Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Mar 1927, p. 32

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WILMETTE LIFE March 25, 1927 North Shore WomeJt Interested tn Name Patronesses May Bride for Easter Monday Luncheon, Bridge ·--------~-: BY JEAN TEN BROECK · Hospita~ Benefit Catholic Club Committee Entertains for V et~rans The committee on friendly co-operation with ex-service men of the Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette ar-ranged a concert Thursday evening for the men at the U. S. Veterans' hospital, North Chicago, No. 105. The forty members of the glee club of the Chicago Central Trust company gave a program of songs and entertainment. The club distributed their song books to the veterans, who joined them in singing. The committee furnished and served refreshments to the men later in the evening. The membership of the committee is: Mrs. Edward J. McArdle, chairman; .Mrs. L. W. Crush. Mrs. P. ]. Joyce, Mrs. R. C. Roth, Mrs. J. J . ~I ills, Mrs. John Boyls~on. : M rs. J oscp h Joyce. ~[ rs. G. E. Ludwig, ~1 r~. Alfred Ruby, 1L r:-; . J, E. Drmpse~· ~ncl Mrs. P. J. McGurk. Dances and Teas Fill Northwestern Social Calendar Senior ball topped the social events at Northwestern university last week end, and other affairs are on the calen dar for the near future. The ball was held in the Patten gymnasium Friday evening in a Palm Beach setting of banked greens and flowers . Another annual event held Friday was the prom rriven by the three chapters of Delta 1'au Delta from Northwestern, Chicago and Armour at the Blackstone hotel. Pi Beta Phi is holding a subscription dance this evening at the Orrington hotel roof for the benefit of the house fund. Alpha Xi Delta will hold a subscription dan ce Wedne sda y, April 3, at the Evanston \\Toman's club. Phi Kappa Psi held open house on Sunday afternoon of la::-t week, and Sirrma Alpha Epsilon will rntcrtain at tc; this Sunday afternoon . The ~lumni of the Chicago chapter of Phi Delta Theta entertained the Northwestern and Chicago chapters at a dance last Saturday evening at tf1e Riverside Cou ntry club. The Sigma Chi chapter attended Sigma Chi night in a body at I!clgcwater Beach hotel Saturday. The balconv scene from ccRomeo and Juliet" g 1ven by Daisy Belmore of "The Vagabond King" company entertained thr seve ral hundred sorority women \\·ho attended the annual ·lun cheon of the Chicago City Panhellenic a ssociation at the Illinoi s \Vomen's Athletic club last Saturday. Another event att ended by the women of the campus sororities was the tea given W ednesday by Alpha Omicron Pi in honor of its grand secretary, 1Irs. James Hunt. ington. and its di strict superintendent. ~Ir s. Uilita Skillen. Swinging into step with the benefits of early spring is the luncheon and bridge to be given April 18, for the St. Francis hospital. The affair will be given in the new Georgian hotel on the corner of Hinman avenue and Davis street, Evanston. Luncheon will. be served at 1 with the games of pivot bridge, bunco and five-hundred com mencing at 2. The patroness list will include presidents of all catholic clubs along the north shore and wives of the doctors composing the staff at St. Francis hospital, in addition to a group of other north shore women. Mrs. Frank Jones, 1136 Central avenue, \Vilmette, is chairman of the affair, and she, together with Mrs. Carl Bunte of Wilmette, and Mrs. N. P. Anderson and Mrs. A. L .. Smith of EYanston, are in charge of reservati ons. The women who arc to be patronesses are: Urs. Frank Oelerich, president Woman's Catholic club of \Vilmette; Mrs. vVilliam F. Brown, president of the North Shore Cat h o 1i c Woman's league; Mrs. Scott W. Prime, president of the Evanston Catholic club; Mrs. James Brennan , president of the Roger s Park Cat h o 1i c club; Mrs. Thomas Mullaney, president of the Edf.!e\\'a ter Catholic club : Mrs. Frank L. McLaughlin, president of the Glencoe club; Mrs. James Spelman, p.resldent of