WILMETTE LIFE 'February 11, 1927. , Unused Too Much Sugar t~ugar aceumutaung In the system - then J.llR oetes. .v o n · 1. risk years of mts· ery don't take any cnances on w e a .k or over· wor&ea Kiuneyt~. JJut Your ratth tn lllountaln Valley Water, natural kid· 11ey aid, from Hot springs, 1\.r..kansus. It Is prescribed by J)ftystctans as an aid In the treat· ment and preven· tlon of kidney dis· orders. It has glv· en splendid resuns In the treatment or JJJabetcs. Ask to !See our letters from diabetic suft'erers. WE DELIVlBR of the gathering having much 325 New Phones National W. C. T. U. . aspects importance as the W. C. T. U. was the Put in Wilmette Head Calls Session host at one of the most remarkable dinners ever given at the national During Past Year to Discuss Policies capital. This function was given at Mrs. Ella A. Boote, president of the national W. C. T. U. will be in Evans· ton within a few days to meet with the other national offi·c ers to frame policies for tl)e organization from the ndings of the national conference of the W C. T. U., held recently at \Vashington, D. C. More than 500 women leaders of the prohibition movement attended the conference, representing nearly all the states in the union. Amm1g the Evanston women to attend the copference were Mrs. Anna A. Gordon, president World's W. C. T. U.; Mrs. Frances P. Parks, national corresponding secretary; Mrs. Margaret C. Munns, national treasurer; Miss Helen L. Hood, president Illinoi s \V. C. T. U.; Miss Izora Scott, managing editor r;The Union Signal"; Miss Epha Marshall, director of the department of Economics of Prohibition; Miss \Vinona Jewell; Mrs. Mary V. Nunn, national director of field ser\'ice; and Earl Godwin of the publicity department. The conf eren·ce was reported remarkable in many ways, the social the smart Mayflower hotel, where the conference was staged, and as guests the organization entertained 300 memb~rs of Congress together with their wtves. Another event of importance was a reception given to the membership of the conference by President Coolidge. An event of particular interest loca lly was a memorial service at the base of the statue of Miss Frances .\ Villard in statuary hall at the capital. Rep. Ri-chard Yates, of Illinois, made a speech to a great conclave of the visitors who filled the hall. and conspicuous at the service was Miss Gordon. who is well known as having been Miss vVillard's secretary. At the memori~l service she was present as chairman of the Illinois Statuary commission. A shower is to he ~iven by Miss Ruth Holdaway, 723 Forest avenue, on Saturday, February 12, at her home, for Miss Dorothy Young of Chicago, who is to be married on February 19. Miss Holdaway will be Miss Young's maid of honor. Wilmette.' s growth last year, as indicated by the - number of new telephones installed, \\·as de scribed this week by H. B. Gates, local manager of the company. Mr. Gates said that there was a net increase of 325 telephones installrd in Wilmette during 1926, ,,·hich was one of the grratest in the history of the fllinois Bell Telephone company as a whole. This means greater pr::>spcrity, greater development and greater commercial activity in the community, it \Yas said. In \\"il111ettc toda\·, there are 5283 te lrphonc s. as com pa ~eel '"it h 2721 tc lcphoncs. ten years ago. It is the aim oi the Teleph one company. said ~~ r. Cates, to pro\·ide am pic facilities for the nor111al growth o f this commtmity and kl'ep pace ,,·ith it s cons ta 11 t pros pt· rity. --------ARRANGE FOR PLAY Korth shore alumnae ni t he ~ational Kindergarkn and Ekm~· ntary college. ~frs. Perc\· Arden of \\'ilmette, ~frs. \\ralter \iarx of K cnil\\·or th, ~fr s. \\'ellington Coolidge oi \\'innetka. ~f rs. \\'illiam Sut hcrland of Cknrot'. ~r rs. Frl'<l Porter of R;winia arl' assisting Mrs . Alfred R Batl'S, tht·ir prl·sident, with th e general arrangt.·tnenh for the ·'Bro\nlie-.," the play to he :-taged for children 1)\· the Student Pbn.·r s of the \'ational Kindergartt"n <JtHI i·:kmentary college February 12, at 10 :30 and 2. Dr. and Mrs . Eugene 11 . Stearns of Evanston announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday at the EYanston hospital. Dr. Stearns was formerly a resident of Kenilworth. ·"-' . ' PHONE US Mountain Valley Water Co. North Shore Branch 2GC ·!l Broadway Greenleaf 4777 Evanston, Ill. Tht'Sl' Dt>alt' rs <:>arry stock a.nd will dt·li\·er dit·ect: Thf' Kt·nilworth Store, Kenilworth, Illinois. ' \Yoodland Cron·r, Hubbard 'Voods, Illinois. Rapp Brothers, \\'innetlm , Illinois. THE SECRET nterested guardianship The Cadillac we sell you -and on which we render service - has not only an enthusiastic owner but an interested guardian in us. The infinite pains we take to keep Cadillac Cars always in "condition" is one reason whytheygive.suchsupreme.. ly satisfying performance. Rogers PaTk 9132 of HEALTH If you want to Jive a long happy lift, what you should do is to exercise every day. take worries easy. sleep as much as you need. eat .regularly and moderately. and drink PLENTY OF MILK. CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY (Evanston Branch) 1810 Ridge Avenue, Evanston CADILLAC SERVICE r.