st WtLMETTE LIFE thes~ December 10, 1926 U~ 11T£R Imospheric eff~c.ts the theater, according t9 vtsttors, sets a new standNEW VARSITY Tnr.ll TO BE OPENED DEC. 2JI ard. Scrap Old Ideaa A new conception of theater in- ' Pia h teriors was worked out for the Varsity, Evanston & 2500-Seat Y ouse I aided by a unique and striking tightEmbodies Novel Ideas ing effect. Conventional ideas of in Decoration theater decoration were scrapped by Thursday, Dec. 23, will be the opening date of the Varsity, Evanston's new 2,500 seat motion picture theater de luxe, according to announcement made this week by Manager Clyde Elliott. The event is expected to focus the attention not only of the Evanston and North Shore public but also oi motion picture people over the country because of the unusual character of 'the new the{lter and of its strategic position. · Evanstoni a ns have a surprise in store for them, it is believe d, when th ey en ter the Va r . ity · o n th e op ening day. Prominent theater men w ho have vis ited th e theater, at Church s treet and S he rm a n a ve nu e, as it neare d com pletion have classe d it a m ong t h e m os t beautiful and m os t di stii1 ctive moti on picture hou ses in th e ·co untry. In the detail ed and faithful developing of at- - - - -- those who conceived the Varsity, it is reported, in order to give t.h e North Shore o ne o f th e outs tandtng play hou ses of th e country. Foyer. lo unges , smoking room s are being furni shed and decorated with a lu x uriou sness in ke eping with the re s t o f the theater. l ead air in summ er time is made possible in the theater by the installation of th e n ewes t ty pe of refrigerating and ventil a tin g unit. Th e pipe organ wa s bqilt by th e Geneva Orga n · company ahd required upwa rd s o f a ye a r in the bUilding. To Feature First-Run Pictures First run pictures . thr m os t important offerin gs of filmdom, \viii b e th e policy of t he Varsity. acco rding to 1f r . Elliott. It is the stated ambition of the management to present entertainment of such merit as to attract theater-goers - - - - ·· - - from not only the north shore town s but from Chicago as well. 11111111111 ' ' =_ ~= Mr. Elliott and his a ssoc ia t es ~ds~1 r ontrol th e New Evan s ton a nd the H oyhurn t_ h e_ a_ t e_ r s_ . - -- Ye Olde' -B a.., I It e - ~' 111111111111 IY THE CAMPUS "K os he r Kitt v Kell n·" i:- o n t he screen today th e CalllJHl S th e at er . - Viola Dana carried the lea d. " 1f o rg an son's Finish" will be sh o wn when th e - bill c ha nge s S a turda~' , th e sc r ee n inte r pre tation of a Jack L o nd on story , \\' i ih Anita S t ewart and Johnn y \ Valk e r in _ leading role s. " Out o f th e S to rm .'· featuring Jacqu elin e L oga n a nd Ed mund Burn s, will come M o nday. 616 GROVE STREET SAN FRANCISCO ~LOS ANGELES Cornet of Shttman Phone Greenleaf 140 at - all-Pullman-strictly first-class-fast timeno extra fare·""'~ · FAMOUS - $}.00 _ Served Daily 5:00 to 8:00 Sundays DINNER 12:00 to 9:00 MENU for SUNDAY Ar. ~00 a. m~ (t~) Lv. 8:00p.m. Lv. 2:50p.m. Lv. t 1:00 a. m. Lv. 1:15 p.m. Lv. 11:00 a.m. Celery Q·teen Olives Radishes 8:30p.m. 9:30a.m. l:lOp.m. ,t!) 2:30p.m. 2:35p.m. C::) 2:30p.m. Lv. CHICAGO. (C.&N.W.) Ar. OMAHA ·· (C. &N. W.) Ar.OCDEN ······ (U.P.) Ar. SAN FRANCISCO (S. P.) Ar.SALTLAKE CITY(U.P.) Ar.LOS ANGELES . (U.P.) Equipment provides every convenience for a comfortable and pleasant journey. Skilled barber, maid and valet service. Bath and manicure. Dining cars all th.e ·nay. Four Other FaSt Trains to California SAN FRANCISCO.. OVERLAND LIMITED 63 hours, extra fare'- Lv. 8:10p.m. Choice of Fried Fresh Scallops Sauce Romelade Braised Calves Sweet Breads Fresh Mushroom Sauce French Pork Tenderloin - Country Gravy Fried Apples Roast Young Chicken _ Giblet Dressing Cranberry Sauce Prime Cut of Beef au Nature! Hot Rolls Pineapple Ice Au Gratin Tomatoes Mashed or French Fried Potatoes Head Lettuce and Tomato Salad French Dressing Choice of Apple Pie with Cheese, Hot Mince, Pumpkin, or Vanilla Cream Pie Strawberry Sundae or Chocolate Ice Cream Coffee Tea Milk lOS ANGELES LIMITED 63 hours, extra fare-Lv. 8:00p.m. BROOKFIELD SAUSAGE For a winter breakfast you'll find nothing quite so appetizing as an order of sizzling sausage with hot buttered toast and delicious coffee. It will make you feel better all day. CONTINENTAL LIMITED No extra fare-Lv. 2:30p.m. CALIFORNIA MAIL Lv. 11:59 p.m. &"or Gt~tailed information, reaervation· and ticlret· apply E. E. <lllXEH, 'l'icl, et Ag·e nt \\' ilmettE>, Ill. Tt·l. 'W il. 4 \\" .· 1. CJ L\P.:\1.:\:X, Tid<t't .\gt·nt Ktonilworth, Ill. 'l'Pl. K e nil. n6; l159E CHICAGO &NORTHWESTERN Rv. 77ae Beat ol Everything in the Beat of the Weat I=== SPECIAL BUSINESS LUNCH DAILY II :30 till 2:00 P. M. Under the of Frint Georgt ;.~o:l The Wilmette Cafe Direction Meals that satisfy . - - - - - -- ------ flllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~