WILMETTE LIFE DECORATES WITH RUGS M.r s. Emil Gilberg of 233 Wood Bishop Warne to Preach A room at the Blackstone hotel court entertained thirty guests Tuesat M. E. Church Sunday day evening at her home in · honor of draped with oriental rugs by Gregory Bi shop Frank W. Warne of the Galbedian, the oriental rug dealer, was the birthday of her daughter, MarMethodist Episcopal church, who has the feature of the meeting of the Womguerite. spent practically a lifetime in India, an's Ideal club of Chicago on Thurs will preach the sermon at the Wil- day of last week Mr. Galbedian received the order to decorate the room, TOUPEES and WIGS mette Methodist church Sunday mornand with many rugs of his large selecNatural ing January 16. Bishop \Varne has as the Hair Utat was once your own. tion well known for their beauty, he be~n one of the outstanding leaders cov~red the walls and floor of the P.hone Central 0694. ~ "' . . in the mi ssion field in India for many meeting roottt. FUNK & CO. years and i~ a powerful speaker. ~ 38 So. State St. There is more farm land worked in Shipments f.rom Illinois to foreign -.>- , Room 412 Illinois than in the continent of Aus- countries during the pas t year amountChicago 1 tralia. · ed to approximately 230 million do1lars. January 14, 1927 Mrs. A. R. McGill Taken by Death in Milwaukee Jan. 8 Mrs. Alice Ros s McGill, mother of Mrs Anna J. Moeller and Miss Frances ]. Ro ss, with whom she n~ade her home at 207 Fifth street, Wilmette, died suddenly, January 8, at the hom e of Mrs. William H. Egan, Milwaukee. Wis., where she and her daughters had gone to attend the wedding of her nephew, Edward Egan. Death was due to heart trouble. Mr . McGill and her daughter s went to Milwaukee Wednesday of la st week. The wedding was Thursday. That day Mrs. McGill suffere<i a slight sinking spell, but quickly rallied and Friday night when she retired was apparently I in normal health . She had planned to return home Saturday. About 6:30 Saturday morning-, when Miss Ross went to call hcr ·mothcr, she found her dead in bed . ~Ir s. ~[ ·cGi ll wa s 78 years old, her birthday heing on January 6, the date of the wedding of h e r nephew. She was horn in Ft. Covington. X. \' . Th e t \\"O daughters arc the only sun·t ,·mg jmcmbcrs of the famil\·. · The funeral and burial were at ~[ilwaukec, Monday, se rvice s bein g conducted from the home of her ncphe,,-. Burial was in the ce-metery \\'her e a son and daughter, Harry and Alice, \\·ho preceded their mot her ill death, arc buried. 1 0 Our National Efficiency ISITORS to the United States from V other countries marvel at the efficiency of our great industrial organizatic ns, of the skill ~vith which great crowds arc handled on occasions of public interest, and a score of other things in which the ability of American . organizers to handle things in great volutne is shown. The principal tool or instrument behind these seerning marvels is usually found to be the telephone. Take telephone service out of our great factories, our gre8.t 0~ore0, our great expositions and conerccsc~ , ::4nd confusion will be likely to ~epl~cc the smoothness and efficiency at v;hich the visitors marvel. Studies extending over half a century have brought the telephone service in America to its present efficiency. While this is most strikingly shown in connection with big affairs and great emergencies, it is likewise to be found in the ordiq.ary service, which is at the call of any and every telephone subscriber. · ! ~ hip Scouts Take Frozen Road; I Skate Twenty-five Miles SeYcn 111 embers of Troop 1 of th e I Kenil\\'orth sco ut s, und er tiH· kackr of Scoutlllaster 1\ohc:rt \\·. T<,\Yn ley, took the "irozen road" ancl :-.kakd a t ota l of about twent v-fi\'l· mile s in \·isiti ng points near Carry, Dundee ancl j Aigonquin, la ~t Saturday. The h(ly-, rep ort o11c oi tlte ht:-,t trip:-; oi tlte sea:--. o 11 and a 111 o s t i 11 t e r c~ t i 11 g t i mt·. Those taking th<: excursion \\'tre: Scouts AI fred Osgo<ld, Tom Stnit h. Dorrance :\ygaard. \\'illiam Sprin .t!cr. 1-:lm\\'ood \lons, Georgl' Sct·lt and Jack Hicks. levels are nzuch higher than those of ten years ago, so that each additional telephc'ize i':'lstalled now incr-eases tlze average int\::;!ment per telephone. To maintain the service the company's revenues must keep pace with this ~ondition. P RESENT cost TALK BY HORACE BRIDGES "The Testimony of St. Paul and St. \lark to J csus" will be the subject from which Horace ]. Bridges, leade r of the Chicago Ethical society, will talk Sunday evening in the ballroom of the Orrington hotel at 515. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM· One Policy " One System - Universal Service 'J'J~tp 15~,_ d --·- RADIATOR COVER 'N . _.. Bc<L ..... wl radiator covers at a surprisingly low price. Protect your walls, draperies and furnishings from dust and smudge. Transforms unsightly radiators into ornamental pieces of furniture. Provides moist healthful air. Ma,de to order, for hlgh or low radjators. Upholstered in any material to match walls or furnishings. Write or phone for special introductory low price. R. E. JOHNS ~IFG. COMPANY Residence--4608 Beacon St. Office-Suite 218-219 S. Dearborn St. c Tel. Wa_ b ash 8248 Chicago