Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1926, p. 12

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Decem~er 12 WILMETTE LIFE 10, 1926 : THE HANDCRAFT SHOP Coverlets Hooked Rugs Baskets Stools Bedspreads Scarfs Pottery · Hearthbrooms Homespun · Linens Made by th~ Southern Mountaineers English Lutheran Greenleaf and SC'Yenth William Guise, pastor. Services for December ;1~1 thC'm C "0 r f\.dvent Crown" will h e t 1C . U · t th , sc·rYicl' O( WOI'ShlP of th e message a e · 1 ·J· Thi s is which hep;ins at d en ·n oc oc~. d. 't thL' third in a ~a·ril·s or special A Yl' ll nws~;tgL·s. Tlw t l'X t will b t' ~ak e n nom t1 L·S for th C' Third Sunday t) 1\' ] ., 111·s Olll ' 0 f -' ' " ll · ·f ·th in ~\dn' nt; ~ 'l'ilnot.hY 4: 8. : n c_c OI t tlwre iR laid up tor m e a CI 0\\ '\ ., o ,·ight L·ou s!wf's . wlrich tht Lord, the tt,..,h~~ ·ous jud gL', shall gin· m C' at that daj · 1 :IIIO ll(ll to Il l\ ' (lilly, hul . un~~l all tllt ·lll n !so t h at lu\·,. h !s :tJllll':tnng·. Methodist Chure.h Horace G. Smith, ministe r. Lila P earl Attig, director ot' religiou~ education. Room 2 Anne J!avey ft I 817 Elm St.1 Winne~ka iiiii!i!il!iiilii!ii @li/B Th l' ·woman's Hom e Missionary s,,, i·· t~ · will hold its Christmas s<:l'Yi t···s ~ .. ·xl Thursday at the hom o of Mrs. H. <'. 1\trl{p:ltrid<, J :t~S Ul't'l'l1\\'oOd n.n·nut·. In ;uldit fon t o tht' usual ft·atun ·~ of thdr ll l·'ltt hlv m (·c· ting- th e pa~lor · will lt·ll a .L.:~"~·U! · .. r < ~I1rist mas stnrh·s. Ray Christmas Special THRE.E ETCHINGS $5.00 There is no other Christmas gift as exclusive as your Personal Photograph. · This offer JimitedM~ke that afipointment Now! Studio open Sundays and Evenings. For Appointment Ca~l Univ . .2238 ffij--rwmn Hoyburn Buildtng 615 Davis Street """""' """""' "" Hihk ::w l1nol :t t :1:-lfi. 'J'IH "nd tlw (' ]lildn·n of t lw s~· hoc.J <tl'· ', lJ~t>' . with llwir spt·c-ial ,,. <·1' 1~ to r tlw ( E11gnr .\ . 1:111 ·s t w :ts gr· ···ll'(1 11itlr 1·r. . mas progT<tlll ... \11 a r t· nnxio u s l~· look111 g: 1il':tll\' :L ~·a]i:lt'ity hi·II St· :1 t :-;, \\' i I.· I fo l'w ~t rd to a n ·r .' · j··~·l' ul ohst ·n ·an ce ol so·hP·;l last l·'r id :ty l lig ht. Tit· · 1 ··!I ll! ,,,, tlw IJlt·ss· ·<l 1 'hri sllna s l'··~ti\·:tl. ill t·h:t r g·,. of this pn ·;..: l':l\11 ll';os l 1i. I.~ · Till ' ,. 1011 :..:n :g·atit~ll<il lli\Ttin . :..:· l1 :1s J,,.,., l :..:ratifi ··d with tilt' :tttl'll cl :tll· ··· 1tl . tl1· · ····' .. JH,~tp(l!l· <1 \ (1 110 x t ~ 11111 1: 1 ~· : 1r1 ,·r tit· · ~ · rv- 111 ut1it.1· :tt tlti" pr .. :.:, r: ltll. . I t i s 1 :-::i:t:. <I i t·t ·. .\II Jll l' llti i\' I'S ill'l ' n · qllt '~l · · d ]11 } ,.. tlt:lt ~ll \IW\\ l it ·l't ' ill tlt· · lit i:,:ltloll\'lt·" ·d Jll't ·st·llt. :' 1 ;1111 \\ill l w t·l· :1l'o tl t11 : q 1pl~ ··II 1·.111, Tilt · .lun i(I J' t· 11 ill tiJo ···t 1111 :':tlt:r- ,( tlr· \\ ':1\· 1'\ li o I :- lll ll\ 1\· I' ··:til l \· ;;, \\ '. d : t~ · :1l 1 :::0 and tho · .