Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1926, p. 54

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WILMETTE LIFE The Rev. William P. McElveen, former pastor of the First Congregational church of Evanston, has accepted the charge at the Pilgrim Congregational church of Englewood. T~e Rev. Mr. McElveen left Evanston tn 1917 after serving as pastor of the First Congregational church for ten vears. At the present time he is pastor of th·e Plymouth Congregational church of St. Paul, Minn. He will take over his new charge soon. Decetnber 10, 1926 DR. McELVEEN IN ENGLEWOOD'NEW WINNETKA __ HOME Dr. c. E. Gallow·y of Evanston to Occupy Magnificent Residence Early Next Summer 565 Lincoln Ave.nue Winnetka Gift .Suggestions Jackets of Suede and Capeskin Knitted Jumper Suits Imported 0 Flowers Hand-blocked Scarfs Infants' Rompers 1 and 2 year sizes Sweaters Windsor Ties Children's Sweaters 1 to 14 year sizes. h One of the prettiest homes planned for the north shore the past season is the one which Dr. Charle s Edwin Galloway, of Evanston is building on Private road, Winnetka. and which will be completed early next summer. It is English Cotswold type of architexture, and will be built of Lanil C. OF C. IN ELECTION stone, a hard Niagara lime stone, quarThe annual election of officers of ried near Milwaukee. Due to its rich the Wilmette Chamber of C~mm~rce permanent coloring it is becoming will be_ held January 3, at wluch tun.c 1 quite popular throug_hout. the cour~try. the officers to be chosen are a pre st- Some of the stone trun wtll he Indtana dent, treasurer and eight directors, four lime stone. Consider:able of the trim I for a term of one year and four for about the windows will he of the same a two vear term. Lanil stone. The windows will be · steel casements and in some instances $5-D 0 w ~-$5 will have stone sills inside. The roof Special for Christmas. Any machine in will be of rough slate. There will be stock. NEW or REBUILT, LARGE or a tottch of half timber an(l plaster, PORT ABLE, f;Old for ONLY $5 DOWN' the same composing the second floor Rebuilt portables as low as $29.50. );ew over the sun parlor. to the west. or r e bui'lt portables, all makes. Our t e rm·s Tit" first floor ·will consist of an enas low as rental. R eserve Your Christmas " .Machine Now. SMITH TYPEWRITER trance hall ,~~,· ith lavatory and cloak SALES CORP., John J. 1\IcCormick, .Mgr. room. one on either side, a study done 151 '\\... Randolph St. at La Salle. Special · 1 · k · 1' ·h 11 attention to phone inquiries. CENTRAL enttre Y tn oa · pane 111g wtt a 4750. sheh·es inclosed: living room and sun parlor ~ith a double fireplace be t\\·ecn; diniug room. kitchen, butler's pantry and se rvants ' sitting room ancl a two car g·aragc built entirely fireproof and separated by automatic door s irom the rest of thl' hou se. 'l'IH.· boiler room aud oil tank \\'ill he sit u a ted under tilt garage and will abo be of the same t'ircprooi construction. Thr onh· entrance int o the rrar of the hou se will he in the st·n·ant:-' si tting rnom. doing away with an out~ide door into the kitchen . The ba sement \\'ill co ntain among other thin g·s a moderak sized hall roo m for the children. The children will also han' a large play room on the third floor. The m:-tin stairway will he circular. approximately fourteen feet in diameter, affording an cas\· ascent. The second fl oor w-ill con. ist of five master hcdrootil s and four baths. Part of th e space over the garage on the second floor ~ill he used as room and hath for a gardener and will he accesable only throug-h an outside stairway on the cast sid e of the house. The third floor will consist of two maids' rooms and hath. the necc ssan· cedar closet, storag-e space and a large pi<J\Toom on the west side. Plank flooring will he used throughout the first floor. The dining room a nd sun parlor will open upon a terrace toward the south. The furnishings of the house will he in harmonv with the English type of architecture. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HERE COMES smartest we've ever held 19 2 7! and the biggest NEW YEAR'S EV .E PARTY A gala night ... an eleborate menu. Special entertainment ... souvenirs for the ladies. And lest you forget, the best music in Chicago. BANK TO LAY CORNERSTONE With brief, simple ceremonies the cornerstone of the new building of the State Bank and Trust company of Evanston will be laid Mondav aftt!rnoon at 4 :30. The stone will be phced in the pilaster at the southwe st corner of the building. In it will be sealed a metal box containing current publioations, lists of officers and directors of the bank, coins, the programs of the Army-Navy and tl~e Chicago-North .. western footb;~.ll games and various papers of contemporary interest. The ceremony will be followed by a brief program in the bank lobby presided over by F. ]. Scheidenhelm, president. William A. Dyche, chairman of the hoard. Mayor Charles H. Bartlett, and President Walter Dill Scott will be among those called upon for brief talks. Offi-cers, directors, stockholders and others who are interested in the growth of the bank witt witness the ceremony and be guests at the meeting in the lobby. The Charles A. Koepke family of COPE HARVEY, himself and his famous dance orchestra. Dancing and arrangements under direction of Miss DOROTHY BENTLEY Friday evening. December thirty-first. Make your reservation now! Dinner. Dances-Every· Saturday evening at eight: Fonnal. $3.00 per per son. Guests arriving after dinner $1.50 per person Informal Dancing-Every Friday at nine. $1.00 per person. Cope Harvey himse1f and his dance orchestra. :Mis s Dorothy Bentley in charge. ~200 Kenmore Avenue Phone Sheldrake 1600 414 \Vashington avenue entertained at a Thanksgiving dinner at the Illinois \Vomen's Athletic club.

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