Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1926, p. 46

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WILMETTE STUDY HOLY GRAIL Dr. A. C. L. Brown, professor in English at Northwestern, will spend six months abroad, beginning February, in a study of the origin of the Holy Grail. Prof. Brown has made an extensive study of allliter.ature connected with the legend of · the Grail and hopes to learn further about it his studies in Ireland and the continent. LIFE December 10, 1926 the violin. by. Kreis!e.r. · In ~esponse to the enthustasttc audtence, M1ss Han· -sen was induced to play an encore, And Her PlaYJn· Enthrall· Patrons at . "Serenade, bv Chaminade which was ~innetka Music Club A'l'tiata-Re- · intensely beautiful. ' cltal Monday Tschaikowsky's "Concerto in D MaWe are busy making the jor" which is probahly one of the most B~· Ruthcda L. Pret:;el difficult for violin. was takfn with the little gifts that we give our Cecelia Hansen, violinist, played with titmost case. Miss Hansen had so friends each Christmas. an amazing amount of skill and sym- thoroughly mas tered the techniqu_~ of nathy, on Monday even ing at New it that s he cou ld give the interpretaTrier high , sc hool, at the second of the tion the attention it deserves. artists recitals s ponsored by the \Vin The la st group \\'as composed of Miss Louise Koepke of 414 \Vash- netka ~{ u sic club. One can hardlv B. COPLAN. Prop. "Lotus Land," a liCJuid, floating hit of ington avenue is attending the Junior conceive of a woman violinist wh~ m eloclv hY Cvril Scott-Kreisler: 1 1 2 6 Central A venue prom at the Uni\'-ersity of Illinois this could equal the height s oi technique " Dan s.e" b{· Cvr(l Scott. which w.1s Phone Wil. ~403 week-end. ;:~nd tonal quality reached hy Mis~ clean c~t ~nd saucy: Godo"·sky-Prcss' Hansen. who is certainlv a mu sician "Alt Wicn," a thing of dainty charm of uncommon gifts. Her. t o ne is large '"hich " ·as ven· well liked; and Poppcrand m~llow, and, playing o n the fam- Auer's "Sp inniicd.~' gay and light, with llUS Stradivarius once O\\·necl bv a smooth motion. \Vilhebnj, Miss Hansen ldt nothing Miss Hansen was very frugal with to be de sired. . ., " ,. encor es, hut \Ya s finally persuaded to Her ,.fir st. number was \ 11tall. ~ C1a- play her· seco nd on the ev·ening's pro conna; " ·h1ch "as \'e ry flowutg and gram, ."Liebesfreud," by Kreisler, which m~lodtotts. Th; .:econc~ g~.oup b~~an she i)layed with an altogether delight \nth Beethoven s R_o ndm o, ex.qttl:-itte-1 ful manner. General Oflice1, 844 Rush St. lv gentle under Mtss Hensen:.; ho\\' . - - - --- - North Shore plant, Howard at McCormick Blvd. "Melodic" by Gluck, " ·hich followed, Mr. and ~fr s. John C. Dillon oi 1-Hl Telephones: was a lovely muted air; and the last, Seward street, Evanston, iormerly of Niles Ceater Z17 Superior 6481-2-3-4 '· Pracludium ancl Allegro" by Pugnani, \Yilm ette , were gi ,·cn a surpri :-,e party Ro.en Park ot8Z Greenleaf 34H was brilliant and vigorous. The en- hy a group of thl'ir \Yilm ~ttc friend . tire second group had been arranged la .:it Saturday l'\·enin).{. Those present MISS HANSEN PLAYS I for Come, get yoursJ· I UNIQUE STYLE SHOP OIL TO BURN A Grade for Every Burner HUGHES 6 COMPANY were ~~ r. and ~1 rs. George E. Tarnow, ~f r. and ~Irs. l~ ohe rt Font ham, ~[ r. an d ~I r:-;. Ha\'lnond P<.·arson. ~~ r. and ~~ r~. Chri:-totdll'r .J. Curran, ~f r. and ~~ r-;. Frank A. :\f itchell. and ~~ r. and ~~ r:'. Christopher J. Reilly. -o~I r~. Ray Pearson oi 117 DulJt:l' plaCl· entertaint'd hl'r bridge club ni r ight members at lun cheon. Tttesda~· la st. Beauty Lies in Healthy ~YES It'a not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them ~autiful. Rather, it's the glow which ra<:liates from them. Ur,. less ic.ept a lwaysclean and healthy, EYES lack1this alluting . lustrt. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par# tides ::md keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. Sold in dae Eitel Restaurants C. IL N. W. Terminal, Chkqo CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS Our illustrated books on "E-ye CaW' or "B~e Beauty" are 'fREE on requat. The Murine Company lkp,.. 33, Chicqo Also at the New Hotel Eitel Delaware & Rush Sts. CHICAGO which is under the sa~ management Eitel Christmas Bakery Specialties are famous because of· their fine qualities. No holiday festivity is complete without them.. En~y Luuch-Tea-Dinner in the Eitel Restaurants. DeliciousAp~ Foods. Convenient to Trains. Three RestaW'anta: Main Dining Room, Train Floor;·Lunch Room, Main Floor; Concourse Restau· rant, Washington Street Concourse. tlfTl q,!!~~~[, .JJ· EVES· EITEL, Inc., Chicago & NorthWestern T enninalStation, CHICAGO

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