\tlii ll o·!H .il' ··il \\ ', d - ~ I lit ·t, :Olio li. n vst1a \' l'\'t· !ling·. 'I'J it.":\ Ji ss i (ln:r r r ~~~··1· · 1.1. ··rl.i1·."d :1 L1r. :..:· Tit· · , .... t ·~ l :t to :- t \··ll ill.t ·· i· ·lillll··· 11 :l tlt ·!Hl:tll (T :tt it s ( h ·o·o ·l\tlool' lll· ·o ti:I . L!. 1 ·'11\11 J.i\iiiL! }.';til h ." .\ S)l· t·l:tl ·dll 1 1t n t· \\' 111t·n1l·l'l'S \\'t ·l'·· .ro ,., .i\·1'(]. Til· · t'·J\ - o· lo- r :..:\'lll·· l t. ···I' :!:-· 11 :ttl1 11 gr; q,]p d ' '"IIi· lo\dng· o fli v<· r s \\"\ l't· (·l· ···r t·d r.. r th o· 1'11111- l wo·!l I·I'· ·JI:I I't'(1. Tit· ·. p:tsl·· l' .. !' Ill · \\ ing· Yl'HI': J)l'l'S id l' lll . :\It '~'. \\' illi :1 111 (;ui~· · ; lllt·tlt · l'lilll't·ll \\:t ~ l111'11111 :tt·· 'll'ot l:.:: Ykt ·~ JH't:·s id f' nt, :\Irs. l·:d\\'i rr h' nudt ~o or 1: 1... nun 1 h ~· r ~.J!t in :t li~l. ··I' ~.-· 11 I·· r· · · :-: t;ot·rdary , ::\ lrs. Frank ~Lt :1 ll ; tl'l ·:t slll't·l'. :1 c·t·JI .I' with tho · l'lllll}dl lt l··lil'-' 11t 1l1· :\Irs. l l l' l'lll:lll Xon11n·rg : Th a n);. <lllo· rin g t l H·l'. tn> asun·r, :\Irs. \\'illi:1111 ~l .·li·Y··. .\ 1 1\':tll ,· t·lt t·rll~ l'hoir i ~ pl :il!llill~~ 111 . TJ 1 tiful plant W H~ pn ·~L· nt ccl t· · :\Irs. :-;l'lltt tho· lll:tj"r s ll nn· f·f tl 11· :\1· ~si: d1 :11 ' ~mith who St ·n ·L·d su · flit-i l' 11t 1~ · a., prt·si\ll!>J'\lilll-! So 1'\ i<'o · 1 lo·t ·t·Jll]wr ] :t . dL·n l for 11l'ii i'Jy t \\'0 Yt '<l I'S, 1lo \'(· tl Tlu· Philath t·;L cla ss unch·1 · til l' k:~tl · rship (·f ~!i ss Stl· \\'ar~ will ha\' P ~·liar~:· t·i' tlll' !ll id - \\'N· k Sl 'l'\' l('t' l H'Xt \\ o · dtt· ·~ fl: ·.l' , ni:..:I1t. Tht' lllt' at this s~· rYic·' \\' ill 1.. tJ 1 1'\'.l; tli(lnslriP of this <'hllrl'h and ~ ·., 1 1111 tilt· vommiltt ·l'S ity t" th· · l.:tl\t' Bluff "rphan :tg··: :d.J · ~ifts !'or Iittl· · l' hi ](ll'··lt '.' <',.uld ~~·'I !\now wlt:tt :-; Itt!'\' ] ,r .. .},~ :11··. 11 1- l'11c"' ~ · · c1t ·\'11l i"nal antl J: iJ.J, . :->I nd .' },. .. : wo11ld lw thor nuglrl~· · ltj .. ·.- ,·d 1 ,1'!·\l ll~ 1wopl ··'.' \\.t · dnt ·s cl:t~ · ·\ ·' IIi lit:, I' ' · ··lll l H·t· l:i, tlwri· will l w :~ di ~ J.\.11 · ;11 11. dlUr c· h :tlliltl( 7:i r,f' th· · l w~t lolllll\~ 1:1 1hf' fit ·l d or Tl <· li g-ious EcliH ':tli··ll. · · LI ~ I· fit-<1 ft(·c· ording: to sul ·j· ···t ll l:l tt·'l' .tl tcl : .. ag1 · group. 'l'h t· r· · \\·ill ],. . ],,,.],,.: t"r ~ .... :t ll\1 lol'd· ~ l' ,.: \\' ill l11 · t :tl\1· 11 t'111' ·d l t· · r ~ \\'ltio-h nr Afternoon Tea · Tilt · Ep\\lll'th lt- :l).:' \11 ' h :· d :Ill illl· I'· ~I ill. Slit i ;ll hfllll' Jll't '\'\'l1in g· th o· ]o ·; t :.:,ll· · Ill·' I· i 11 ~- J: I S t :-; llll (]:I ~' \ · \ 't ·ll ill g . 'I' Jr' . !.: l'" \1 ' 1 ~:tng· t 'hri~t111:1s c:t rnl s and \lr . :-:t :ttt'1·1ol ··nto-rt:tinl'(1 tlwm \\'itlr sonw "t' l ti'-' I"" 11. · .