Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1926, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE December 10, 1926 business meeting of the Year every , ·oting member should attend. 0~ the ('Yt · ning's program are : the reception of II· . .,,. m e mbe rs, the election of officers, and t h·· prese nta tion of plans for the n ew Yt ·a r St. John's Luther~n Our Christmas Cookies are ready for you . Springerlings Anise Drops Pfeffernussei1 Cocoanut Drops Don't .forget one of our CHRISTMAS FRUIT CAKES For that box you are sending away. · The annual le tte r to ever~· nwmho ·· within the parish, setting forth th l' pr t ·~ e nt s tatus of St. John's finan c ially a ltd 3rd S unday in Ad\·ent: ot hl·rwise, has b een sent out . It is hl'il t.' 9 :30 a. m. Sunday school and BilJic followed up by the m e n appointed uy tho · c lasses. . . church to r ece ive subscriptions for 1! · ~i . 9:45 a. m. Fir~t serVH't'. and sermor1· I.Thf· e nve lopes will be se nt out to :t il 11 :00 a. m. Sel'ond ~wrn<'l' andd ~~· rn~~.~~ - ~ communicant members in a w eek or t" ,, Sermon: "The Humiliation an '.Xa · _ , · tion of f'hrist. ·· · . Thr chureh has d ec1ded to furni~h i: . pastor with an automobile, and at th ·· )lEF.TINGS :\londay and Friday n t 4 : Childn·n'!-i n n ·st~ nt time i~ taking the first st··ps i, , l'rt·t·ting a g-arag-e on the parsonage J>l't· J·c) asses. ··rtr. Thl' ('oxt of the ear, and its m :li 11 :\lon d av at 7: (:iris' ch oi r . . Tuesday at 7 :45: Cong r eg-ation nwPt 1ng·. tt·nanct>, and the g-arage ar~:-· an itt·m i. W t>dnesdar at 7 :45: ·women's ch or u ~. . the budget.· Thursda.'· at i :45: t 'hri st mas party 'I · P. S. · . r On Thursday en~ ning, DN·t·mlwr 1ti. :· t F'rida~· at 7 :45: Junior "alth r ll'agu ·. 7 :45 tlw St'nim· Young PE:>ople's h·ag ut · , ,· St. .J ohn' s is givin~ a C hri stmas llnrtv t ·· · The r egular · monthly m e<> ting- of tlw \l.:hkh it invites all the m emberH or' t II ·· ,·ott: n; of tht.' <·ongTegat ion will be he!~ .Junior leagu e and all tht> young }W op J. Tu esdaY (·\·euing, Dt·cemiJer 14, at 7 :4<> of the churc h r egardless of whPther th· , o'docl<.' TrH\smudl ns this is the last art· m e mhers in e ith er o f thf'Sl' or~ani t. o~ tions. En·ryone ·iR asked to brin g· ·' pr·est'lrt t'Osting 10 CC: nts o r morf'. SEUYICEFi Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilme tte. Herman W. Meyer l\1. A. pastors 406 Prairie avenue, ·telephone 13 9 · f'hurch t e le phone 3111. · - I Phone Your Order Early! The Patty Shoppe Opposite Village Theatre J·~fkcti\'\.' Friday, D~.·t~.·mbt:r Ill, l't:!ti, and :·untinui11g until funht·r noti<···. tho· t 'hi('ilg-o 8.: .\'orth \\.l·!' tl·l'll ny. WiJJ So·JJ (1111 ·da,· round-trip t·xvun·dnn ti !'l.; ..t:-: fl'tlll1 \\'ilmd to· and 1\:,·nil\\'o.rth t_o t_'hil'agu _a1.1~1~ ri'(UI'II at: \\'il lllt'tlt· $. hll; 1·-.t·n!l\\'orth ~.too~. Ti .. kl't~ wil l ht· g ·oiO(! r11 r g<dng- trip on any ONE-DAY EXCURSION TICKETS TO CHICAGO FOR SHOPPERS, Tlw Holiday serYi ceR .lt ~t . ·John':-: \\ 1!1 Ill· as fo ll ows : THEATRE-GOERS, ETC~ ( 'hri:stmas (' \ '<' ( F1 iday, Dl'C't-·mhf'l' 2·11 :11 VIA CHICAGO & NORTH 7 p. m.: Vt'nitt.