Order of Martha of Rogers Park; Mrs. Ed·ward O'Connrll, · president of the Prownson circle; Mrs. Rohert McColl, president of Catholic \\'oman's club of Chicago; Mrs. Jack Finn, president of Lake Shore Woman's club; A. L. Smith, president of the St. Francis auxiliary which is deYoted entirely to work for the hospital and its new Nurses' home; and the wives of the staff doctors who arc its members, Mesdames 0. L. Ru dersdorf, H. T. Swanson, F. L. Mc- Club. ObserVes Birthday · C C k W ttb and[es and a e The \\'oman's Catholic club is giving a birthday party this afternoon in Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur R. Marshall of 1039 Linden avenue, Wilmette, announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth Belle, to Cedric S. Jones, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Warren G. Jones of Madison, vVis. The wed dinA' will take place on May 21. Miss Marshall attended Purdue university and is a m ember of Kappa Alpha Theta. Pupils Give Recital The pupils of Doris L. Metcalf of the Labarthe Pianoforte schnol, Chicago, gave a recital on Saturday afternoon, March 19, at the Covenant Methodist Episcopal church in Evanston. The program was given by twenty pupils from Wilmette, Kenilworth and Evanston. Miss Metcalf closed the program by playing two numbers, "Waltz in Old Vienna" by Godowsky, and "Dance of the Gnome:-;" by Liszt. The pupils are: Malc~lm McDaniel, Dorothy Link, Marion Sollitt, Katherine Lorch, Beth McDaniel, Betty \Voodburn, !Betty Byrne, Rob Byrne, J ericn Cowan, Nancy · Boggs, Edith Langtry, Ruth Link. Lurille Small. Marion Legg, Jack Campbell, Gladys Smallwood, Frances Barre. Rita Griswold, Carl Hilty and Marion Denni s. cclchration of the fourteenth ' ' car of its existence. Its member~ wit( be entcrtained at the \Y oman's club af '2 o'clock, with a program that will inelude a talk "A Mediterranean Crui se.' ' g iven by Mrs. l\Iary Ridpath 1\lann, daughter of the historian, Ridpath, who ha s been a lec turer for the Chicago Historical .s ocict~· for ten years. George H. Connor, of the Travel hureau, took the illustrations for th e talk. The meeting will b e carried out in a proper birthday manner. with the club colors, yellow and \Vhite, used in decoration, and a birthday cake with fourteen candles. ..... Romance of Theatre Guild Speak at League Luncheon The luncheon and ~nccting of the Kenilworth League of \\romen Voter:; on Fridav of last wrck was attended hy six ty ~vomen. The program of the day was presrntecl hy Miss Edith Rockv,roocl, srcretary of the Illinois League of \Vomcn Voters. and hy Mrs. E. F. Snvdacker of Kenilworth. The latter ga\rc a talk on the institute of government held the early· part of this 1110nth at Xorthwestern university. Grath, B. H. Huggins, R J . Ford, E. B. Powler, F. P. Horan, R J. Hynes, H . Vv. Luessman, r.;. C. McGill, R. V. Slntzell, Charles B. Conroy, C. L . O'Brif'n, T. J. Conley, Hugh .1;, Duffy, A. C. Held, Paul Hullhorst, R. W. Keeton, F. '1'. O'Connt'Jl, Ralph Konle, A. J. Larkin, H . T. Mars, L. D. Minsk, S. 0. O'Connell, .J. Reinsch, I. H. Chilcott, B. · M. Conl<>Y, H. H . Conley, T. E. ConlPY, B. E. Fillis, G. 1\I. Loewe. L. E. Lee, Franklyn Patterson, and Dr. IrenE> 1\Ierilatt, Dr. Estht.·r S. NE>lson and Dr. Ida Barroll: Mesdames Charlt's A. Barton, James Burnes, A. W. Boylston, George H. B<>audin, G. Biehl, J . E. Cantwell, ·w. E. Connor, J. E. Cooley, B. M. Conlf'y, H . 