WILMET'TE YOL. XYI. :\0. 11 LIFE PRICE .FIVE CENT3 A Weekly News-Magazine for Wilmette and Keniltoorth \VI L~JETTE, IL~INOI S, DECEMBER 10, 1926 PORTRAY XMAS SPIRIT IN ADORATION PAGEANT Sunday School of Wilmette Baptist Church to Present "White Gifts for the King" . Vi ANT WILMETTE BAND Chamber of Commerce Would Have Village Place Band Revenue Pl'op· osition on Ballot At Sunday Club 1· ---------------------------- 1 I· SUNDAY CLUB TO HEAR . DR. S. PARKES ·c· ADMAN One of Greatest Preachers of Day Will Speak Sunday on "Mission of the Republic" - TOPPLES POST-FINED EchYard Chler, residing- at 1502 'Valnut street, was fined $100 and costs on a charge of reckless driving \\'hen he crashed into a lamp post on Highland a\'Cntte near Ridge avenue at about 3 :30 Thursday afternoon. · He was also -compelled to bear the cost of insta11ing a _new: l~mp post.