March· 4, 1~27 W I L M E T T E L I F £"· Authorized Dealers Evanston Branch: 1824 Ridge Ave. Telephone Greenleaf 1 4 9 5 Main Office: 2 2 2 9 Michigan Ave. Trlcnhom Calumet i 340 \\'oodlawr2 Branch: 6o 52 Conagc Grove Ave. Telephone Plaza 1 i r o ..._--------------------·----~--------~-·-----l O N the minds of many people ownership of so fine a car as the Lincoln might entail responsibility. It is for such that our service is ·especially planned. We automatically care for all periodic, routine service, assuring you years of carefree enjoyn1ent of this car~ s ahnost faultless perforn1ance. We will gladly explain all details of this service, and show you the n1any body types no'v available in tl1e Lincoln chassis with its six-brake svsten1. J TRIANG·LEr AUTOMOBILE COMPANY