Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1926, p. 56

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56 WILMETTE LIFE December 10, 1926 · The prin.cipal soloist for _the service four girls from the Judy Home ' for Ada Ttlley _ A llen, a smger wellts girls in Chicago.. F.or Christmas work I known in ~hicago 1 who has rece~ tty Hold Food Sale Here this year the g irls in the groups are been teachmg votce at New Tner. The two Posholoki camp fire g roups, making up Christmas boxes for · girls Lately she has brought enjoyment to at t.he Judy ~orne. under the guardia nship of Mrs. M . ·J · H. h manv peo'pte by broadcasting from the Reed, will hold a food sale, Saturday, On Saturday December 4 the Girls' ' MUSIC Department at tg i radi~ station W 0 K. Schools Invites to Program The program for the carol service is December II. at the Wi lmette B~ptist club of New T~ier held a b;zaar. The Sunday .Afternoon as fo ll ows: church. Th e proceeds of the sale will sales netted".$2,000, which is to be used go to aid in giYing Christmas joy to for scholarships, it is announ ced. Part I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. lARO I.. Hark tl1c ~erald . By G. W. C. ,. ? . 1 Angels Sing .... ...... Met~delssohn ~unday rtfte rnoon, De cem bet }_ -, at (su·ng h y Chorus anct Aucltencc) 4 p. m. one of the. first Chn:;tm~ s 2. CANTATA. The ).ofan gcr e~ent~ , o_f the ~car. wtll ,t~t~c place t.n Throne . ,. . Charles Fontcy 11 :M anncy Ne\\· _1 n cr audttOt_"H11_n. 1 hts CYcnt ts (' horn -; and Glee Club s. acnm~hc ntnth annual ( hnstmas l:arol sen:-. panicd h\' orchl'..;ira tcc. spn_n:-,ored.hy t!1~· ~1u;tc depart-Soioist.;mcnt ot. tl1c ~C\\' 1 rtl'r. Htgh school. Sopr:tJ\() .. . ............. ~farian l) agc The tlnH'.ot the SCI'\'tl'l' !-tlluUlcl be .\ho .......... .... ('atl!nine nickktlll noted ~specJ~lly, a~ a change ha~ ~)c<-: n , Tetwr ...... .. .. ........ Gtor .~ e .'\llcn 9 North Wabash Avenue, Chicago nlladlc.: trnlll ,k) p. Ill. to -l p. m. \\'tthm I Ba.;.; ............ I fa rdin Yan Tkm ~c n 5th Floor (Elevator) t 1(' <1St \\'Ce ·. I Telephone Dearborn 3236 Thi;-; carol ~L'n· in: is Ollt' that i~ en - 1 Part II joyed en·ry yl'ar lJ ., . !~lil .ll.\' ntusic -lon'r3 1. 0\ T I~RTCJ~ 1 ·:. , Don .} ~l i lll . . \I (lfilrt Rare chance to secure of till· north ~h ::> rc. lln~ ,\Till' the pro - .!. ( :t) ~ow Let T·.,·cry I ttl1gtll' gram is a particularlY tine nne . " ·llich .\d orc Thee ... ... ..... ...... . T::trh JADES CRYSTALS w i 11 un d ott h t t d ly 1i n g.e r a 1 on g t imr in ( 0 r c h c =- t r a l the minds of tho~c whn. IH"ar it. (h) The lfeaYcns :\r c BRONZES PORCELAINS I >cclaring ..... . .......... l~ n·tlto, l ' ll PRINTS TEMPLE CARVINGS (-Chorus) 3. CAROL~. Oh. Collll' :\11 Ye Many of above ace 2 0 0 to 80 0 years old. Faithful ................... Reading The Fir~t )!o\\'ell .. . . .. Traditic, na l WILL SELL AT 50 ~'0 DISCOUNT (Sung by Chortb and .-\udien cc l -l. ~~ nd Out Thy Light .... .. Goun"cl (Boys' Glee Uuh l , ~. Hymn to the EYcning Star . \\'tidig (Girb' Glre Club) <i. SOLO. (a) The Bird:; Praise t he I Advent oi th r Sa\'ior I (h) The Three King" .-\da Tille\' . \li en I Camp Fire Groups to NEW TRIER PRESENTS I. ANNUAL YULE SERVICE J LEASE. EXPIRING. GEO. I'. RUBY, Inc. Importer ol Chinese Goods 1 othing Compares with fresh, Milk is just auch milk-as rich in cream as when taken from the cow. And freshdelivered to your door in its natural, full-cream state eyery daJ of the year! With a flavor and purity that makes it truly the best on the market. .....·acammilkf BOWMAN'S . 7. CAROL~ . <a) To·,. t11 the \\'orlcl '· ...... .' . .' ...... .. . .. I l:tndt'l (b) Silent \Tight ......... ... Gru1H·r (sung l>y <..'horu~ and .-\udicnre l ).fis s Babrocl.q of the \'e\\' Trier I iaculty is cnntributinl!· hn ~t·n· icl· ~ ln· j acting as · c hairman oi the derorat iu; ,· committee ~-or this prlig!·am. Tho. t on · her comm1ttee arc: Robert Crt:-!-.\', ! Gordon Cumh r rland. George Brlt<.:r, Dan Snydack<'r. Hal lhtmdt ancl Tfl\\' ner \\' ehstcr. I Drama and Music Clubs Arrange Christmas Fete :'\t the ~l'\\' Trier High ~chool Dra matic club meeting Tuesday of thi ..; week sixteen membership ccrtificatl'~ \\'ere giYcn out. to the cast o i "Captain" recently staged at th e school. The plans for the Christmas party \\'ere discussed. It is to be held Thursday, Deceml>er ~G at 7 o'clock in the ~fess hall and auditor ium of the school. The Orchestra and Glee clubs are to he invited. Also, each member of the clu b is entitled to bring t\\'0 guests. As a program the orche~tra will pla\· an overture, the Glee clubs will ~ing, and the Dramatic club \\'ill present a one-act pia~· entitled .. Gpon tht: \.Vaters.' ' After the entertainment the\· \\'ill go to the : Mess ha ll ,\'here JiuJ{t refreshments will he sc n·ccl. "" 1 Open Tuesday, Thursday and Only the fresh, bottled milk can claim such goodness. Only the fresh, bottled milk is milk as Nature intended. There is no substitute t Saturday Evenings EVA KARON SOIUR g{)~m·1li!ff1iPI·$por!JwN!! NORTH SHORE HOTEL 1605 CHICAGO AVENUE"' EVANSTON Wilmette 55 Start using Bowman's Millr today. Simply telephone our nearest distributing station or order from any of our courteous sal~man. The Little Marnton will soon be here DAIR.Y COMPANY' Mill\. FOR 51 · May tve send you a catalogue? MARMON NORTH SHORE 6015 Broadway YEARS THE. STAN~ARD Of QUALITY Longbeach 6428

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