf<'es of entertainments or other .ttfatrs where an Admittance chare-e ,Is published, will be charged at rfigoulA.r t-tifvArtll'lln~ ratE's. Entered at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, as man m;\ttPr of the SE'<'ond class, under the act or ~·~rch ~. 1879. MY LITTLE TOWN M'V little town, that has not 'Vet attained ·The heinht and breadth of cities, oh, stay sntall! What profit is the vastness they have gained, Their stretzgth of stone and steel ; wh~n gro'wing tall, They lose the singing company of leaves; And gro'wing wide, they have no room for grass; No rose-vin es reaching for contented eaves, No space to watch the seasons as they pass. No lure have cities to entice a thrush, Nor yards for children, carpeted and sweet ;· With all their pride and gaiety and rush, Th ey bear the burden of a million feet . Y ott have your gardens) fri endliness) and treesJ1y Httle town, be satisfied with these. - Anne B lackwe ll Pay n e . F ro m The T exas P arent . O··m_m_a_a_ ~-.,....·~-~--~·-·· + I am·· certainly· -surprised.she, - · a Girl SHORE LINES Scout!" Failed? Yes. But only for a time if she OLD is a Girl Scout. N.othing worthwhile ·is acThe autumn of my life is here complished overnight. On some of the most Gray s'kies betoken days of gray ahead, beautiful ~hi~gs in the w~rld, years have The sun that erstwhile blazed so near · been spent·on pictures · and poems, .on a Now dimly lights a ~biv' ring world instead. spirit of kindness and generosity. Before Each flaming leaf 1hat weakly clings her, the Girl Scout has her ideal. Because Upon a .bough already bald and. bare, of it. her m;e asure of success, she n1ay feel The little · bird that mournful smgs . her failures all the m.ore keenly, by contrast. T 0 shrivelled forms of flowers once so fat r. But because of her desire for fineness, she Foretell of winter soon to come, perseveres. Of bitter cold, and biting, freezing rain , And each day she is nea~er to her dream Of human end~terniry begun, For after death , I'll wake with spring again . than she would have been had she not so -LITTUL WUN. sincerely tried. In time, she learns not to be discouraged by momentary set-backs. H ere ·we have on e of those days. W e mean a She even comes to regard them as a help, grev day in October, chi11ing to the marr?w, jet in that they show her where she must not. cold. Reminding us of our summerttme errors of omission. Stilt, tomorrow may find us · \vatch herself. again in the midst of a glorious Indian Summer. . She fails? Yes. And always will if, . And we'll forget about our sins until ano.ther day , through the yea:rs. her dream grows as she such as this, is injected into the precanous pregrows, glistening there before her. But ·she winter sea son. will go forward, happy in acconrplishment . Indeed, it ia the unheralded. changes in our For she knows it often takes many a failure peculiar character of climate tha~ add ao much and many a laugh and much , much per- to the richne11 and fullness of lafe alon1 tbeae severance to n1ake one success. To her shores. Sameness, whether of aunahine or rain, friends when they, too, falter in their high would most auuredly be a bore. Ranting about resolves, she is understanding and generous the weather hu much to do, among other thinca, with keeping us in the swim of things. Much like in her judgment. the frog in the churn. She is a Girl Sc.o ut. CORRECTION - Contributed. Yo u can vote if you fail ed to regist er. You can get sworn in. Go to the p.olls on el ecti on day. Ge t sworn in , Get if you're not regi ~ te red. Then Sworn in vote. Being a north shore citizen you know the issues at stake and th e qualification s of the candidates. You can choose intelligentl y. We can only urge yon to get .out and vote. Every citizen, regi stered and unregi stered, ought to vote on November 2. Leave your hon1e ten minutes earlier on Tuesday morning, November 2, and you'll have plenty of titne to cast y.o ur vote. Our nation is the sum of its electors. If any considerable number of these electors take no part in selecting and electing public officials, and this does happen very often, then the nation takes a slump. It also happens that when one lazy citizen awakes to his privileg~ s and duty, and g.oes to the polls, others of like habits also go to the polls. On Novetnber 2 you will select not only candi~a.tes but vital policies. Help your fellow Citizen s to tnake America safe for de m,o cracy . Our learned contemporary who evolves the words of wisdom in the adjoining columna miaaed a step last week by referring ~o t~e edito~al canine as "Jimmie." The cognomen tn questton is of course, "Gin." We