December 10, 1926 WILMETTE liFE "ct" New · SIX BRAKE SYSTEM for Portion of Telegram Received by All Lincoln Dealers FD Chicago, Ill., Dec. 2, 1926. Triangle Motors, Inc. 18 24 Ridge Ave., Evanston, Ill. Effective December first- list prices on Lincoln cars increased two hundred dollars to cover ne\V brake equipment. Front wheels internal expanding brakes, rear · wheels internal expanding brakes also rear \Vheels external contracting and internal expanding brakes operated through emergency lever giving six separate braking units. Signed FORD MOTOR COMPANY, Detroit, Mich. Triangle Automobile Co.·. Evanston Branch - - - - - 1824 Ridge Avenue Highland Park Branch - Park and St. Johns Avenues Chicago Galleries - - 2229 South Michigan Avenue WHERE YOU BUY IN THE CORRECrf ATMOSPHERE AND WHERE YOU ARE SERVED WITH COURTESY, PROMPTNESS AND EXPERIENCE