Ma.rch 25, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE Finish the season with CLEAN HEAT in your home U you have never burned Chicago Solvay Coke, order a supply, have a Service Man call and show you how economically you can heat your home. You will have clean heat from a dependable fueL It bums with no smoke, no soot and leaves few ashes to handle. Your fuel dealer. will makd prompt deli very of Chicago Solvay Coke in Egg. Range, Nut or Pea size for your hot water boiler, hot air furnace or stove-for heating the large home, small Bat or bungalow. Heat your homel· the next few weeks with a clean, dependable fuel. -" Chicago Solvay Coke cuts your heating costs. It il easier and cleaner to handle than any other fuel Finish the season with clean heat in your home. Order a few tons. CHI C ·A 0 ( ) o- SolvayCoke The Dependable Fuel for the Home BuY it" Bum -i t you'll Lilce it Sold exclusively by : Hoffmann Brothers WILMETTE Phone 131