1\I. Fontham, A. Johnson, P . .J. Joyce, F. ,V, Harvey, George Ludwig, B. W. Lynch, Kat·~erine Maun, Elizabeth Phillip, S. J. Morand, Walter Miller, Edward Schager, and members of the Flower Bridge club, Mesdames Harry Davies, Paul Fieberg, Fred Budinger, Harry Gonder, Marshall Kearney, Charles Engelhardt, and H. H. McDermott, all of Wilmette ; Mesdames N. P. Anderson, E. W. Bell, Frederick Cozzens, C. W. Gebhardt, J. Kramer, Jamt'S Schaef<>r, G. W. Walsh, Herbert Drew, A. A. McKinley, C. M. Hayes, John James, Robert James, and Miss Margaret Hayes, all of Evanston; Mrs. Joseph Joyce of Kenilworth, Mrs. J. T. Janette Of \Vinnetka, and Mrs. \Villiam Dooley of Highland Park. Each member of the Tranquilla dub, a \~ilmette group organized for the purpose of benefiting St. F.rancis hospital, has pledged to take a table. These members are Mesdames F. H. Alt, John Boylston, Charles F. Bunte, treasurer; E. E. Cooper, L. W. Crush, W. E. Ratterman, W. Kerr, D. F. O'Neill, J. F. O'Neill, C. Portman, W. E. Henderson, W. J. Raymer, H. J. Richter, G. K. Schmitt, C. H. Simmons, A. D. Whitt, and F. A. Kaufman. Announcement has been made of a small wedding that is of north shore interest in that b9th bride and groom have taken active part in North Shore Theatre' guild plays, and the latter was the guild's business manager last season. Monday afternoon Miss Virginia Fitz]!ugh, daughter of Mr. and Mr s. Carter H. FitzHugh of Lake Foreot, and Melvin P. Wamboldt were married in only the presence of their immediate families, with the Rev. Herbert W. Prince of the Lake Forest Episcopal' - ·- - -- -church officiating. The bride was attired in an afternoon dre ss. There Work to Lecture at Club were n. o attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. vVork, bridge expert, Wamboldt are to make their home in to the Guilmette Country club Monday Pa~dena. afternoon to give a talk on the latest rules and play of that popular game. Mr. Work comes to the cluh through Engaged the courtesy of the Chicago Evening The engagement of Miss Norma American to speak under the auspices Fiske of Sante Fe, N. Mex., to Richard of the afternoon card committee of the club. The address is to be for women Day of Omaha, Neb., was announced at an Alpha Phi cozy on Friday, of the north shore. Applications for March 18. Miss Fiske is the niece of tickets for the lecture may ·be made Mrs. H. E. Holdoway of 723 Forest with Mrs. William Holmes. 622 Central avenue, Wilmette. Miss Fiske was avenue. graduated in 1926 from Northwestern university, artd is a member of Alpha ~~ rs. \V. D. Millard of 1721 Forest Phi. avenue will entertain the F. A. S. of the \~/ilmettc Baptist church at tea at her hom c Sunday, March 27. at 5:30 Two Day Rummage Sale o'clock. The Ladies' Aid society of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church will The Town club entertained on Sat- · ho~d a rum~1 age sale on Thursday and urda\' March 19 at a buffet supper at Fnclay, Aprtl 7 and 8, at the Economy ·' · · the \Voman's club. Seventv-two mem- shop ' 1147 G . reen 1 ea f avenue, W'l I mette. hers and guests enjoyed th~ supper and The sale Will be held all day both days. the dancing which followed. The Wilmette center of the Infant Mrs. F. E. Davenport of 404 Gregory Welfare society of Chicago held an avenue entertained Spoke Twelve of all-day sewing meeting Thursday the Presbyterian church at luncheon March 24, at the horne of Mrs. T. B: on Tuesday of this week. Potter, 607 Forest avenue. Last Subscription Dance The last of the series of subscription dances givrn for member s of the Woman's cluh of Wilmrtte and their frirtids is to he Satu.rday evening. April 2, at the clubhouse. These delightful affairs have been given during the winter season for the benefit of the club building fund. They havr been well attended. and have hern the sotjrcc .of much pleasure to \Vilmette society. Bake Sale Tomorrow The North End circle of the Congrrgational church will meet on ~1 onda\·, March 28. at the home of Mrs. Frederick M. Bowe~:;, 714 Ashland avenue . Lunch .e on will be served at 12 :30 o'clock. The circle is holding a bakery sale tomorrow at Van Deusen's, starting at 10 o'clock. Artists to Exhibit Residept and former resident artists and art students of Wilmette are invited to contribute to the annual exhibition of Wilmette art held by the Woman's club of Wilmett«;. the committee in charge announces. The exhibit will be hung at the Woman's club April 29, 30, and May 1.

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