September 24, · 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 21 Standardi'U'd Quali1J ?llllkrFiftER PERFORMAHCEillldLONGER LIFE @/flechanically Ineuitabl(J in th,t, 1 CHRYSLER "60 11 u The Chrysler "60" is the product ofStand.. ardized Quality-a new and higher order of manufacture which actually makes any deviation frorn its exacting and superior sta~dards mechanically impossible. Obviously, ·because the Chrysler "60" is a car produced under such a plan, quality ia built in and the Chrysler "60" must therefore also stand up immeasurably better under the strain of hard service. Sixty miles, and more, per hour; get-away of 5 to 25 m Ues in 73A seconds; gas economy of 22 miles and more per gallon; characteristic Chrysler beauty; astonishing riding ease and roadability; the safety of Chrysler four..wheel hydraulic brakes; oil-filter and air-cleaner; full pressure lubrication; seven-bearing crankshaft; impulse neutralizer; road levelizers front and rear; roomy, luxurious bodies. Come in and see the new lighter· six, Ch:-ysler "60". We are confident you'll be convinced that nowhere will you find a six at its price that can begin to compare with thi~ great Chrysler achievement.. ' Superior Performance Results ·from Superior Manufacturiog The Cbryaler plan of Qualitv StandardizadOil tUf'en from, and is auperior to, orrlinary manufacturing practice and methods, became it daunda fixed aod inJlexible quality atandar<ia which enforce the 1ame ICI"Upulowly dose limita-the aame rigid rule ol engineering exac:ne11-the Ame ablk>lute accuracy and precision of alignment and aoemblaee-in the measurement, the machining and the manufactur.. ing of every part, practice and proceas in four linea of Chryslercnra-"SO", "60", "70" andlmperial"SO". ROADSTER Sl285, COUPE $1335. COACH $1380, SEDAN $1480 Delivered in Evanston Fully Equipped EVAMSTON MOTOR SALES W. D. Reagan, Mgr . . 1840 RIDGE AVE. PHONE WILMETTE 2277 CHRYSLER MODEL NUMBERS MEAN MILES PER HOUR uBUY YOUR AUTOMOBILE IN EVANSTON WHERE GOOD SERVICE IS HANDY"