Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Dec 1926, p. 61

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I>ecen1ber 10, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE BEAUTY OF UFER WORK LIES IN SIMPLICITY Noted Painter, Whose Canvases . Are Exhibited at Georgian, .Faithful to Nature BY DOROTHY HARRIS An10ng the c anYa s t ~ b~· \\'alt er l . ftr, ); . :\ .. \\'hich arc on txhihiti on a t th e (;c orgian hot el. EYa n:- ton. irom D<· r e ml H.' r (l to 20 a r c :-; en: r a 1 i a Ill iIi a r t n :\n1crican art patron :-;. "Tl w Ta o:; Fid dl n ." which \\·; 1..; <l\\·ard l"i tilt· \\' ill iaJII f~ .. French llH'll lOr ~o ld nH :c _ bl ;tt th,l· l lln cago :\rt Jll ~t J t Utt· 111 JC J2.). "l.un c h C' o 11 at L c ' 1H' L () r u . . t." " hir h i took the :\lt111 a n pri z(: at t il t' .:\ ;tti~·n ;tll :\ c ad e 111 y c' i D e . , ig 11 t h i . . y e a r . a 11 cl I " Hunge r ," a ran\'a :'i Ji ll\\ t·r lul i11 it:- : , implicit~· oi comp o . . it ion. h:t \ ·, . bern i11rluded in tlw ~ h O \\. r11 t hi.., p a i 11 t iIl l! t !J t' :' i 'r r {' i 11 t Ill' h rc.'ad .s tr o ~c..; ~lr . L' in _t · nqd cl~· . , to ga m Jw; elfe r h tnak n o t · tlt e l;u·g c blank wall :-.p an· <·lie o i th t· iiltnt -.t -, ing part s oi t he pictur e. -: -:\1 r. L. 1"<-r doon 't tninrr h rt .... II ;t lJ i II is hard -hake d an cl hare an cl lw t i. e j " a~·=- -. o. li an Indian\ ia u i., t1·11 g h- 1 cncd and lined h_ \· exp n:-.nrt·. \I r. l. fn '-, I h rthh ran 1t1akt· \ ' ClU " t'l' it a.., i1 j..,, lit· i -. a p a i 11 It'f c , i 11 .; l t I1r t · a II cl 11 i t h l' t l 11 I - I d"or ~. :ll,l~l \\' ht· t h ~· r t hl' :-tthjt'r t i:- ll.Ld ~-~ · ~·r h eautllttl'. IH· \\'Ill tt·ll t h t· trtt tl l about · 1 What Are the Facts of the Christian Experience? 1. 1 That \\ ' t g·et rig-ht \\·it h Cod and ·\\·ith ourse h·e~ t hruugh repentance and forg-iYencss. That \\·c g·ain the help .of Cud to subdue anitnal appetites and passions. and to o\·erconu·· the g;reed and selfishness of the n at tu· a 1 tn an . That our cuntidence 111 II 'I ;~ ( ~ < ' J -t. Cod enable~ u~ to tneet courageously < 1 ~~ the cliff1culties and hardships of }life. That \\·e ha\-e ,·]sion of the kingdon1 of Cud on earth, in \\· hi~h n1cn and nations abide in peace and tnutnal helpfulness as I> rot her< That \Ye are 1lloYed to a cooperation \Yith Cod.- a cooperation \\·hich g-iYes abundant peace and joy and the assurance of innnortalitY . are inrited to these expenences \rhich are the hig-hest good. ~ '· ~~ ·-t, ~) ~ 11. ! ~~ .\hml· all \lr . l ' in i . . ;ttl in·elli g t'll t 1 -·· p ainter . Tht· dl' . . ig n uncln J.,·i nl! hi . . 1 c<. ll lJH·-. iti o n ap pe al -. tn t he 111 ind a-. J I'" " v\·t·r '! hh rnl c·r :-. 