\ IU!H'h \\':tS Sl' l'\'l'll h~· t h· · ~~~··i;tl I. ·II · mittt·t', aft· r ,,·hich all · · nJ~·~ · · d tl · TA·:Ig tH' prog:rnm. ('h;trl· ·s \' :trn· ·~·. t::t\· · an i nl!·rt ·sting· talk . Th1 · g rowtl1 111 .,r lt ·!Hl a lll 't·. a t t h" ~u nd ay (' \" ·1 ·1i n g- Ill· · 1i 11~ ~ l ot' tlw lt ·:t).:'U!' incli<":ttl' th :tl tho· jll'l 1l!l': ·l1>" a rt · intl'l't ·sting· and oth··r Y"llll L.: P····l' l.· ar· · in,·i t' d to n tt c· ncl . :"\· ·"-! ~uncln~· t·\' l·n ing· at ,; ::~11 tl1· · .\1 .' pah ··lass uf tlw ('hun·h !·a- h oed ,,·ill pr· · s··nt tlw play "Simon's \\.if· ··s :\l'otlr · r ., for Christmas Shoppers ACH AFTERNOON between now and Christmas, the Central Cafetena will serve Tea for the Holiday shopper. At noontime, too , the C e n t r a l awaits you with an appetizing and 1enuinely d e l r c r o u s luncheon. FridaY P \ C' ning-, D('(· f' mlw r 111. at P n1. th· · ·LalH·sidc· sub-district rall~· will J., h c· ld nt C'oYPnnnt ::\ldhodist f'hur l' h. I f:t r1 · n ·y H\'I ·!Hlt ', nnP hlcwk south of < 't ·nt r:l,, J ·:\·a nsl~·n . Hr. 'l'ra\·is of Epw o rth l' lllll' · h i~ tlw s pt ·a 1;; L· r . ..\II ll·agu. ·t·s :t r· · ltl'J..!· ·l t11 :t tt l' lld . E Th 1· Cirl St·outs a n · l wginnillg 1lt· i1' ( 'hri~tmas wort<. Troc,p T\' i s nt<~k iL~ . l'llar:tdt·r doll~-; for an orphanago ·, Tr'·"ll dl.!ls for a C'hilclrt ·n's \\'011'<1 in a IH ·~ pital, and Troop III scrap boolu; for a rr <Ia~· nursc· r~·. Tlw c·c .mmunit~· r:irl ~~ ·o ut I 'ullllllit t·' h n rl a Y· ·ry intPr, ·sting· lllt ·(·tin g Tw ·H1: t. \ a t't t·rnonn at whil-h tinw :\Ti ~s T!u tlt Pt ·<tSI', C"r.unty Fic ·lcl Supt ·t'int· ·n<l· ·nt f··l <'hi1 ·ag·o, ('onk <'nunty, ilistric-t t :tll;;~·<l 111 tho · · ·nJHmitlt ·t· ahout tl11·ir \\' Cll'k . Get ahead of fatigue by dropping in for a delightful bit of refreshment and a moment's rest in the comfortable, homey atmosphere of this inviting dining room. First Scandinavian Evangelical ~~ ~~ ~1 1 n r-:lm Rtn·d, \Vinn Ptk<L l'astor, A. E . Rohrbach . Elm strc·d, t C' l phon r 2iJ~·; . 1101 · us Of' WORSJIJP !;-:unda\·Sunda~· :-<('honl !l :~0 a. m. ~lliJ.t · s··hool !l ::W n. m. (For ~· oung lllf·n nnd \\'01111'11 ) ~ubit-d : "PC'rscmal Tnlks of .Jps u s." S"·, :dish sc·rvirP 11 a.. m. Young· w·oplC' ;, p. m. E:t!g-lish sf'n·h·<' 7 :45 p. m . Tlw Rt·\'. E. P. G i(');t'r will spC'ak on hi ."' \n·rk among· t h <' :\T ormons in Ct a h. \\"l ·dnC·f'd;LY.-\postle~." Personal Supervision of Fred Miller CENT R .A L CAFETERIA Nelson Building ::iundays ~\\'t'OiRh ~Prvk C' R ]). m. Suhjc·e~ RtudiC's in ".A r ts nf tll· · Central Avenue, east of Wilmette Avenue WILMETTE 12 to 5 ThursdavTiihlE' R( UdY in l..Ul{ 's g·os[Wl and prny C· l" meeting p . m. You :tl'C' C'ordinllv im·it l'd to attrnd. "And T joy'd to 'thi nk r:nd's g-re::ttn·' SS nollc'd around my inromJ)Ic·trnPs> Around my r estlC'ssnPss, Jlis rest.' ·s The Kenilworth club is giving a dance this evening. J, I

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