Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1926, p. 8

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· 8==========~========~====~================~W~I~L~M~E~T~T~E~~L~I~F~E~================~~============D:e:ce:m:b:e:r:l= O= . 1=9~26 · Cites Citizenship BOY SCOUT EXECUTIVE Central-Laurel P. T. A. to 'Enjoy Xmas Program CANARIES as Important Study OPENS HIS '· 'STATION" T he Ce ntral-Laurel Pare ntTeacher that won 1st for Women's Groups I as~nc i ation " ·ill meet T uesday afterprize in the · CANARY SHOW AT CHICAGO For information call a,t v .. BEZDEK Gross Poinr 1o65 GREENHOUSES Or Phone Wilmerre noon. Dece mber 1-L at J o'clock. A Ch r is· rl]as carol progra1 11 is to he gi \·en hy the chil dren oi t he Ryro n Sto~p ~~J iss Yl iri a11 1 Druh a ker. of 1schot' l. :he l\itt iona l K in clerga r tl' n and Ele111cn !ary college "" ill he the speaker of tht: afternoo n. A large atte ndance 1s ex pec ted at this meet ing wh ich i:-; tn _I ,ll1 ph<isi:t.e t hr holid ay sp irit. -~~~~[:"~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1:~~1:~1:VU.t our Store we have the fiaeat display of Jewelry and Silverware in this city . G "The teac hing of Citiz~ns hi p throug h Clubs" was the s ubject of a n in teres ting talk give n by "Mrs. M. H. Lieber of \ Vi nn etka heforl' the st udents of thr National Kinde rgarten a nd E lc1llr nt ary roll cgr T h ursday afternoon . . "The big thing that we nred today out in thr world and in our o\\·n homes. is tD knnw how to live together. and that is one thing that citizenship in club:- is doing. Tt is educating women to earn· more ahl\' thr rcsponsihilitir: that ar~ placed upon them." ~.frs. Lirhcr told oi some ni the · c itizenship activities of the vario us clubs. and of the qurstiom before th~ federa l and . .;tatr lrgislati\'r bodies in \Yhirh they are particularly intcre:-.ted. Tn rnnrlusion she ohjcctl'd to the lack of intcre _t on thr part of many wom en in regard to la\rs which they think do 110t aiTcrt them personally. "Ti " ·c arr to Ja,· the foundation for a iuturr citizen:-;hi.p <,f thi~ country and of the \\'Orld a' it should he laid we ha \"t' got to take cognizanr(' ,,i thr ... r thing -; ." 1())0 Headquarters for North Shore Council Established This Week in Highland Park T hl' .'\rca headq uarters of tl1t· Ill'\\" ~ h ore Boy Scout rnUill·il wa~ opc11c<l ear ly th is week at IG \"c,rth . Sheridan rna d. High land Park. 111 charge oi Scout T·.xecuti\·c \\' :li ter ~fcPl'ek. wl1. 0 ha: ;tlrc·ad.\· h~.·c· 1 1 in tourl1 " ·itb loca l Scout \\'ork tlm>tl ~! h \·i:-.ih a11<l ronferrnr<.'s with tht· l tlt' ll Ill()~ I art in· in ~cout work. Th<.: ~~ft1 c c j.; merrl~- a "Scn·irc Station" \\' ··rt' :-.npplir:-.. equ ipment e-tc .. Ilia\· 1 )(' ' \' rmcd ;tnd \\'here thr t'C'C'(Jrd,· (li h·.tl tr :111p' and Scout.; itrc krpt, it i- , '> plaincd . "lts S 01lll'1hi11 .~ likt' tl1i .... " .\ll, vr· Jl. S11 i t ('. pre :-- i d e n t · s a i d i n ., p c a k i 11 _. , ,i t h l' r () llll (' i 1. "r i T h a\"(' ;I d()I h r :\Ill 1 ynu a dtdbr and \\'l' l>flth tradt· \1.·. .-:·t· iu . . t \\·hnv 'rv ..,tartcd . But ii :·"\1 h:tn· ;111 i1ka :111d I h;n<· a11cl i<k a · ~· , <! \\"<' both tr:IClc \\·c h: t\ t ' : ,· r, id('a . . ... "TIH· '(.llitt·rl 1-'ront.' ~ t' i l ll i ;, JiJ,.·,, al"ng- tht· north -.ltnr(' \\·ill l>t· :1 11' .. f_ \·in ;..: i >rrt · and \\·ill lend ;1 r on . . , 111\l· nr o; . . ni :--nlid;t rit .\· tn tlw ,·ari· ,lb 1ro";" ~orth We show a large variety of sterlinl,! ~lver and 50 year gvaranteed triple plated ware at t~e lowest prices consistent with the finest qual ity made. ., ~ \lr. a1HI .\lr' . Ct·"rl!.t' II. J:ird ell C'lll' :'lll\11 ClHllllC . ;11'(' cXpl·ding their . . nn and daughtl'l' llf·lll c· ir· r th e holid;t\· .;(·ason. \I i:-.-. 