February 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE .21 -...::::::::::::::=:=~=,.... - ·;::::;:::::::t __.__,._ _ -------------------- -----· : :..~- t~~ . ..:..:.;.oo ~ -·~ Necessal'y Notions Milward's Sharps 25 needles to a package at 1 oc. Twin Brand Sharp Point Scissors, 4 ~ inch, $I. Silk Seam Binding, 7 yard bolt, 3 sc. Silk Dress Linings, $1.25 of Canton silk, long waistline. Lord's- First Floor Fountain Square Evanstor. A . -buy them in the ng Our Usual ual Clearance ·Of February Sale! For Your Dog Good-looking collars and harnesses and leashes-in natural tan or dyed leathers. Good assortments of dogneedfuls· - and collars for cats , too. Lord's -First Floor Ju st inside the North There's every advantage in buying this monthtremendous assortments, pa~ticularly of the new colors and patterns-and VERY LOW PRICE! al Rugs! a\·e been in stock six months or longer. And beour recent purchase of a $6o,ooo collection of d' s-Suor.i Flo or $1.45 Colored Honan Pongee at $1.19 Fast colors that include pop, corn yellow, pink, white, turquoise. monkeyskin. jade green, crane, coral. sistine blue, navy, caramel brown, bachelor-button rose, golden poppy, coral blush. Orrington .Door. $1.2 5 14-Mme. Natural Pongee, 89c Yd. $2.2 5 Striped Tubsilk Shirting, $1.9 5 $3.25 Black Crepe Satin, $2.95 $1.2 5 Tub Sport Satins, $1.09 $1.8 5 Crepe de Chine, $1.65 $2.50 Tub Satin, $2.19 Lord's-Firs: Floor Good-Looking Waterproof Coats $9.95 Rubberized material that looks like leather-not only weathprproof, but wear proof. too. Strictly tailored, and Patch very smart, with gray piping for a bit of contrast. pockets, partly lined. Belted and cuff-strapped. it h t·nuiguing with tJalance arnuisette with Sea Green Cherry Red Glossy Black Midnight Blue Tailored Sport Felts $7.50 Close-fitting soft felts and chiffon felts, in black and the new spring shades of blue. rose tans. and greens. Similar models in frosted felt! Lined with · warm, lightweight wool. New Stenciled Felts, $12 Lord's-Second Floor Lord's--Second Floor