Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1926, p. 55

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December 10, 19Z6 WILMETTE LIFE ss . PUBLIC FORUM ] ~. ~~"~~i~~~~[~~~~~~~~~1~~"~ _ Editor , \ V iJme tt e: omm u m on St'f\'Jee a nd n·e(·ption of ne w nwmbt:' r s next Sunday morn ing. ).fusical program for morrling st·r\'iCl' : Herewit h a copy of a reso lution Organ Prd ude-"Oftt>rtoirL' in A" · · · · · · · · ·...... . .. . .... llatistt· pa. sed at t h e m eeting of the Board .\ ntht· ~1-"('om t' s at Times a Rlill· o f T rustee s T uesday eve n in g , Deccmnt ·fis' ·· · ;: ; ·. · · · ·. . .. . .. . .. .. \ \·oodward I ,\ ntht ·m- Lt ·nl·ath tht· Shadow of 1>er 7. ,,at ll of ~ht· r;rf ·at Prott·(·tion" ... ... L>id.; insol' (l t ll at t lle · Reso lved, 111 -. r 1rgan Offt·rtory- "Plantatlon · · (~corge Hu ll Porter t h is community , .\ !(·Indy" · · .. .... .. .. . .. . . . . . Smith (Y r e VI'ou .s 1 H C \\'a S ' ul't-' Ita S SU ff ere( l a r.. O SS. IH ·J·d" 'TIH· Lord Ts :\fy · Sht·J)· ··· t aken in tht' prime of Ji_fr at a time , :>.Ir~ .- ·ii. ::;;)~· ·:;l~d- ·) 1· 1 :_ · ·ilil~~~~tlht·\\' :< " ·hl'n he wa :. about to enJOY an oppor - Jrgan Pos tlud t·-" .\ndant<·" . . . . . .. . . . tttnity to perfor m \'al u ahlc public sen· - I · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·. . .... . . W t· hPr ic(' a s a member of the Board of Trus .Junior <'IIUJ't ·h at 11 (l'dol'l;: in tlw .Tuntee s of the Sanitarv District of Chi - j,,,. As s1 ·mhly room . Th (· lt ·ad (·r is Enid r ago. His \vide r:q)r r icnce as a suc- flt·nd erson . ~ubj t· C't , " Lt·ssons frnm th··l ce :-;siuJ bu s ine ss man and hi s extrnsivc Lif·· of lJa\·id." Talk by a Junior, "Da\'ld to th P ('hri s t f'hild ." Th e· s pc·eial numa ctivities a s a member of mam· club s ht·r plannt·d ·J,y th t· .Junir,r m usi e eom a nd s ocial orga n izations, gave · him a mittt ·t· will ht· a Yiolin and f'O rnet du et, " ·iclc acquaintance and brought to him " Tht· ll!·a ,.t·ns Art · Tt>lling," hy ~rary Alk t· Har··s and .Tot· 1 htY L' R. a multitude of friend s. Rr his death, t he Sanitary District of Chicago ha .:: ('hristian f~nrl t· a\· or a t ;; ::\rt o'dot·k . The bern deprived of a va luab le member, topic· is " ('hildr··n of Our Community: \Vhat !'lha ll \\'t· 1 >o for Tlwm'.'" The Jpa.don e '"hos e record g-ave ahun<lant prom - ··r is Paul n a \'idsnn. ~pt· ci :t l speaker, i:-.e of t:flicit·nt and cons<.·ientiou s scn·- .\ . L. )lillt·r. T lw <'hri s tian BndPaYor '.;(J('ii'ty of t lH · Firs t rnitNl Prc·sh\' t(' rian JC l' . " hUr(' h ()f E\'an s t<,n is in\·itt·d a s · g-u{·sts Re s olHd. fnrthrr . 