Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Jan 1927, p. 28

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28 WILMETTE LIFE January 14, 1927 News o¥ the North .Shore Club~ 4 'Line" Contributor at Woman's Club Garden Talks BY M.A. E. A more enthusiastic meeting ·has never been held than that at the home of Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell ]ast Friday afternoon. Mrs. Mitchtll is the new president of the WiJmette Garden club and this meeting was the occasion of the installation of its officers for the year 1927, who are as follows: Mrs. Walter Gore Mitchell, president: Mrs. B. L. Davis, vice president; Mrs. E. H. Burge, recording secretary; E. B. Fenton, corresponding secretary; Mrs. A. ]. Stinson, treasurer. The program for the coming year was discussed. Many good programs are in store for the club including such speakers as James Burdette, whose subject will be "Lilies"; Mrs. Carl S. Mine.r who will speak on "Building the Rock Garden," and many other delightful talks by others too many to enumerate. The season bids fair to be one of the best the Wilmette Garden club has ever experienced. . · . Enthusiasm is the principal reqmrement for anv organization. It surely was there. ·Plans were presented by the new president, with he.r usual thoroughness. It is up to each and every member to stand back of her in order that her dreams may come true and to have a most successful vear. The afternoon\ program was given bv Miss Winifred Bright, our own lih~arian, with music by Miss Esther Strote. Miss Bright's happy selections of poems, together with Miss Strate's musical selections made a very complete afternoon. The \Vilmette Garden club wishes each and ev.ery resident of \Vilmette a Happy New Year. ·woman,s Club Ev~nts . Ate Given tn RevteW .· Anthony French Merrill her initial appearance at the Woman's club of Wilmette Monday afternoon before a large audience. She brought to her hearers her own personal opinions of current literature, commenting especially upon the use of what seemed to he.r unnecessary frankness in the book of today,. and in illustration of her point, she mentioned some of the popular fiction. Mrs. Merrill, who is now giving talks on current events and literature before the North Shore Catholic Woman's league, the Winnetka Woman's club and the Woman's Library club of Glencoe will give five more Monday afterno~n lectures at the Woman's club of Wilmette. The next of these occurs January 24. The Cameo Trio, a group composed of soprano, contr~lto and pianist, and Jacob Radunsky, presented the program at the club Wednesday of last week. The opening number was a group of duets given by the trio. M.r. Radunsky, a young Russian pianist with a prophesied future, then played three se.:. lections "Impromptu" by Schubert, "Metod;," by Gluck, and "Phantasy" hv Chopin, and ·encored with a composition of his own. The completed the program by giving cleverly and in old fashioned costumes. a sketch embodying a number of old fashioned melodies. Neighbor's' Program p ertatns · to M · made ' USlC Next Tuesday's Arrangements Include American Pianist and Noted Speaker Music and the music of poetry will feature the next meeting of the Kenilworth Neighbors Tuesday, Januar~ 18. Morton Howard, a young Amencan pianist, who is a pup i 1 of Alfred Cortot, will entertain the members. Mr. Howard was known formerlv as an accompa~ist only ~nd for a long ttme w a s accompanist fpr Madame At varez. Dr. B e r t r a m Bertram Nelson Nelson, head of the public speaking dep~rtment of the University of Chicago, ts also on t~e program. He will talk on "The M ustc of Poetry" and will read some selections. Thursday the Tenth district of the Illinois Federation of Women's cll!bs met at the Edgewater Beach hotel, w1th the Glenola Woman's club the hostess. After the morning session luncheon was served and in the afternoon, Mrs. r. Marc F~wler, first vice-president of the International Federation of's clubs. spoke. A representatiOn from the Neighbors attended the meet in g. i "Bernard" and Social Worker on Program at Woman's Club Next Week A talk entitled "Present Day Development in Family Social Work" wilt be given by Amelia Sears at an open meeting· of the Woman's club of Wilmette Wednesday morning, January 19, beginning at 11 o'clock. Anyone _interested, it is announced, is invited to hear Miss Sears who is assistant general superintendent of the United Charities of Chicago. Luncheon will be served as usual at 1 o·clock. At 2, Dr. Winfred Ernest Garrison, dean of the University of Chicago Divinity school, is to address the club members on the subject of "Saints, Sinners and Singers." Webster defines versatile as "turning with ease from one thing to another; having aptitude for hew tasks ; facility in various subjects; many sided." With the adding of the word excellent to versatile, the phrase is used to describe Dr. Garrison. It may be possible· in part to imagine something of the man. As "Bernard" of the "Line 0' Type" he has caught the attention of many, but it is in his other work that he has held their interest. This summer he has trod the unbeaten paths of the world across the water and this new light which he has caught will color his "Saints, Sinners and Singers." · Mrs. Homer E. Cotton and her group of musical young people from New Trier, will bring the music to the club which will make the afternoon complete. Members are asked not to forget Miss Helen Parker and her second lec ture on "Color" Monday, January 17, at 2 in the