December · 10, 1926 4 WILMETTE LIFE NEXT WEEK IN WILMETTE (Recorded at the Chamber · of Commerce) Friday, December 10 7 :30 p. m. Wilmette Chapter R. A. ~f., Masonic temple. · Sunday, December 12 7 :30 p. rn. Sunday Evening club, speaker. Dr. S. Parkes Cadn?an, Congregational church. Monday, December 13 7 p . m. Dinner. ~[en's club, Congregational church.. .. 8 p. m. American Leg10n A uxtl/ary, ).frs. Jamc~ Anderson. 17-ll \\ asll ington avenue, \\'ilmcttc . Tuesday, December 14 12:1.~ p. 111. Luncheon. \\'iln;~ttc Optimist rluh. l.ah· Shore I crracc. :15 p. m. Ouilmtttc cuunril. '\"o . 922 Knights of l'olumhus. Odd Fcllc,,,·s' hall. Wednesday, December 15 12 :15 p. 111. Luncheon. \\'i lmetlc Rotary club. Ouilmettc Country club. Thursday, December 16 7:30 p. m. \\'il111ette Lodg-e No. 031 :\. F. and A. ~1.. .\f aso1Jic temple 8 p. 111. :'\. 'J'. Sherman 1,odgc ~n . 892 I. 0. 0. F .. Odd Fellows' hall. Friday, December 17 7:30 p. m. \\' ilmelte Chapt<:r R. :\. ~I.. '\fa sonic temple. R p. 111. \\'ik\'anshrook l·:nramp ment. \'o. 177 r. 0. 0. F., Odd Fcllm\'s' hall. Bazaar Receipts. Bring $1,800 for Girls' Club Fund Financially. the ~e\v Trier Girl' :cluh bazaar ,,·as a ~plendid :-;ucce-. ... Approximately ~2.000 \\'a:-i n:ce i H'<l. o ;· which anwunt i~ is expected th; tt $1,800 will be cleared. The Jnoney thus rect:iYCd h tur11c d o\'l'l' tl) the dirl'ctor.; oi thl' rorpor;tti1 11, t the (:irl':- l'luh i:- 1\ tl\\. inr(lrpor ;tt l'· \ u 11 d n t h c I a\\.:-. o t t h l' S t a_ tl' l a 11 d ! thc 11 i 11 Yt:~tl'd in b"nd-. ()r <lthL·r in 'tt' J'· L'.;t-he; 1ring'L'L'ttritil':-. .\ rnt: tii' itlllOUnt l'ilL·h ~ · ~·ar j.., gi\'L'I1 <Jttt 1', :-cll()!ar:-hip' to dt·,L·n· in~· girk Clt h< 1· a 1111 ,1111 t, arc l11:tllt'd ou t i1,r l'rlttt'itti· ,l t.. · purp 1 , , t ..... u-.l'd in tl_ll· ptlr< ·ll il'L' ··· hook-. iur 1HT<I _ , . rl11ldrl'tl <·I: (Jtl '· l'qll: ..IJ\· ~ ~ · ·~ -:::= ..,~111'll \ ~~ .. ~ -~ ~ ~ When Buying Diamonds You must be sure of five things: .. BRILLIANCY CUTTING COLOR PERFECTION WEIGHT 1 he best protection ... patronize a house whose reputation you know to be dependable. Before Your Buy \\ 'OrtlJ\· jllll'j)'(l"L'" · J\ t'C t 'lt'J · a l>nx ·oi 1.23 h1H1k' \\·erc ..,l"lt \CI p ,,l t· J{ir(, to t·-,tal>li-dJ a lil>rar _ ,. in :., I :-L·honl ,,-1 1l'rt· . :1 ltlrii1vr \~· " T r it : .., t u d L' 11 1. \ I i :-. . , P a ul a () t t t'll . i ' tt ·; 1l' l1 i 11~ I:H'Ilt llalh· it i.; hopt:d that a Ja n!· L'll < ; u g II i u1;d " i 11 1> e i 11 n· . , t l' d t ' ' l' r ·, yj(k . intl'l'l'"t l'tl<·llgh t11 fill ;t llC<' til < ' ll 11 alh. t.:iit:-. l'll'. 11l tilL· rluh \\·itJ H,lr: dra\\ ing 1111 tlH· prinripk . .\t till· pr·· L' 11 t t i llll' a 1> , , u t ~X.(\()() i... o 11 II ;t 111 I. Consult a Diamond Specialist I Choose Eva G. Pyfer PAUL 1165 Wi~merte DAVEY AND to Head Eastern Star - JEWELER DIAMOND SPECIALIST :\t tilL· ;tJJJJllal L·kctillll oi ortln·r, · · \Irs. :\rthur 11. 11<)\\·ard entertained \\ ' illnl'ttc l'llaptL·r. l·~a:-tvrn ~tar. ht:·l nH·J.llher:- of her reading circle at . at thl' \Ja.._(,nir tL'lllpk· \londa' t \< luncheon \\"ednesday at her rl'sidl'nrc, ning, the i<dlo,Ying ,,flircr" \\t ,. , clcctl'd: \\ <1rt!J\· matr11Jl. J-:,·a (~. Py it 1. 1055 \\'il111l'ttl' aY<:nue. . ,,.<,rth\· p;ttrun. 1·~. D. ) '; tria JJ: a-,:-(ll'J; t" t · Ave. Phone Wilmette 6 BUIDlBilulUDIIUlmmnmmlillmuHlllmn~umuummmwmllUHilllutmmmummmllllllllmmlmHn -o'.r C I 31 .., . . 1' , ·. ~u. o c, ~ ~,s:;ex roa cl , K, enF. E ilworth, returns the first of the \vee~ after a fortnight's business trip to New York, Washington and Philadelphia. ,,·ort!J·,. lllatrnn. l.illia B. \\'at ki1 1-. . -.cci·L·t·,. li·,·. .\lr-,. Crart· ~kdt<lll: trc it' url'r, :\1~·,. Larl 1:. Orner: concltll' trt·--. · Mrs. Ida Burr: a:-sc,cia tt· condurt rt·- ·. Mrs. Ida Lyons. CITY · MARKET CO. 62' MAIM STREET WHOLESALE .... PBOMB: WILMBTTB 11'0 MEATS 7 7 RETAIL Many years of attentive service have given us a thorough understanding _ o f your . "Meat Needs"-Here you can purchase meats that satisfy at lowest prices. SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY, DBCBMBBR II RIB ROAST Ro~sting Chickens 390 LAMB LEGS NATIVE BEEF FRESH KILLED FANCY QUALITY Loins HALF OR WHOLE 29e FANCY MILK .FBD ·VEAL LBGS .................. 30e B A M s BUTTER ~~~OE~~LOOM B ARMOURSTAR A c 0 N ARMOUR 56.. ~ STAR HALF OR WHOLE 32e BGGS STRICTLY FRESH 60e -· 41e ' FRESH . DRESSED BBMS lb·........................ 39e Four Daily Deliveries- 9 a.m.I 1 a.rn.- 2 p.rn.- 4 p.m.- Wilmette-Kenilworth-Glencoe-Winnetka