WILMETTE A ' LIFE February. H. 1927 ~uurnHummtnlllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllltlllllllllllllllllllillllllillllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllliJIIIIJIIIII~"""'II"II""II""'"""'""IIII."IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr"'"'"'""'ll'~ \Kenilworth Scho·ol I We'll Clean a . 9xl2 'RUI = for $1.00 ;=:_========= IPUSH WORK ON TRAFFIC - The cost for cleaning a gx 12 rug is $4.00. During Do.l lar Days we'll clean the second rug for only. $1. oo additional. _ = - Phone 1200 7 'h. t:j) .JI "as Ian~cJro s. GA~:~~:f ~ 1107 = ·11111 1 111 1il llllllllllllllll1111 1 111111111 1 11111111111111111111111111 1 11111111111111111111111111111lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllii' FOR DOLLAR DAYS 2 pair of dollar Hose $2.00 Value $1.00 2 dollar Ties $2.00 Value $1.00 McNamee's Store for Men 118 3 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 2655 and. forceful figures of the gtganttc (Contined fron\ page_ 1) . unT\\'0 prizes were a warded the Joseph dertaking which is ahead of. those wl~o Sears school in Kenih,·orth in the re- are planning these gre·a t htghways tn cent Christmas seal ~ales contest, it order to keep ahead, if possible, of the was annottnced \ ,. cclne:>clay. For the growing need of such roads. In. regard third time. the ~cho o l "·as a\\'ardrll the to the increase of automobtles, he. Harrv H2.rt cup for the largest per showed by comparative statisti_cs, that rapit~ sales .in Cook county. which, in an anticipated 35,000,000 cars wtll be in accordance \rith the rules of the con- . use in the United States by 1930. test, now becomes their permanent posWork Here Progresses session. For the largest total sale Mr. DeBerard gave a very interestthe school is abo awarded a "Relid ing report as to the status of the. w<?rk Bambino." Both prizes were offered accomplished in the matter of brmgmg . by the Chicago Tuhcrculo. is !l.ssocia- the new through highway over Main tion. Special mention \\'as made of street in Wilmette. The project IS now the excellent \Ynrk of Pauline Spiegel, in court. he said. it ha\'ing been found who sold $31150 \\'Orth or' seals, and of necessarv to spread a new ass~ssment Barbara Olson. '"hose sales amounted roll because of some legal difficu1ties to $135.25. A total of $1,o7S.-t0 in seals in connection with the original assesswas sold h" children of the school. ment. He also reported that the conOther J~rizC's which have been demnation proceedings involving the a\Yarded in the contests arc as follows: J. E. Dempsey triangular piece of lan<i The Grosse Point public school won at Fifteenth street and Elmwood aYefor the third time the silver cup given nue are progressing satisfactorily. 11\' the Grosse Point Health center h~ard for the largest per capita sale Suggest Prize ·Awards for · in the \Vilmette schools. Slogan for C. ~f C. A special banner was awanlrd to The· \Vilm ette Chamber of ComGrade II of the H<m·arcl school br merce, in session Monday evening, respecial c ffort. A special prize of a Yolley ball was ferred to its finance and publicity a warded to the seYenth grade of the committees the proposition of offerSt. Franci-. ~chool \\·hieh sold $70 ing- awards for a striking and app;opriate slogan for the organization. worth. It was the sense of the Retail committee, wl1ich ~uggc-ted the prize contest, TRANSFER WELFARE CLINIC Starting ~farch 1, the Child \Velfare that the contest be open to all th Clinic, hitherto held at the Grosse residents . of the community. The Chamber is to hear further on Point Health Center, will be conmatter at it~ meeting in ).larch. this ducted every \V ednesday afternoon at the Howard school between the hours Dales Knapp, 633 Forest avenue. arof 1 and 3 :30. it was annom11.:ed earlv this "·cek. The offices of the Health rived home on Tuesday from Ann center will be maintained at the pres- Arbor, for a visit with his parents, 1Ir. and Mrs. Charles T. Knapp. ent address. Again Wins First X mas Seal Honors WAY, MERC'HANTS' PLEA ·· I During the DOLLAR DAYS MONDAY and TUESDAY FEBRUARY 14th and · 15th W e w i 11 offer many specials - Strictly adhering to our policy of the Best Quality ·F oodstufls- It will pay you to visit our store. Wilmette GrOcery and Market For Better Thin·gs to Eat REDKE BROS., Props. Free Deliveries Paily 4 1146 Central Avenue 6 Phones Wilmette 420-421-422-423-424-425