111 th e :-. nl"t' ". . . lH ' h :t la nd -.r;q lt' a ppt·:tr . . ttl IH· ;1 ra . . t1 a I " l' k r t i < '11 o ut o i 11 at tt r t '. it i.., h a., c cl 1 Jir nll~ · CJll the h e:-.t rull':- c·i p ;ti n tin ~. I Representative Art I Tn t lte l'f\' i11r an :\tnl'riran art. \l r.l t · it·r'... \\·c ,rk n ·:-ptnHJ..; a . . reprt· :- < ·nta -' tin· <· i A111nira in :-.ubjt-rt and :- pirit. It i:- :-urh painter -, \Yiw \\·ill bring to tlw art oi th(' r o untr~· a per -, ()nalit _ \· di stincth· it:-; 0\\'11, JH·t a C'< ·lllpo:-ite oi i c ·rei~n ami un~uited art meth od. that ;._ ht\\'aih.·d a s one (Ji thl' ailment... of ' ·llr art today. "Thl' Builder..; ni t he Dt· . . nt." i.; 11)1(' o i t he c) tt b t a 11 cl i ng r a 11 \';...,e .; 11 u Jll! i 11 the hallrnom . It i... lllr ·nllllll'lltal in rt 111po~ltton. It :t fft'rt' (Ill(.' \\·it '1 I he It i-. in :-olidit\· ,,j the pnami<ls. trirateh· rnnrcived. Tntrodurecl lw a pyramirl 11f )!rern hrn . -.h at th ·· ha:;c < i·' terlorking triangk.; ;nc :-tatcd and rr :-:ta1l·d II\· a rareiul arratwc·ntt·nt oi oh .i t.· c h . F n r y Ii nt· a n d c .! 1j ~ ·r.t ~:-. l ' ..., =- t ·n t i a I. S~1nligl1t. ancl ; " hado:\· i... a. t~aY n r.ite . . uhjcct \\'tth th1" ;trtJ -. t. ;1:-- 11 1~ wJth any artist '"lw pain·:- th,· out ni doors . I .·\ 1'<'11litrkahk qnalit\· (li \\·hill' in the · . . unli1rht appears in . a nutnhn .of tl1 e paintin .~" · In "Jii., Kit" particnlarh· the artist l'lllpha.;ize.; tlH' \\·hite:-. \\'it!J a \\'hitt· hor~e in the renter. Master of Still Life Tn tlll<' i;1111iliar \\'i 1 h \lr. l'ier' ·, \\·c.rk, "Pre.;ent and Pa.;t C'nniu.;ion" i:-; a d('parturl' in gt'nl'ral effect from hi:-; other (·anYasc:-;. Triangular shafts I ,)f gr('ys cut acrn~.; the srcnc, an in tt.'rior, di\·iding the ran\'a~ gconlctricalh·. Th<' 111an\· s~atements oi grey inn~1 the color interest in this work. The circle:-; ni the jars and raffia mat rr<hs the ranva s diagonally to \·ary the triangle forms. The quality oi Juster in tlw black jars is notable. It sho\\'s ~fr. Cfer as a ma . .;tcr oi still life as \\·ell as of nature. Jle pain's a hlack jar \\'ithout re,·crting to black paint. ,;, ·y()ll GO TO CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY Directory of Churches: St. John's Lutheran Church \Vilmeue .1nd Park Avtnues I St. Augustine's EpiscopAl Church 1140 Wilmette Avenue Rev. H~rman W. Meyer 1\rv. Hubert Carltton The First Methodist Church Lake Jnd Wilmette Avtnues The F~rst Presbyterian Church Ninch Street and Greenleaf Avenue Rev. Horace G. Smith Rev. George P. Magill The Wnmette Baptist Church Forest Jnd Wilmette Avenuu Rev. Francis C. Stifler Wilmette Enalish Lutheran Church Rev. William Guise Greenleaf Avenue and Seventh Street F~rst Congregational Church Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd Lilke and Wilmette Avenues Publi.Jhed by llu ltllwclstwtlt Atlwrlirift(l Couitilt, WilJMtlt Church Federatio" In his character study it is the Indian as an integral part of the clay hills and desert that seems to conccru Mr. Ufer rather than the Tnd.ian as an individual. ~ftb1&1\itf\i~~tl\!@ltfbiii'B}1fi\WI\itdii W&i&&l ,,,. ' "'41

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