1Tenri ct Lt Bird i:-. arri·\·i11g iro111 \fi:-;:-- Bennett', :--l- lH>Ill friday and l1cr brother, Curti-,, rnum ... from Dartmouth college at Il anm·rr. \: . J f.. t ht· f ollmYi ng da~· . Troops in Churches, Sch ools ··~routing j.., a 'l1J>ph-ll1t' 111 ing ll · .· :, ' tlpplantin . !.! prngram . ThC' ~t'c·ll , g a 11 iz ;, t io 11 d .H·... 11 o t ; t d 111 in i't n t " : 1 , · 1~~~.\ ·:- (li a romn1unity but mcrt·l.\· 1· ·, .· Yirlr.; a l'rogram ;11 \! l h('lp to thv n~t·: . oi t h1· rol11llll111i t \. i11 Lri,·in!..! lt ·:tdn . . hit· ,,, thr ho,·o.; r1i ;, r111~lllll1l ; it,- thn~ u:..:: tlH· in:'tit.ution . . oi tht· ~::J tnll l ll llit' }l rartirally all ~rout troop:- art·'cli the pr(l~ralll oi l"llllrr]w, co~ -..rhonl~ . " I 0 and 14 Kt. solid gold Cameo Rings from IDEAS fr om th e $10.00 up Public Service Gift Book A large variety of I 0 K and 14K Gold Emblt" m Rings from ,This model · Elgin or Walti)Olm Watch in &~lid gold or gold hlled clt!le fr~m $25.00 up We have a full line o{ "Hamilton" Watches $10.00 up · This model Elgin or Waltham Watch iu solid gold or J!'old tilled <.'ast' from Electric Washer The Excruti\·t· 1>oard 111adv up , ·1 irom <>i~ht "\'orth Slwr{' t" " · \\'ill hold their Dece mber board tllt '1·: ill , !.!" TtH':'day. n('crm her ] ~ . 111 \ \" d Ill(' t t ('. men $25.00 up Former Residents to Be Holiday Guests Here \J r. ;tnd . \fr:--. La\\·rcnrL· F. _1<1 11·"· " ·IHI \\Tilt to P hil ad l' lph ia tc 1 liH· ;tl " oil' a ~· car r~g(), \\'i ll he the gut· ... t' < ,j \I ·· and \f r:-.. Carn· C>rr of 225 \ \'o<>dh ill· avclltll' for tfa· C'hri.;tma-- holid;t \They \\' ill arriYC on Deccmhn 24. Th ]one:-; li\·ccl at 22 1 \ Vooclbinc an·n u· when theY we rc resiclen ts oi \\.illllct t' Thr Afden Park manor in Philad t·l phia is a . ucccssful rnttrpr ise ju ,· C<>mp ll'tl'cl hy \1r. J onrs. The 111al l1·r is a bea utiiul n C'\\ . 270-apartmcnt huil· i ing ln1 il t at th r head of Fairmun t par i. on a t wenty-acre tract. 1\Ir. J ont s ha started a second apartment nrarh ~. wl1ich i~ ro-oprratin·. and of \\'hirll h·· is half owner . Th is one is to hr ralk tl We handle "Howard" watches. ., Ste~ling Silver or HK Gold Gent ~ Wrtst Watches, Jnlaranteed from $10.00up Latest Fashion of Chokers and faitcv Bead Necklaces from $2.50 up Small Snappy Diamond Rings iu li!K White Gold from$25.00to $75.00 A large variety of Ladies 14 and 18 K Gold Wrist Watches, t-ngraved al so set wit it Diamonds and Sapphires' from There is no finer gift for wife or mother than this attractive Federal Washer: it lightens household tasks, gives her more leisure. th r K e'nil wor lh. $15.00 to $250.00 Beautiful line of silver gol~ filleif, ~>olid gold and pllltmum front cuff links · from Sl. 50 to $25.00 Open Evenings Until Christmas Beautiful Sparkling Blue · White Diamonds in 18K or platinum Mounts from Small initial pa,.. ment - Balance "Little o~ Little" beginning February. Local Girls to Broadcast at WEBH Sunday Evening Mi ss P a ulin e 1-f a n ch es ter of Glr nrOI' . a ncl ~li ss H elen B e rndt of \Vilm cttt will g ivr a two-p ia no rec it a l O\ l'l" \ VE BH (Ed ge wate r B each Jloten ,,n Sunda ,·, D ecembe r 12. bet ween th e hours -of 7 a nd 9. Both ·Mi ss ).f a1: ches ter a nd Mi ss Berndt ar c pupil s oi H ov\·arcl \ Ve il s. Th e prog ram fo ll ow~: Th eme and Variation s . ... . . . . Beethoven-Saint Sa en!' Ch a minadc Andante . . . . . . . . . Cha minad c Lc Matin .. . Saint S ae n ~ Reverie du Soir Saint Sa em March Triomphal Se eboe ck-Saa r Minuet Antique . . Grieg - Saar Butterfl v ....... . Funera( March of a Marionette · . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ Gounod $75.00 to $500.00 Dominic Pagliarulo Jeweler & Optician 1.1 66 Wilmette Ave. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS I 1 4 1 Central 1\. ve .. Wilmette Wilmette 2899 J~ O. Phone Wilmette 1061 15 years in the same location K REES::\I.AX, I Dish·ict Mmtag e?' Watch lor Otber GIFT IDEAS

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