30 WILMETTE LIFE February 18, 1927 j4 Big Ten Squads to Clash in Track Meet Th ,,;S Saturday PREP ACTORS BUSY Actors and Workers for New Trier Dramatic Club Prepare for Production of "Erstwhile Susan" 1 Ye Olde Baylolte Comer of SHERMAN and GROVE ST. EVANSTON DINE and DANCE During Dinner Hours 7:00 to 9:00 P. M. DAILY EXCEP'"f SUNDAYS NO COVER CHARGE $1.00 DINNER includes our regular famous dollar dinner and dancing from 7 :00 to 9:00 P.M., without cover charge. Music by ~lam· of the' outstanding track star:) in the- \Vcstern conference ,,·ill combJ' G. If'. C. pete in the fourth annual }wtoor qu~tc!Things arc coming to a head at ranguJar track meet at Evanston th1s ~cw Trier high school ,,·here final Saturday. betwee1~. Chic~go, 1\ort.h\\'C:'~ I pre 1 )arations arc ~ being. made fnt;, the tern, Oh10 and \\ 1sconsm. Out:o;1dc ot production of "krstwl11lc Susan, the the conferrnc~ meet in M.arch the play by ~!arion D~ Fore st. that the quadr<~ng-ular ~s ,t.hc '1~1o~t 1111portant j Xew Trier Dramat1c ~luh ts to, prcgathenng of B1g len f rack 111en. sent this ~aturday en~nmg at 8 o clock \Visconsin. winner of the three pre- I in the school auditorium. \'ious meets, ,,·ill cntrr another stron~ Carpenter:;, electricians, and prop~eam. this year ln~t _will_encounter some : crty men arc all hu:-~y. J~nd busier tonmdable oppOsitiOn trom other con- i perhap s than any of the:-~c ts the ca st. tender~. All of the competing- teams I L'ndcr the uircctorship of Gordon Van hoast of some clever performers both , Kirk member of the :\cw Trier facin the track and field event:;. , ultv,' the actors arc completing- the Ohio and \Viscon sin appear ;-;trong in fin;tl touche s of their clwractcrizathe relays although Chicago will enter I tions, many of which are quaintly difseveral fast cjuartcts of runners. The fcrent and difficult. Buckeyes are headed by Captain JohnThe title role, fur instance, is no ny Bevan, quarter miler: Larry Tnrin. ordinary part. J ulict, erstwhile Susprintcr and hurdler: Herman Horn- san, is an unusual \roman \\'ith an un stein and Bill Tooley, a pair oi middle us~al charactc.r. ~I arion Sclt_um.an, a distance men and D\\'ight Brmvn. pole 1 restdent of \\ Jnnetka ami a JUnJor at vaulter. ' New Trier, is \rorking wholc-heartl\femhers of the Badger team who 'j cdly on this rok and, her interprcarc certain of competing are Chuck tation oi Susan is sure to be a laud'M cGinnis. high jumper. pole vaulter · able one. and hurdler: Robert Krcuz, sprinter: I John Cog-s\n~ll takes the part of thl' Tohn Zola. long distance: G cor g e I leading man, Barnaby Dreary. This Schutt, miler and Ray Erickson. micl- rok also is one that ~ails fu~ hone st clle distance. ~f cGinni:' i~ o1H' of the l hard \Vork, and ] ohn ts ccrta111ly eremost versatile perf:)nllcr:' in 'the con- ~ ating- a splendid . llama·hy. ference and " ·ill he a dangcro11:; rom- . A g:eat deal of th~ t:lay's burden pctitor in all three oi hi:-; event.-. · JS earned by Jane Phllhnck and Lor Anton Burg, captain of thl' \f arnOih. I en Converse, who .have the juvenile will he a fa \'Orite in the high jumn. I l~a~ls. ] ane's part is an especially He is one oi the best high jumpers in 1 1 d1flicult one, becau se it is she who colleg-iate rompetition besides heing a has to present much of the play's ranahlr pole vaultrr. Jim Cu.;ack, .tragedy .. Lorrn. as a young lawyer. \\-;:~kefit'ld Burke. \\"illiallls, llc~ovic l 1:; exceed111gly capable. and Apitz will run the relays for ('hi- ! <?n the whole "Er.st\\'hile Su:-an" is cago. go1~1g to l~e a very stncnc and \\'Ort h Coach Frank Hill ha :; one of his wlulc pl'rlormance and one that will best teams at ~ortlnre.;tcrn thi.- year : add to the reputation already held by as demonstrated hy thr Purpk\ ·vic- :. the \"ew Trier High School Dramatic tory on·r Kntrc Dame in a n·c :)rd dual ' club. meet. "Tim·'" Lewi.-. Al Bag~e. "Kit" K;1 rstcn and Aldo ~e s~ter rompri ... r a MORE DANCING IN HAY MOW o~tar~d .oi \\'eight men \\~110 arc cap.ahl_l' ... Dinner dancing at the llayloite from ot p1ckJn~ up_ a lot pomts. Lc\\'JS 1' , I to 9 every week day <.:n:ning \\'a s analsCI entered tn the hurclles. an event , nounced by Frint Georo·c this week. ~n which lw sllo\\'s c~n~iclcrahle prom - I The growing popularity (~i Duke Bi~T ht.. low's orchestra resulted in adding thl' l_:tpt. Da.r Fttl"fl'Y. Frank Reynold.; , new dance period. Dancing from 9:30 Phd Sparbng-. Jalll.l..':' Or~hard. Jnhn to midnig·ht will be continued as u::>ual. Gorh.'·· ] aml':' ~f onng. Dtck Johnson and Cror. IH' ~~ ilb. Bob Tannehill and FATHERS'-SONS' DINNER Darrel \Vare \\·ill handle the rrlav A Fathers' and Sons' dinner will 1H.' ennts for the Purple. Bill Droeg~ held at the \Yilmcttc Parish ~f ethoclist muellcr, star pole \·auitcr. is certain t:1 church thi:-; cn·ning ;tt (j :30 0 'rlock. he ntH' of the top notcher;-; \\'hile Frank Prof. Tra Hiltnn Jone s \\'ill address Rl·ttig \Yilt he a formidable contender the g·athcring on "The ~I ar\'el.; of in the high jump. Chemistry." J 0 1 1 DUKE BIGELOW and his HAYLOI'TE BAND EVENING DANCING from 9:30 'till closing. Cover charge 5Oc , Saturdays· 75c with Ruth Marie Marcotte prima donna of Rose Marie i. Madelyn' Killeen, Joey Ross, George Gtvot, Brock Sisters and others in a sparkling Dutch fantasy "Z Ul:"DER ZEE." MONDAY The most lavish Stage Spectacle ever produced in Chicago featuring BENNY MEROFF and his band on the screen week only- "The , with man, w·Inntng · of Barbara Worth" Ronald ColVilma Banky