'that thi-. hoard, rr, our nt t · l'lin~ ~und ay t·\'t·nin g. ;\ s0clal i n behalf of all the oft1cer s of the \'il- hqu1· will IH· h·· ld imnH·di a t· ·h · a ft Pr th L' · lage oi \ Villllcttc. doc s hereby cxtend IIH· I'l i ng-. t o the widow an<l relatiH ~ s in ce re Th t· r· ·g ul :l l' Sf ·h r·dult · o f \\' (· 1'1~1\· IH: ti\·:- ympathy .in th e ir great herca\·rtltcnt. iti t·s wi ll lw (':t rri ,· d r· ut a !; u~unl : Re soln·d . inrllwr. that copie s of th t: r e :-t)!ution ht' for\\'arded to the \\'iclow \fr -. . · Flizaht·th Hog er s P o rt l' r. at.H! t~ th t' B o ard o i Tnt-.t<. ·l·.-; of the S a nitan· . IJ i, trir t o i ( lli r ag o . :\d o pt t: d h ~· t h(' Pr es ide 11 t a 11 d B ::>'a rd PAT!Nt LBATH!R 8~Lfoll-$ 5~ 0 WHIT& KID 6'1&. ioll-$.500 _Alfied · ·RU~ ()UINGTON HOTEl. EVANSTON fOGEWATEit 81A(.H HOTEL. 60 EAST WASHINGTON · SHO. ES for CHILDREN. · QUICKLY RBCOGN.lzg THTI SUPBRIORTTY OF R.UBY:S SHOES FOR CHILDREN . THEY ARE NOT ON.LY STURDY WT c5MA:RT IN APPEARAN.CB-: THE DlSCRtMlNATlNG ·MOTHER WILL It Tut · s 1 tt~· . ] 1, . 1., . 111 h, ·r 1 ~. is tlw a ll-da~· m· ···tin g· · .t· tlw \\·o rlla n's so<'it-t,· at the <'lnrr·l'h . Lun c· lwon r~ t nnon with s pecial f··atur.·s. 'l'h· · mi s:-: io n' s JH·og ntm eomm itt, ... h.ts pro,·idt ·d :t n · r~· tmiqut' )11'0 " !'a m illl ll lt' d L tl ·· l~· ft~ l lowin g· th·· dinn (·r. 1 1.1 i~ t ··rmt ·d ".\Ti s!·-i r_'llH IT !-'hips.". E ac h · 'J ' · 1 \ ··1 · .. !-'p flh· · w 1ll 11 :\\·,. 0 11 1t s t a ld !" r~ s hrp p r f' · til · ir p : 1rt in thi ~ uniqu t· pro()t rt h t~l"- o t t H ' · 1 !age ot \\ dml'tt e p:tr l'(l f11 1 flit th e ;t h d a ~· 1J1 Dcr e mbn. :\ . D. t! r:trn . .\ la <lit·s· qu a rt t·ttt · fr om (lil t- of 11J.:?fl, a t 8, 1'· 111 . t il· · ~ p r.) ; , · s \\' ill sing·. SitOK!D ELK 8\.lell· . . . Jt,·g u la r m id - \\'t·t ·l' s. ·n ·it··· ( ·11 " -t·rln c·sTANCAJ.P ~~fDlt·$.5~o L a rl 1·.. ( Jr 11e r. p rc-. ld t·nt 1! : 1 ~· ··\···ning a t S o'r· l!ld ' r·o11tinuing til· · WHITE BUCK8\L1Z-$6? 5 .A. ti t·-, t: \: iL·h<d;t.., D. \lilkr \'i l c lnk. ..: tud it-s i!l tlw pa r a hll- s. . PAT£NT lBATJU.i&\:felt·£6~ · · .\ .ltrlliOI' < 'l tn s t ma s p a rt~· Will h(' lw ld --------f, ,,. I lit · .Juni o r d ·· pa rt mt· nt of tlw ~unda~· l -.:r ·hnnl :t n rl t )p · .Juninr <·hurl' h c·omhin Nt. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - l ·' r irL t~· :t ft· · rur~ttn , l h·n·ml!t'r 17 at 4 :::,) ALLEN HOME SOON ··'··lrwk. "\ n· r~ · in t··res tinl!' prog-ra m h as U. E. :\ Ill' 11 , a 111 em her o f t he fir 111 of 1" ··· 11 plamH ·d th a t will fi, ·Ji g ht tht~ Juniors. L r!dingt o n and .\llt· tJ. real e s tat e hr o k .\ <'hr·i s tma s t·ntt ·l·tainrn t· nt has ltt·c· n t·r , o n l.inden a\·enue. \\'ilm c ttr. is e x - pn ,\'i dt ·cl f, ,r tilt · ~unda~· s ehool and thi s \·r·a r is l·SJH·(' ially appropriat f' . It will ht' pn :tcd hack ir o m Caliiornia about De - .Jll't ·s· . ntl'fl \\···<lrw:-:d a .