Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jan 1927, p. 13

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Ja·n uary 28; 1921 WILMETTE LIFE Comfort , F. W. I<' u erm a nn, J . 'M . Throc k morton. T h e fo llowi ng were e lected as r epr eTh~ Ladles' Aid society will have an Sunday, Jan u a r y 30, will b e t h e fo ur th to the D iocesan convention : all-day meeting at the ch u rch on F<'b- Sunday . after the Epiphany. There will sentati\'es Pyfer, Mrs. Jay R. B rown , Mrs. R . D . ruary 3 at 10 a. m. L u ncheon will be be Holy Communion in St. A u gustine's l\'I. Throckmorton, H. R. Hall, A . T . st>rn·d by the First Division; Mrs. Stok er, nt 8 a. m. Church schools at 9 :45 and J. Smith. <'hairman. The business meE'ting will be :\forning prnye r with address at 11 o'clock. lu·ld at 2 Jl. m. Oni· m0t'ting- f'arh month of the' Frl lowship Ht>rvi('(: will be gin·n o\·<'r to an t·du<'ationa l project. This "~t· dnt's<lay night tht' g('nt·rH I tlwnw was misHionary ··du<'ation. Tht- m ef· ting was led by Dr. < 'orliss Harg-ran·s of th e \Vorld R<·rvicr Cc11nmbsion. Ht' has madt> st'veral trips to n\·arly all tlli" miHsion lan<ls, and is a distingublwrl authr:rity on tht· subjef't of missionary Nlucation. It is PXJ)('C'tf'd that as a rt,sult of hiH discussion. a unified pmgram of mission stucly will bf' develr ')h·tl. Methodist Church St. Augustine's ,--------1 I The Best and 13 TtwH<lay, Fchruar.r 2, is one of the <lays Htot apart by the church in honor of th\· Yirgin :\Tarr. There will be Holy ('ommuuiou at :-;t, .-\ugustint-'H at 8 a . 111. Today, Friday, .January 2R, tht w o men of tlu· parish will meet at the · Club Tlou~(· for an all-clay st-ssinn of th(' \\'nmt·n's ,\ssrH'iatf'Cl 1 ;uilds, bt>ginning nt 1 () :::(J a . Ill . l.unch~nn will be !Wl'\'t·d at noon. First Scandinavian Evangelical SRti Elm street, w·tnnetka. Pastor-A. G. Rohrbach ~q 0 Elm street. Tel. 2596 . 1 · F U R S i I FUR SERVICE I I I I I I . Expert Remodeling Cleaning, Glazing . .\ !'OIIllllit li·t' of · thOHt· in Chal'g·e Of the "Parish Srwiabh-," Fd.>ruary !t, will meet Tlw ~ .. ronrl (·clu('ational nh!:ht will comt-· in tlw rector's office· Tuesday en·ning at SubjC'et- ' 'Thy Lon· to :\[t" \\'as \\'on· t h·· third \\'<·cln· ·s dar in Ft·hruary, at ~ p . Ill. und··r tht · .. hairmanship of H\·nn· d e rful." whir·h tinw tlw dis!·ussion will <'·.·ntl·r Fowlt'l'. :tl'llttntl t·arly ro·ligious inflll!'ll<'f·s . \Yl··hwHday: Swedish service 8 p. m. Till' Hnnual ""nn·ntion nf tlw dio<'esc Tlw JIH~tccr pn ·adwd last Sunday on tiH' of <'llkag·o will mt·t·l at St. .Jamt·'s !'hUI'dl. Thursday: English :\lidwe(·k s··n·ic··; t iH: Illl' "Prohibition." A Yf·ry l?,'t'lH'l'al in- <'ot·n···· of ('af's and Hur11n ~trt·ds, ('hi- Pr.tyt·r nH ·t· ting- 8 p. m. · tt·n·~t was aro\I~Pd undo·r tlw clis('ussion <'ag·o, on F c· bruary I ancl 2. aud a lllO\' ~" is un<lc·r wnY t11 hav th e "Eternal God, it is Thy will to At tlw annual nK c· ting l1t·lcl in th e th e ,.,·orl<l. May it b e my will to sene s··t·rnqn priutt·!l fm· puhli\· 'usf·. Parish houst· last wec: k rc:})Orts WPl'e 'l'hN' in the ministry of salvation~ ::\Ta:r Tlw St·I'Ollll ni\·is ion (jr th(' Lnrli·'S ' Aid pr.