Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 31 Dec 1926, p. 25

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December 31, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 1st Congregational Ministers: Stt>phen A. Lloyd \Villiam R McCormac k llt1 ~~ · w Y... ar·~ day I lr. and .\lr :-;. LloHI A Good Resolution: , ! \\"ill lw at hom·· to th.,it· fr·i Pn d;< fr·om · 4 111 i p . Ill., at th t· .\Tanso·, 111::~. Lakt; avellll··. l·:al'li dl'partnlt'nt of t h· · I 'hun· II s·· hool II OJII'Il its Hf·l'\' ii'I'S prunrptl~: at !I ::10 .,·f'!ol·k :-;unllay morning-. :\Jr. :\[·Co rrna·:k will J_ll'··at· h .at t h·· .Junir~t· ('ong-rt·!.!Htloll SPI'\'11'·· whwh f'oll\ ' o · n··~ ;tt 10 :::o Y.'i : 1. Ill . Tho · ~untlay morning· st·r·, ·io··· 1of Wl·rshiJ) :tt thP usual tinw, 11 o'<'l,wk. Thi s is the :\" ,.,,. Yt·ar l'ommunion so·n·ic·· and lWW lll··mlkr·s will ho · r~··l'in·d into f· ·llowship . Pr . Llo~· d will g·i\'( · a s hort ('ommunion ;tll rlr o·s~ 011 ":\",·\\' Yt ·;tl' l'o~ sil·ili1i··:-: . " Til· · \\'ilml'!t· · Sunda\· llkl'l!-' in tlli!-' ,·hurl'll nt. tl· · 1 'ou. will Jll't ·sl ·llt lti~ I' j I 'l iJ!'t·~ ." j " I WILL GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY" .HERE ARE SEVEN PORTS- Beacon Lights Shining from All of Thetn Guide You to Peace and Safety. The seven Wilmette churches signing this an· nouncement are truly ports established for the security of our community life. We are all travelers on a sea of perplexities, dangers and uncertainties. God, the Bible and the Church are constant qualities \vhich do not shift with every wind that blows. The church ts founded on eternal principles. Whatever may happen to business or .one's personal fortunes, the church still stands ever ready to com· fort and strengthen. Follow one· of these beacon lights into a sane· tuary of peace. It is less important which Church you attend than that you attend sonze church ever)' ·sunda.y. 1 ·:\I'll i Ill..:' 'j f ·It IIJ : :!11 . l:tt· · ~t I :rans1111 "()rf'am Tilt · ('n ·s··o·nt ··i t·o· ], will ,,, . ··llt··J'laiiH·d tit· · hom·· of its l'hotil'lllHII, -'lr:-:. F. E. l' <~rry , 1;:!:..! -'hplt · aY··Iltlt·. ;tt an all-1lav llH·ding- TUt ·!-'d<l~·. :\lr!-' . r '. J ·. :\lollr, )Jr~ . .1. . \ . Hornl'amp. -'Irs . ll :tt-r~· H:tlllill and :\lr:-. lr· ·m·y :\lan·us will as!-'i~t 1h·· hl>!-'t- at · · ;--;~. Tu ··sday .. \o·nill!.! ~ ~~~~~~· · \· II :-;,·.,ut tro, .. p tll··· ·t :tt h··;tdqu ;trt··rs :11 7 : 1 ~. p . 11 1. 1\ a rl 11. King, .Jr .. s··ttutma!-' t ·'· r. '\ .. . :! will \\'t·tln· ·sd;t\ aft· ·r·no··ll th· · .luni··r t'hoir lllt-I'IH for ,:,.h,·arsa l unfl, ·r th.· !lir.·f'tion · ·f \\". 1-:. ~l 1·1 'tol'lll<td<. a:-::-<i:-:1 ··tl ~,,. · \Tr!-'. I. 'F . l::t1··s and :\Irs. 1-: . ·1. .\ldlntltlt .. Tlr· · Y 111111L:· l'o ·ttpJ, : :-: ,.,,,,jr ]ll'<ll'li<'t· on \\ ' , ·dn· !-'da:- nig-111 :tl 7 ::1fl p . Ill .. Port f' r \\ ':trri nJ.,:tllll ll· ·aps, din·,·tcw. '·n Thut·:-:,Lt~· t Jt, . 1 ·.. zy r·, ·rno ·r ··irclt·, .\1 r~ . . \ . 1·:. 1\:luml· ·r. ··ltairnwn. will hold :·n :tll-!1;1\' m· ·..tint: :tt th· · ..Jtur .. h. 1: 11111dlt'ttll . :.\rr~ . \\' . Tl1urt· ·Jl' will lt:t\o · dt;trt:o· of tllf' Jlor:H't· 1:. ~lllith. ministo ·r. l.ila !'. arl .\tti~o.:. flir· ···t··r oor ro ·ligi· ·ll :ulu o ·: t t i' ot 1. Tilt· t\\tt'r.tll)o ·nts ttb:<o ' l'\t ·d it : til· · l'l·ott ·!-'1;l!lt ··llurC'ho ·s will l~o · allministo ·r· ·tl r~t·xt Sunday mttrnirtt.!