\·. Tk('(· mhe r 22. at l'l' lllhcr .?0. \1 r . :\lkn \\·ilJ han: been in 7 :~ 0 p. 111. Tt Is f' ntit lt"d "The Life of ( 'aliiornia aht~Ut s ix weeks· \\'here hr <'hrist ." .-\ lll'autiful and fasc-inating· !Ja . , IH'en Yi:-oiting \\'ith r elatiYes and mt·\·ing· pktur~ · st ory. TIH· First l'r l' sl!~· tt · rinn churd1 , C t'C11'~(' f r : t'lld ~. \\' ord recci\·{'(l from him from P. :\lagill 11. ]l ., pastor, b l o(' at~· d at tht· time tu time ha s in dicated that he ha :-; l'orn l' r of Xinth stn·t'l and nret: n! C'af a\·t·nUf'. hccn h ;t\·i11g- a :-plendi d \'isit. The Warm WinterWay to . . I I I I via De luxe ACACIA MAUSOLEUM BEAUTIFUL ACACIA PARK it s t an d s in s t a te ly beaut y a nd pe rma ne nt g r a ndeur, an ex clu s ive sepulchre ('!lliJod h·s en·Q · m od (' r n sd e nt iflc_ ~ncan s for ~ he ca r e ~f t he d ead a nd the com for t a nd p r ote(·t io n of the hvtng, a nd w n h t hat, 111 its structure and i appo i n tnH· nt ~. embr aces eve r y r it!h , q u ie t , lasti n g gr ace of culture and r e fine- 1 m e nt. Rising- as a s il t' nt st> nt in(' l k eeping watch an d w ard over the broa d C X) H·\n~t · nf I I I I Golden State Limited FINER AND FASTER THIS SEASON whe r e t lw dea d m ay be laid a way w ithout the atte nda nt distr ess of ground b uri a l. and insurt·d aga ins t futur e n eglect in dry, sanita r y, white marb le i tomb~ . 1Jt:' l't\ in an e ven t t' m] wntture, g u a rded a nd prot ect ed fro m wint e r' s I cold an d ~umnH·r's h eat, oth er s m ay com e in loving I>ifg rimage a nd k ee p a liY t· t h t·ir lon·d o ne's m em o r y in pri\'a te sanc tu a r y and without t h e d a n ger of cl im a t i<: C'x posure. S pacio u s r oo ms, fa mil y compa rtm t> nt s, g ro~pe d or ~i ~gl e cr ypts a r e a rr a ngHl In m Rn Y w ays t o s uit the needs of fa mtl y or indt v tdua l. I I I I Leaves Chicago- La Salle St. Station (on the elevated loop) -Rock Island Lines-8:30 p. m. · daily, arrives Los Angeles__:. So\lthem Pacific Lines-9:30a.m. Returning- leaves Los Angeles 5:00 p. m., arrives Chicago 10:00 a. m.-only two days and three nights en route. Extr~ fare, $10. Other high-class fast trains on convenient schedules to Los Angeles, San Diego, and to Phoenix, Ariz.-no extra fare. The low altitude route. INSPECTION INVITED Full information furni sh ed on r equ est. Office and salesroom 1 918 For in/onnation and literature a,ply to W. J, Lafterty, Traveling Pu.. r Agent, Irving Park Boulevard Telephone Lakeview 7101 723 La Salle St!'eet Station, Chicago, Ill. or Rock laland Linee A. C. Hedlund, General ~.11ent, Southern Pacific: Linee Southern Pacific Bldc.· 33 W. Jackeon Blvd .· Chicacc. Ill.

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