afternoon. Plan Birthday Party for Disabled Vets On January 25, at 1 o'clock, The Neighbors will have a birthday party in the Great Lakes hospital. Those of the 365 boys in the hospital able to come to the party will be there. Refreshments ·and cigarets will be taken to the bedridden patients. The occasion is to celebrate the January birthdays of all the boys, and there will be a present for each. The committee in charge is planning entertainment for it s guests. All women in Winnetka, Wilmette, and especially in Kenilworth, who are interested, are urged to go to the party to help entertain the boys, and to see the \\·ork being done in the hospital. The women in charge would appreciate donations of money and cakes as soon as possible, it is announced. Fifty dollars is the necessary amount to make the party a success, and it is hoped the amount will be received soon. For further information, Mrs. M. TT. Dement. Kenilworth 1641; Mrs. Tohn Hicks, Kenilworth 1401: Mrs. T0seph Joyce. Kenilworth 2134; and Mrs. T. K. Fa.r ley, Kenilworth 1392; may he c<11led. PLAN MEMBE~SHIP·· DRIVE Mrs. Edgar Foster Alden of Winnetka, who is chairman of the membership drive committee of the Southern Woman's club of Chicago, entertained twelve members of her committee at a lu11cheon at the Illinois Women's Athletic club, Friday, January 7. Mrs. Alden · gave ·the luncheol'l for the purpose of making plans for the membership drive the club is launching. The Wilmette board of the Arden Shore association met for the dav Thursday with Mrs. Myron \Ve~t o.f 916 Greenleaf avenue. The time was devoted to sewing· for the camp, and to a business session. Guest Speaker at Meeting . of the Ftiends in Council Mrs. Auguste Babize of 484 Sheri dan road, Glencoe, as president, pre sided over .t he meeting of the F.riends in Council of Evanston, Friday, January 7, when it met at the Orrington hotel. · A discussion of current events at 11 o'clock, with Mrs. Olga Hansen as the speaker on "Opera," was followed by an address. by Mrs. M. H. Lieber of Winnetka, on parliamentary p.r o ccdure. Luncheon followed, and the :tfternoon was devoted to guest speakers. Mr. Habestrow of the Bryn Mawr school of Music in Chic.a go, gave a talk on different phases of vocal expression. And included in the guests of the organization were Mrs. ] ohn Vennema of 849 Willow road, Winnetka, chai.r man of · the art committee of the tenth district. Mrs. Coleman, art chairman of the Illinois Federation of Women's clubs, and Mrs. Leigh, art chairman of the tenth district last year. The program was in charge of Lewis A. Peck of Evanston, who is program chairman. However, the arranging of the program was in the hands of Mrs. F. E. Mitchell, art chairman for- the F.riends, and Mrs. E. F. Welge, music chairman. KENTUCKY SOCIETY MEETS The North Shore Kentuckv societ\' met Tuesday afternoon at the. home Mrs. Elhert Gary Sutcliffe of Winnetka. A delightful program consisting o~ a paper and a group of songs was given for the members by two members of the club. Catholic Club to Heat Program This Afternoon The program for this afternoon's meeting of the fine arts depa.r tment of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette will be given at the home of Mrs. Samuel H. Moore, 707 Laurel avenue, commencing at 2. Mrs. Frank Thale will give a talk on "The Art of Story Telling." ~f rs. Forest Miller will discuss current events. Mrs. George H. Braud in " ·ill review "Tin \Vedding," anrl Mrs. \Villiam Otter is in charge of a MacDowell program. Mrs. W. R. Rarron anrt Mrs. P. J. McGurk will he the assisting hostes ses .. Citizenship School Opens in Wilmette January 2 6 rr For its members, and for all interested persons, the Wilmette League of Women Voters is conducting an aliday ~itizenship school Wednesday, January 26, at · the First Presbyterian church, Wilmette. Mrs. E. H. Lunde will be the instructor for the morning session which opens at 10:30 o'clock. Luncheon will be served at a nominal charge for those attending the school. Kenneth Rich, who is director of the Immigrants Protective league will Dorcas Home Sewing Is speak during the Juncheon hour. ' fot Women of Wilmette "Measures of the Hour in Congress Dorcas Home will benefit by the and the Legislature" will be the sub- next sewing done under the auspices of ject on which Mrs. Lunde will speak in the philanthrophy department of the the course of the afternoon meeting. Woman's club of Wilmette Friday, January 21, commencing at 10 in the morning and lasting throughout the INDUCT OFFICERS TONIGHT dav. The Royal Neighbors will hold a Anv woman residing in Wilmette, the public installation this evening in corim;ittee in charge announces. ~ho is I. 0. 0. F. hall. Mrs. Laura Hill will interested in doing philanthropic work, serve as oracle for the ensuing year, is invited to come to the club, whether and Miss Eleanor Ewart as vice oracle. 0r not she has a membe.rship in the club. The Junior auxiJiary of the Infant Welfare society will meet at the home of Miss Helen Evans, 616 Gregory avenue, on Monday afternoon, January 17, at 2 o'clock. The assisting hostesses will be ·Mrs .. H. Barnhill, Mrs. E. L. Powers and Mrs. L. I. Snyder. St. Francis household 251, Order of Martha, will hold its next regular meeting on Monday afternoon, January 17, at 1 :30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Christophe.r ]. Curran, 415 Gregory avenue.- All members have ben cordially invited to attend this meeting. · of

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