WILMETTE LIFE December 10, 1926 1'--_R_om_e_B_u_il_d .... in_g_A_ ~ct_i-v_t._.·ty_L_iv_'e...:.ly~D-re_s_P_it_e_U_n_fa_v_o-:-ra_b_l_e_m_e_ · a:_t_he_r_~l ~lllllllllllllllllllll l llllll l lllllll l l l lll) l )l ll l ll l ll l ll l ll l l ll ll lll l l l l llllllll l lllll l lllli ii iiiiiii)JJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJI I IIIIIII)JII)IIIIII I JIIIIIIIIIIIII)IIIII I I :: Cornerstone Reveals Big DEVELOPE HOME SITES Boost in Realty Values Max Ekelman, ~oe Builder, Con , Last week whe n the cdrn er stone in the Capitol buildi ng, Chicago, ~ n ~w n as t he old Masonic Temple bmldmg, was opened, papers contained in t he st ron g box, publ is hed in 1890, told of golde n opportunities · fo r investments in land, "onl y five mi les from th e 1 courtho use. T we nty acres in Roge r :P a rk were o ff er ed for $10.500 and lots 0 11 Crawford aven ue \\' ere sd ling for $350 each. " struc:ts Attractive Residences Jackson Avenue Area in BARRINGTON THE country home section of Chicago where one can ride horseback from his front door over miles of beau tiful bridle paths. hunt ~heasants in his own back yard during the season, play golf and enjoy the most unusual vtews and scenery in Illinois. ~I ax Ek<.· lman n. of 595 Yern on an·mt t'. c ·o wles and Taylor 3 3 2 S. La Salle St. Phone Wabash 7 8 13 ~ll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ) lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllll l lllllllllllllllll)llllllllllllllll)llllllllllll)lllll)lllllllll)lllll~ ~======================~==~~~~~~ Glencoe, is numb ered among the build ers who a r e being a ttacted t o t hl' nun ternus att ract ive bu ild ing site~ 1111 Jac k so n aven ue. in t hat v ill age, \\'here at '1\o. 505 hr is no\\' · deve loping a $35.000 resi de ntia l property wh ich he pla ns to have rea d.\· for t he ma rk et in In strikin g cont rast to th is. t he the ~pring. The fou ndation \\'as put owner of a small a-creage tract near Glencoe is sa id to have just refused in the past ,,·eek. a nd " ·ork on the an offe r of $11.000 per acre. and $6.000 snprrstructure will progress as rapidly today is considered chcap for a lot in as \\·cathe r condit i on~ '"i ll perm it. th at vi ll age, ah!w ugh it is more than The house ,,·ill hr oi the Engli-.11 I fo ur times the dis ta nce from the loop t \'IH'. cnnstr nctecl oi buff ~ tlt cco <111 to Rogc·rs Park. I tile. " ·ith -;hing l ~.,· roni and \\'il l rnm 1 prist· eight ronn1s. thrct baths ancl a t\\·<· car attachrd garage. "X fr . Eklt' l Chicago Area to Grow ntann says it is to he one (ii the pn·tMillion in Years tiest hnnH.·s in thi . ~ection of the ,-iJThat th e popu lation of the Chicago la~c. and is indicatin· of other similar metropolitan area should rearh a min- high class rc~idcntial proprrtirs no,,· . imum total of 5.000.000 persons \\'ithin unden\·ay or be ing planned ior thi . . t he next fi,·c ,·cars j.., an e:-.timate sect ion of Gle ncoe. horne ::)llt hy - figure~ and ntimates ~ I r. Ekehnan u ftTL'lltl~· compktl'd ju st subm itted to ~ l a\'ur \\.illiant E. ior ~ l r. and ~ l r:-;. l'. S. ~ f iner. their Dcn·r oi Chicago. and i·:d\\'ard :\ . Hur - ht·a ntiiul residence propl'ft\· at 3-t-t ~ :. ley and ~lyro n F ..-\dams of the Cen - Pains. a Pennsyh·ania Colo;t ia l oi stur tennial Exuosition ro mlllitte~.· . \ l nre Cll () !! tile. the . -,tucc<· hl'ing· in natural than one -titird ni this · increase \\·as color. It is a ntas . . iYt· ten ruom hott :'e . -credited to thosr area:-; \\'hich lie (ltlt- I \rith a large ~tlll porch. hreaki ;1 -t side the city\ corporate limih. ' ro ntll, three ha t h.; and an attached ga 1ra l!·t·. a . . perially pka sing d~.· . . ign j,,r WITH KROLL AND SMITH 1tlw ht·autiiul gn.unds. thl' latter ha\ ~ I rs . \ Vil liall! _1. ~ l cDmn·ll. formerh· ' in . l!' a irottlag~.· ni 1.23 ivct and a dqt~ 1 1 as~<>e iatcd \Yith tltc 1 ~ . 1 ·:. Stulr.... l~ealt~· ,, j .230. in the n·ar of \\'hirh i th e tnu r :, CC\Iltpan _ ,.. has acu·ptl'd a pu sit ion \\'ith adtnired r()rk garcl<:n. Tnh n :\rchiha id Kro ll and S111ith, rl'a l estate hr(lkers :\rnht r< lllg, oi Chicago.- \\'a' the atT llitl' ct. at -t l9 Fourth str<.Tt. \ \ .i llllette . - - - ---·-- - - - - - - - - -- . by 5 I I 1 I i Hoyt King Purchases Valuable West Acreage Hoyt King-. · cti ill F0rt·:-.t an·nut·. \\.i lnJette . ha-; purrha-.l'd i(1r in\.l' "tlltL·llt sr n·nt _ ,·-o tH· arre-; on the --o11th . . id t· ttl . Hali Day road al>o11t a hali - milt t·a,i oi \ \ 'au kegan road. fn·tn Pllltkl' ;tnd C.rosl>y fo r .~1.12 . 000. or appr .1xim;i!t·ly ~22.10 an ane . Tt \\ill lalt'r ht· -..uJ,di ,·id<'d and suld in -..mall arrt' tr ;tct'. ~ I r. King anno unce s. See Now HOW COMFORTABLY · you can live at The Elmgate See how happily- how easily and economically you can live at this homelike hotel that does away with all home cares and banishes heating problems. A number of desirable one and two room home units available- inspection every day from 9 A.M. to 9 P. M . or phone. BUYS WINN~TKA CORNER P. R. Cu nn ing hant. runt ractor ;tnd bui lder of Glenc::>e. has pu rchased 0r \\'arcl Pea rl , throu g h P. \\' . Dr ad:-;.trvd a nd co m pa ny 1 788 Flm street. \\'i n netka. t he ixt\' fe<:t oi Yacant at the nor t h\\' es t corn.e r of HicJ· .. e a \·e n ue ;1nd As h street, \ Vin ntt k a. (;~ \r h ic h he i" pl a n ning th e erection oi a sr ,·c n nr e.ig ht room h o u ~c . for t he spri ng market. A First M o r t g a g e Gold Real Estate Bond secured by N o r t h Shore property the Christmas gift that expresses more than a passing consideration. Greenleaf 2 I 0 0 C)he ELMGATE MAIN STREET AT ELMWOOD AVENUE ~~mE 15 64 Sherman Aven· Evanston