February 4, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE it of the educators and the . sprightly talks by past presidents of LOGAN-HOWARD P. T. A. education teachers. In other words the educating lour association, namely, Mrs. J. R. the American public as it had not Harper, Mrs. Samuel B. Groves, Mrs. ENJOYS FOUNDERS" DAY of been educated before. Twenty-five C. A. Wheeler, Mrs. Charles H. Whiteyears ago we knew very little about hill and Mrs. Donald H. Maxwell. ·Groups Hear of Remarkable Development of National Organization in Quarter Century (by a Parent) The regular. meeting of the LoganHoward Parent-Teacher association was held Tuesday, February 1, at the Howard school. The program was hegun with the following song led by Mrs. Pearl P. S . Jones, teacher eighth grade Howard . :;chool: SCHOOLS (Tune~ ... I . "Smiles") There arc schools that make us happy There are schools that make us blue, There arc schools that make a hoy play "·ho.okcy" Just as much as studies e\·cr do. There arc schools that seem to smile and greet you, Cover Wide Field \Vhcre the sunbeams alwavs seem There arc Parent-Teacher associto play, · \\.here the pictures and the new piano ations in Alaska ·and Hawaii, Japan and China. India asks for help, also Show that they have a P. T. A. Greece and Italy. \Vith these and the \Vh.en we had finished this song, associations all oyer the United States ~f rs. Jones remarked that this is the we have a strong chain of links which kind of a school we have and urged forms the Parent-Teacher movement. us all to sre the new divi sion that has There are 900 associations with a membcen added to the Howard s·c hool and bership of 74,000 in Illinois. All 900 obse rve how fortunate arc our chit- associations arc a link in this chain. dren. We have scientific people interested Delightful mu sic wa s furnished hy in a consecrated effort to co-operate two pupils of the school. Two pian0 with our state officers and chairman ~olo s hv Caroline H err and t\'1' 0 \·ocal who in turn are -co-operating with the s0los h)r WilliC1m Morgan . . National organization. ~fr s. ]. R. Harper introduced the \Ve just procure speakers who will -.pca ker. ~fr s. Mark P . Mears, past stimulate us to se rvice so that we will qate president. whose subject was, fmd the things we IH~ed to s tudy to "Links in the Chain." · be better parents. W c are responsible Mrs. Mears statrd that February is for the future of our children. The the month when we celebrate "F~un - parents must- be interested to attend ders' Day" and talked of the traditions the meetings. \Ve must reach the inthat lc(l to the organization of the different people who don't want to Xati o nal Congress of Parents and come to the meetings, the superior peoTrachrrs. Thr svmhol of the associ- pte who are indifferent and don't see at ion is t he 1~oa k ··: th e X ational Con - their need t o cor,ne; the shy and timid Q-ress of Parent s ancl Teachers is the who dread to come; the ignorant of trunk. the bran-ches arc the state or- which there arc many, and the foreignganizations and the lea\'Cs, twig_s. etc., born, along with the group who won't are the local organizations. The Na- mix. All associations ha\·c the indiftional organization came into being ferent persons to deal with. Today thirty yprs ago aml has gone through Iis the day we must choo se the most thirty years of cYolution. Its first name, important way in which to serve our "The First Congress of Mothers," has community and · learn to train and care become the "National Congre ss of for our children. \Ve are all a link in Parents and Teachers." this great chain of the Parent-TeachThe rapid and extremely solid er association. g rowth of the Parent-Teacher associMrs. Mears left this la st remark ation monmcnt is due almost entirelv with us: "Let it not be said of anv to the fact that the association ha·s of us that while I was busy, here and found its specialty and has de\·cloped there, the opportunity was lost and the it. Thi s specialty is education. First child grown up." education of the parents, and. second, Next followed interesting and the tea-cher. The teacher was some- They all felt that they need not be thing apart from the rest of us. W'e ashamed to have been a president of a were not particularly interested in her Parent- Teacher association. Mrs. outside of the school. The teacher Louis K. Gillson, past state president, was in a class by herself. We knew was also present and gave a little very little aboltt the methods of teach- speech. Mrs. Karl D. King, past reing twenty- five years ago. Now we gional . director of our Nineteenth disare being educated to bring a closer trict, was present and added to the ocrelationship between the . teacher and cas ion. the parent and the parent and the The past presidents were the guests teacher. We are procuring the best 1of honor. schools that are possible because of I There was a tie for the prize, Miss the popular interest of the public to- l Nash and Miss Sloan having the same day. If we want the best teachers we percentage. must see that they are provided with The Logan-Howard board members the best educational training and the were hostesses. A very pleasant social proper training facilities. hour was enjoyed by everyone. It was The Parent-Teacher association must a red letter day in the history of the aid materially to improve local . con eli- L~gan - Howard Parent-Teacher asso~i tions. We mu st stret-ch out and assist atton. the community next to us so that ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ they will not contaminate u s if the conditions there are not favorable. W OMEN know the value of the right kind of furniture polish. They like to keep their furniture looking bright and cheerful. And they are the wielders of the family paint brush. Our paint sticketh closer than a brother Wilmette Home Bakery Draperies Made to Order and Estimates Furnished. Famous for Parker House Rolls 406 Linden Ave. Ph. Wil. 1025 Ruth Wester, Prop. Wilmette Window Shade and Paint Works ALFRED EVERS. Prop. Glass, Picture Framing, Mirror Resilvering, Wallpaper. Draperies and Art Materials. 1 13 3 Central Ave. Pb. Wil. 3493 W The Best ay Your Car to flave ' 1" " " ';'~~:~"" '~~:~:~"" ' :;"" '~~~~:,~~"" "~:~:,:~~:'~" '"'" ' = WILMETIE, ILL. Tenth Street and Central Avenue . SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. - washed Greased Ra~e t h e or UpholsterY - Vacuull or Cleaned \iVcdnesday Testimonial 11eeting-8 P. }\1. Sunday School Exercise~ 9:45 A. 11. February 6, 1927 Subject: "SPIRIT" READINC ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS: Daily (except \Vednesday · and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Saturday 9 A. M: to 9 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary .Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, barrowed or purchased. h n you take car with us w e h Shore . \ea-ve the the Nort wn. or d when 1s to "L" downto ·n be rea Y the . .1\-ve. It Wl frotll Ltnden you return. Wi\mette Motor Sales Schaefer, Prot>· . ,,1.1 636 Phone vvt. 515 fourth St. P . J. Tlae Public is cordially invited to attend the Church Services and visit the Readina Room :;itHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIflllllllltlllllfllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllltltllllltltlllllllllltlllftlllfllltlllllllllllllllllltltlllflfltlllllllltllltlllltlltllllllllllllfiiiiiiiNIIIIIIIItllh~