Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Feb 1927, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE KENTUCKY CLUB TO MEET The North Shore Kentucky society will hold its next meeting at the home of J. M. P. MacCraven, 6951 North Ash 1and avenue, Rogers Park, on Tuesday afte.r noon, February 8, at 2:30 o'clock. · The meeting '"·ill be a Valentine party, with a social afternoon and tea. Assisting hostesses will be Mrs. Charles Nelson, Mrs. C. A. Colmesnil, Mrs. James King and )..irs. Brock of Rogers Park. FATHER-SON DINNER The Men.'s class of the Wilmette Parish Methodist. church is making arrangements for a Father and Son dinner to be held the evening of Friday, February 18, at the church. LIFE February 4, 1927 Terminal Barber Shop ·. now under management of Earl Hinshaw-3 years on the North Shore. Ladies' and Children's Haircutting a Specialty I Kenilworth Mrs. C. G. Burnham, 536 Roslyn road, will leave Kenilworth n~xt week to meet her son, James, who is attending Priu_ceton. They will go to Cuba and meet Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy \Voodland, \'\' hO ar~ there. Happenings Linc~ln street, Evanston announce the Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Rising, 2311 -oMrs. Ell sber ry of Virginia. sister of Mrs. John Hicks, -241 Melrose a ,·e nuc. arrived in Kcnihvorth Monday night and on Tuesday night ~~ rs. Ellsherry, Mrs. Hicks and her so n. Jack. lr.ft for California to ,·isit their mother for a month. 50 5 Fourth Street Save Money on Inside Repairs Have Plastering Done Now-Before Spring Rush Makes Work Expensive We do all repair work on propertyincluding Brick, Stone, Cement, Plaster and Stucco Wash. We gtve each job our personal attention. -oMr. and Mrs. James H. Prentiss, 201 Cumberland avenue. left Kenilworth 'Mr. and Mr .. Bentle\· ~[cCioucl. 338 Saturday, January 29 for St. Augus- Kenilworth avenue. entertained at dintine, Florida. to be gone a month. ner Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. Mary \Ving_, their guest from California, and formerly of K enilworth . ).frs. \Ving left Kenih,·orth Tuesday for Omaha. -0- engagement of their daughter, Frances, to Arthur Burnham Durham, son of l\f r. and Mrs. Howa.rd Durham, 431 Abbottsford road, Kcnil\\'orth. ~o date has been se t for the wedding. ~1 iss Ri sing announced her engagement on Saturday at a bridge party. -o. ~fr . ancl ~r rs. Charle:; :\el ~o n, (l2l Cumnor road, .r eturned to Kenih\'orth Monclav from Cincinnati, Ohio. 11r. 1'-:ebon- Wd:' there a \veek on busine ss and also visited his parents, and M r ·. ~elson joined him for the week-end. -oThc Rcvere.nd Leland If. Danforth and ~frs. Danforth, 333 \\"a rwick avenue, entertained at tea on S~mday evening. January 30, for the vestrymen and their wive s, to meet the Suffragan Bi~hop and ~1rs. Sheldon ~L Gris\\'old . 1 1 Shortridge & Saxton 419 Richmond Road, Kenilworth Phone Ken. 2735 I -00n Tuesday, February 15, the X cigh~fr. and 1[rs. }£. \\'. AlgLI' \\'arwick hors will have their hirthda\· luncheon at 1 o'clock. 1Irs. John \Vilcis is in Kenil\\'orth will entertain their dinn er charge of .r esen·ation. Res ervations brid~e dnh Sunday e,·ening, Febwill not he accepted a iter February ruary 5. -o11th. -0\Vilson DeCamp, son nf ~r r. and James Helm of Kansas Cit,· ar- ~[rs. Da\·icl R. DeCamp , hl3 Abbottsrived in Kenilworth la st Frida,· to. ,·isit iorcl road. Kcnih,·orth, came home last :Mrs. B. C. Hawke ~. 157 K; nil\\' orth \\'Cek-cncl from the Universitv of Indiavcnue, Kenilworth. ana bct\\'cen se mesters . . -o-oj ~r r. B. C. Ha\\'kt's. 1Si Kenih,·orth I ~I r. and ).[ r..;. \\'. \\-. \\'heelock. 132 av.enue. expects to retu.rn t.he end_ of Qxford :oad. r~·tu~nccl. to K eni lworth thts \\·eck from a \\'eek s tnp to :\ew Sunda\· trom Btloxt, ~1ts'., wh ere they ' York. spe nt month. ... I a -0- -0- ).frs. \\'m . A. ~foulton. 235 Raleigh Mrs. J ohn Ratl1bone, 523 Ahbottsroad. Kenil"·o rtlt, \Yilt he hostess at a ford road. Krnilworth, i · entertaining bridge party on Tu esday. February 8th. htr hridge cluh today. '~Up to a standard- Not do~n to a price.n NEW TRIER Being a resident anywhere within the circulation -area of this publication is evidence tnough that you are . "sold" on the many advantages NEW TRIER TOWNSHIP offers in .. home atmosphere." · In addition to this you appreciate the fact that the North Shore offers natural advantages that' are distinctive and "unequalled in the Chicago area." Faith in the future stability of North Shore residential development is growing, and with it, the demand for homesites. Why not safeguard New Trier's ··home atmosphere" by securing a portion of the limited area still available within the township? Lakewood Manort Wilmette, offers "protection at a profit" on a very nominal investment. :'Up to a standard-Not down to a pricet·· our slogan, ts backed by a protective policy in which the furtherance of that "home atmosphere" has been kept in mind and adhered to. \Yhy not make an appointment NOW to see these btgger and .better home sites. This can be done with .. out .the sltghtest. obligat~on on your part. A few . heavtly wooded sttes are sttll available. DO IT NOW. R. S. HAMBLY & CO. Sidewalks-in Lakewood Manor. Realtors 22 W. Monroe St. Phones: Randolph 2156-Wilmette 3364

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