· Adoremus, pn·~(·ntt·d 1, , WESTERN RY. tlw C'h ildrf'n. f'hristma~ ~latin service, Dt'<'t'mhl·r ~ :-·. G:30 a. m. :ot ( 'hristmas at fl :45 a. 111. l'hristma!' Yo·Sp<·r S(·r\'i<·t·s at 4 : :~ll Jt . Sun~.;~.\· al:t.··.r_. <.'~1.ristma~, th,· n~g-ular dt I Ol 1: "I ' St I\ H l S. 115 3 Wilmette Ave. - Wil. 575 . . · · . c ommunH>Il ~t·n·Jc<·. :n1 ally tntln s!'lwdult-d lo lo·a\t· ( ht c:-~go 1 .\'o·\\' Yo ·at·'s l>a\' . ·Januan· train of <Lttl' (It' salo·. ;t i l <l gtn·d r..t_urning Cunt ll llllli~t n St·i·\'it·t·. · .\'··."· Yt ·a r:S En·, .l ') t·(·t-mhl'r ::t, at 7 :I . 1. ~It ~-, ::' · ·~=================================--' l ~Jlt ·t·ia l l'assl'llg't·l' '1\·rtllitl;ll oll or lwloro · mHlllt g llt til' datt · ot' snJo.. ·IDEAS from the Public Service Gift Book \'o·nit·nt an<l <·l·mfortahk ~ulJurhnn servi ce tho· ('hil-:1~1) .\: .\'t~rth \\' t·Stt ·rn n _ ,.. Fnr d t · t<~il.'·d inf··nn_:tti"n a~Jpl:-· t<1 Tid"'L .\ go·n ts , ( 'llll";tg'o) & .\'lll' th \ \ , ·s[t ' l'll lt,\·. _\d\', 1 .st.. John's o·xto·!ld~ a n·r:-· ctH' . 1 pro\·isions :trv !wing madL· f()l' \ ~ta~1on to a_ll, I~ <U~t~ ~· u!arl _:-· to ) . tho so "~ · f 110 I' 1· . t "lffic no · hut · h ,tfTtlJ ,lt loJt s, to\ .ttt··nd ·'· 1 h. I\ · I d t H' ;t('('01llll10 atJoll () I( <t~ l ' . I Ill' ;t II (If lht ·So · ."l'l'\'ko·s. 'l'ho·sp JW\\' fan·s an· ··ff,·t·o·d as ;t furth· ·r 1 itltr:tt"tion to ·patt·.,njz,. lht · fast. o·on-1 1 - l) r I · Th~ Young People's Il:aQtl(' ui :-.· . IJ.o h_~~ . =' ~-:lth_cra~l . church. h ~o hold ;, ( hiiStllld S PLAN CHRISTMAS PARTY Jlcl~t) at the churth Thur - day C\"Cning-. December 16. - The· Electric Irons are always welcome gifts for the womenfolk. This Sunbeam guaranteed iron in fireproof case comes in gay holiday wrappings. Complete, Ontv· Ultimate in Radio Unlese you've heard the Radlola 30, you haven't heard the beat In radio recepdou. Ld tU GTrCiaae Cl demoft,. $8S2 Small initial pay.. ment - Balance "Little by Little" beginning February. lb'Gdon for ,cn&-and ca£. 10 explain our dmc ~ ..aaapla. @ Our stock of Radiolas is most complete, including Radiola 20. 25. 28 and 30. Prices ranging from PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILUNOII 1 141 Lamp Ba;,es- Parchment and Chintz Shades. Glassware- Console Sets. Desk Sets- Writing Portfolios. Brasses-Candlesticks, Coffee Sets, and Bowls. Pottery and Lusterware Salt and Pepper Sets. Hand embroidered Towels and Handkerchiefs. Fountain Pens- Eversharps, Ostrich Quill Pens. Leather Bill Folds- Address Books- Line-a-days-Key-. tainers. Boudoir Novelties- Toilet Sets, Scent Bottles, Powder Jars. Picture Frames- Swinging frames for photos. Stationery . Fancy Boxed _ Games and Books for Children- Small Toys. Framed pictures and mottoes- Jewelry Novelties. Christmas Cards, Seals and Wrappings. Candles- Place Cards- Tallies. .. Open Every Evening J~O. Central Ave., · Wilmette Wilmette 18 99 $102.50 to $575.00 s. REES:\IA:--;, Dist?·ict Jlanogc1· Wm. G. Beyrer Electric f1 Radio Shop WILMETTE STATIONERY AND GIFT SHOP 115 5 WILMETTE AVE. .Opposite Village Theatre PHONE 3051 Watelllor Other GIPT IDEAS 113 1 Central Avenue Ph. Wil. 81 ·

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