-Si: ntecl hy th e offlrers of the '\'ari(nts all my powers b e d e di cated to the graciwas t·llt··rtainc·<l Thursrlay, January 27, organizations. some twc·nty in all. Th e ous 1mrpost- ~ :\fay I ount it th e prize Icy til· · Thirrl l)i\·isi on. at tlw lwnw of rqiOrts !:;1\owr·tl tllt· \\'(JI'k of thr~ diffc ' l't·nt and glory of my life to b e found in the organizations to Jw flourishing. TIH' fol- ranks of my R e clel·m r !" ~f1·s. H . A . \\'alton, 1 tlili F(ll'f ·st a'\'t'll\1('. lcJ\\'ing- " ···rt · t·lt·<·tt-d ward t· ns and llh'mTho · F c· lll't h 1 >i,·isil·ll r nt (' rtainr·cl tlw bt ·rs of tlw n·strY: Arthur Pettinger of 1424 \Vilmette \\'arth·ns-Lt·st i'l' \\'ootl, R olkrt StorlFiro..:r lli\'ision 1111 ThursdaY at tlw homf' ··f :\frs. S. H . Darst , ~:~ 1 (\ ·ntral ~\\'PllU<'. danl: n·str~·mt·n-Harry Fuwlc·r, f'arif·- a\·enue spent last week-end m St. ton KaunH ·y e r, I. K . Ston·I', .l11sc·ph <..' · Louis. .\Jr·s. Th:~~·· · r \\·as tile· assisting· hostt·SH. Th·· Fric ·ndl,\· ~ 'irc!P h··ltl lllnnthl~· scwi:tl IHst Tuc·sday IIi·· Y11Ul1~· J>c ·O]Ilt-'s House> . its r··gular f·\·r·ning· at ,. \ fhw r·\'Pning- of g-nnws and r·ntc>rtainnknt was r·njr,~·,.c.l hy all thi,Sf' ]ll'PRf' nt . Til· · (;irl f'C'nuts Troop ~ W· ·ntlt ·d thl'il' slo·ps t " tllr Hnwarcl s<'lHH)I skating· pnn<l last S;tt unla" mom in~· . ,\ ftt ·r a finr· P··rif,fl 'of sk~tt in~ and a g·am·· "f iN· "tag." tlw girls \\'t·nt to tlw <'hun·h, nnc1 llltl!'ht·OJI WitH )ll't']l:tl't ·cl and Rf'r\'1'<1 by tllf' T!Jistl·· l'atnd . 'l'lt· · C'nnlinals a11d 11lllf'1drcls marwg··!l th·· "l'lo·aring-up" c·nrl of t h· · p:l t'ty. Last ~uncl:1 ~· o·\···ning;, :\Tiss Edna DaYison OJH'llt·rl- 1h·· Epworth li'ag uc·'s miss inn sturl\· <'t~Ul'St·. :\)iss J)a\·json g'a\'!· a (r H · 1'1'\:i ··\\· r1f thf' first <'haptt·l' of tlw t··xtbnnl<, and art~u~··rl tlw int!·l'Pst of t hosf· prt ·s··nt. Xt·xt Sunclay f·\'o·ning, ~hi' and th·· nwmlkt·s of tlw St ·c·o nrl Dt·pnrtmc·nt <'IH1lmittt··· will r·ontinut· tht· study ,,f til·· "Achatwing- ('hm·d1 ." It is hcqwd that all tlw yt~ung· pt·opiP will talc·· arl' ':tlltag·· of th·' nwl'ting at ll :15. H o ur s nt W Ms hi JI Sunday-Sunday schoo l, 9 :30 a. m.; Bihle claRs 9 :30 a. m.; Swedish service, 11 a. m.; Young People's, 4 p. m.; Visit from children of Lydia orphanage; English service, 7 :45 p. m. I SUPERIOR I FUR SHOP I I ~ 1122 Central Ave. Wilmette Ph. Wilmette 3527 1 ...-.c · I 1 .-.c..-.cJ,_.c.._,c~~·.-,c~~~,.._..j "Here's a Noon Hour Program Worth TUning In On." E. A. D ANNEMARK, of the Dan r:emark E lectric Company, is one of the "regulars" at the daily ·'round table" luncheon. -No. 2 of a series. Baptist Church Tlw Fo·hruary nlt'ding- (If tlw \\'oman's ~ueii'l,. will h·· ltt ·lrl at tlw o·hut·ch on Thur~·rlav. F < ·hr·uan· ~. Tho·n· will lw \\'hitl' (~ro~s wcwk ·at 10 o'clock nntl lurwlt\·!·11 a! 1:.! :~0. Tlw prog-ram \\'ill bt· in 1'11arg-·· of ~Irs. J{ .. mhridc and Link 1 :t n<l will cnnsi~t of book re,·it·ws. I BEGAN going over to Fred Miller's ~[ rs. Horace Grid non of 854 ·Sheridan road is spending a few weeks in \'c,,· Rochell e, N. Y., and New ·York City. RAY SPECIAL THREE Photographs for the price of ONEt including all stzes and finishes. All Frames sold now at PERSONAL SUPE RVISION OF FR ED A. MILL ER Central Cafeteria when it first opened in 1 9 2 5. The Round Table group is one organization that anyone can JOin without invitation, ceremony or dues, and the informal daily meeting of these North Shore business men ·at luncheon puts new interest in any man' s working day. I tune in on Fred's good food at 12 o'clock Central Cafeteria Standard Time. and th·e program always comes in fine! 20% Discount For Appointments Phone UNIVERSITY 2238 CENTRAL CAFETERIA Central Avenue East of Wilmette Avenue WILMETTE Hoyburn Building 615 Davis Street

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