January 14, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE To Pack the Our New Wilmette Telephone Line Wilmette 3 700 Southbound Wardrobe in Wheary Airplane W ardrolette, to fit under Pullman seat-and immensely capaRigid· Tested concious. struction, easy to handle as a suitcase. $27.50 to $45. 1 ntain Square Evanston The January Shoe Sale ends January r 5. O~r entire stock $4.8 5, $6.8 5 , $8.85, or reduced at least · 20% of regular pricesDon't miss this! Men's Cowhide Bags, $13.50 I Men's Gladstones, $20 Full cowhide, leather-lined. 8 inch, brown or black . Week End Bags $7 and $16.50 Silk-lined 2 2. inch. blJck g rained leather . Women's Gladstones, $29 Bearskin grained cowhide. Blue moire lined, 22 inch. Black or Lord's-Basement. russet . Crystal Jewelry Is to Be W 01 n M tlch 4 All-Silk Umbrellas that will Serve as Sunshades, too, $7.50 Of pure silk of excellent weight. Pl ain or fancy selvage. Green, pu rpl e or navy. Amber-tipped, or gil t-tipped or plain. 16 ribs. l3rilli ..1ntly clc.u , to cat ch the sunli ght of the pleasant lands you're going to visit-and spray them out, rJinbow fashion, as tbc most im peccable of decorations for your costume. i\ bl uc -grcen choker, cut crysta l pendant. BrilliJnt rhinc ~lo n c pins and many otbcr picc~?s. $3 to $r8.so. Lord's-First Flo or Beads and matchin g jewelry in blue, flamingo, amber. topaz, amethyst . and genuinc rock crystal. e Lord's-First Floor. The Handbag Should Belong to the Costume It should match some detail of the costume-green, ivory. pearl gray. gilt, silver, jungle green, cherry and lovely rich blues. Goat, reptile, calf. kid, $10 to $27.50. Lor({s-First Floor. The Shoes to Wear in the South Novelties-and shoes of delicate color, of course. with these we are ready! · And White Kid White and Pink Coats Tailored of Flannel Simple, straight-line affairs, that follow in close harmony the effective! y sleek lines of the costume that goes under them. · Good flannels-practical in quality-and the soundest of tailoring. $19.95 to $59·50. Lord's-Second Floor. Cutout instep; fancy tie; Cuban dress heel. $12.50 Alligator-Grained Calfskin A three -strap sport shoe; brown: Cuban heel. $8.50 Gray Kid Medium shade; gray grosgrain binding; buckle strap. Cuban heel. $12.50 Lord's-First Floor