·. :-;,.y, ·r al inra1t1:-: : ll't' to Ill' pn·~·H·ntt · d r.. r lo;qiti~m and t'ttllttwing- that :-:t·l'\' io ··· 1h· · l'.o ·r·l":-: :-;II PI" r \\ill ,,,. autninistl'l't>d. Methodist Church Tlw total amount l· ·o·t·i\·, ·d thus f;or ,·.. :· 1ht· Lak· · 1 :tuff off,·ring h ~7:2:i. Ti is f·X· P··l'tt·d that this !"lllll \\· ill l't ·:r··h tho · t·· "" ;:sou lwflll't · tho · :f('l'lllllll i:-: o·] .. :-:o ·d . ".\Ton· than dght~· ··ltildro ·ll frttltt Ill·· l.ak· · Bluff orphan:t~o.:· · ,,., .r, o·ltlt'rt;tillt <i il! tlH' hCtllll s "" thi:- l'tlllllllllllil \ fill i'hristmas day. Trall!'I"·I'IHlion lt<~tll ~-:·· ing and .nming \\ :1!-' pr~t\' id··d J,~ · tl w :\"orth ~hon· lin· ·. It \\·a:-: ;t lin·cl l11it a happy lot of l'hilrlrt ·ll that nwd·· thl'ir \\'a~ · load< in tlw t·arly , .,·,·ning. :\!an ,\· ·Tll~t,·cl in tiH·ir ht ·a rts tho · J·T'H.\'o·r .. r Till .\' Ti111 ' '{ :od ll)t·SS lJ S :til, t · \ o · )'~ · IIIlo ·. " Tho · rr·g- ular sdwdulo· 11f ~tftil'inl rno ···ting·s \\·ill g-o into t·fft ·l· t during- th· · ··oming· \\'t·t· l<. 1 ltfidal hoard . on :\lomLt~ · night, 1·\·llow~hiJl St·t·,·i···· \\-. · tln· ·s ll:t~ · nig·ht. anrl l.atlit·s· .\icl s·wic·t~ · "" 'J'hur:-;cla~- l·t·gin~ling· :tt 111 o'c·ltll'k ill tht· nwrning . Directory of Churches: The First Methodist Church LJke and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Horace G. Smith First Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Stephen A . Lloyd 'l'lw wurl< among- th·· dtil<lr· ·n in thi s l'IIUrC'h finds I:'Xprt·~sion in tlw llo~· :-;, ·outs and tlw (;irl ~~·outs. )."t·itlwr M th··s· · art· <l· ·nominational organi~atiun~ and th··Y arc · oJkll to any ancl ,.,.,.,T lu,~ · :tncl girl in tht· ('Olllll1Unity. Bishop Frank \\·. \\·ant~ ·, nno· ,,f t IH' most dist i ng-u islwtl m ission:11·it·s of t ll·· :\ll'lhodist <'hUr('h, wil SJlt':tk at tlw nlorning· ser\"iee January Hi. T'his chun.'h has lost Ollt · of its old,·st, as Wt.' ll as onc· of its most faithful nwmlwrs in tlw rl t>at h of Ft't·d ..\. \\·aidm·r . Ht· was for many Yt·ars a t··ustt·t· of this "hurdl and was a nwmht>r of tlw Building t'llllllllittl't' wlwu tht · Jll'i ·St·nl stnr<'lure \\':1!-' t'l'l 't'tl·d. The Wilmette Baptist Church rorest and Wilmeue Avenues Rev. Francis C. Stiflu St. Augustine's Episcopad Cburcb 1 140 Wilmeue A venue Rev. Hubert Carleton St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmetre and Park Avenues ~ev. Herman W. Meyer The Fll'st Presbyterian Church Ninrh Street and Greenleaf Avenue Rev. George P. Magill Tlw Epworth h·agul' has IJ,.,.n r···ot'ptniz· ·ll with tht· following oftil·t·r·s in 1'11arge: Jll't·sirlt·nt, Frank :\lillington; first Yiccpn·sidc·nt, :\Tar·~· Ellt>n Bc·n tl l· ~·; s t·cond \' it~I:'-J}rP~idt'nt. Ruth Kinrw; third Yicept't.·sid e nt, Ltwlla Burro\vs: fourth Vkt'pr£>sident, Louist> Kot.·rtwt·; sPcrl'tary, .Jam es Reinhold; trt'Ctsurt'r, harl Poronto: puLli c ity, Marion Baldwin, Otto Clepp :· Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf A venue and Seventh Street Rev. William Guise PNblislaed by llu lnltrthvrcla Adverli.ri"'l Cofflfllitut, WilMetlt CIJ.,rcla FedtrtJiio,. music, l\Iargaret Stafford, Alice James. The service on next Sunday night will totli:(· th e natur E> of an inRtallation Rt·n·iC'f' . . \. l'andle lighting const><·ration St>r\"il't' has 'ht·t· ll alTanged.

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