repeat, he ii of uncertain in'gredienta and packs a , genuine wallop. The error is regrettable. ~l ore than 60 business men of Wilmette It is to be hoped, should Edsel Ford have hi s. hav e joined to tell their fellow citizens a way, th at the su ggested alterations be more effew pertinent things. These fe cti ve th a n any of the so-called di sguises per petrat ed to date. men in monthly advertiseShake! tnents in WILMETTE LIFE ex:\ 1\·Hil\\"hilt · \\'1 ' a r t· quite conte nt with tlw ' 'C h f' Yit·"· I write of the Girl Scout who fails. tend to you the right hand ll lOdt · o f trtti1SIJ!II'tati o l1_. - - - - She is the girl who dreams, who ha\s .of fellowship. They take this opportunity S'priae! ' \ - it a ! :-: t a ti s ti· ·s. lil\ v pt·ohihit ion ," ··omnwnts ou1~ high resolve s. Off by herself,-so clearly she , t,o impress upon you the sincere fact that ~t:'tt t· din ·t' lltl' of }w<tlth "ar-t.· dn· 1111 thP S lll'fa C t. . sees her dreams coming true, her high re- '~they are· co-operating with you to tnake t.nly." solves making of her the kind of a girl she living in Wilmette happier, more worth \)nanimous wishes to be. But when she is out with the while. Dear Sir s: I have just noticed thi sign abov e other girls or at home with _ her family, QnNo one can doubt that it is good for resi- a scale: "Your weight and your fortune, 1 cent.' ' expected, disturbing things do happen. :~he dents to have within convenient. distance a ·Well they're certainly right about my fortune. group of stores where the men, women, -Billious. tries-indeed she tries. But although she h~lds to her high resolves some times, at and children of the homes can easily get The further Queen Marie travels westward, the o.ther times .an.d want., .....~.. ··- ·mor~ insistent is Mr. Hearst in having her re- . I - . . - she . . fails. ·- .. ., - . ·-. -. ·---what they need . Join with these business friends of yours ~urned to her ·kingdom in the Near· East. AU this, ; She may even overhear someone saying t QUE - '::· ·:. .,. ·· · of a certain ar.tion of hers, "She did-that-?---- in -this Comnntriity H.and:cl'<is'{J r~:·~·:··: ~~~:~:·_:::!1~:::~':. :·~.~ . t~e . ~:m~ . :~·~ m~d~~ j~~!~~~,l~:i···~~ .. --·-·M- Folks everywhere have a picture of hererect, trim in her unif.orm, smiling, doing what comes along to be :done The Girl' and having a good time with it all. Scout She is the Girl Sc.out. And how she does enjoy hiking and camping and making fudge and the hundred and one other adventures with which each day seems filled . But there are times when she is alone. I \Vrite of the Girl Scout who fails. s . of ne\ter l.osing her temper, . She dream_ of laughing away the bothersome, irritating things. But· .~ Tnere come:~' a n1orning when everything goes wrong.' She sleeps a little late. She cannot get into the bathroom to wash when she wishes· ·~to. ·A button flies .off the last minute and she must stop to sew it on. At the breakfast table, of course it is thi s morning of all mornings which her brother chooses to make a slighting remark about her appearance. Hotly, she replies. The angry words are .out. Preferably the Silent Drama . :\ft er witn ess ing atu~ th e r act in th a t comp elling drama that has of late bel n concerned with the dispo sition of "No Man's Land," one is of the mind that the stage is overlooking a wealth of fin e talent in this vicinity. Dramatic in the extreme, last week's mass gathering merely served to empha size the histrionic potentialities of certai n members . of the legal profession. Lawyers, we have always maintained, should make capital ac tors . By the same token many a-ctors should hav e tak en up law- or anything but acting. How's Buaineaa "Undertakers," we are further informed by Doc Rawlings, "know that certain ilia attack people in the later years of life, bec:omin1 quite aoticeable at forty. By comparin1 these aotea with cenaua figures, they can forecaat the lean and the fat years with considerable accuracy." Among other momentous events of the day is th e current 57th anniversary of the 57 varietie s. Remember way back when there was but one variety of pickle, and that fished out of the old brine barrel in the cellar? Of cour se, you don't! :'\o l l'~s th a n fi\·1· l·'11 rd s s ufft-> r cd dis a bl ed fe nde r s in l;ts t \\' l'i ·k ' s s<·urr;-· of traftk in Winn f' tktl. All Ol wh it- h w o ulrl St '\' lll to ju s tif y Ed s<· l in n ·co mnw nding th ·· g"l·a r :-; h ift d t- \' k<·. l ' nd ~-r prf' SP llt circum s tan ce s it \\' (I UJcl st '\'111 tl1a 1 all t oo f r t·qul' ntly the lr ft foot k n o w t· t h n ot wh < tt tl1l' ri g- ht f oot doeth. ·"· I