March 25, 1927 W I L ME T T E L IF .E Mr. Cozzens is survived by his widow and two brothers, C. Warren Cozzens, of 626 · Maple avenue and LaFayette M. Cozzens · of 906 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette. Mrs. S. ~f. Dingee of nue had as her guests end Mr. and Mrs. L. Mr. and Gerald Park. -O- Frederick B. Cozzens B'ahai Leaders Plan Dies Suddenly March 18 Renewal of Building Funeral services for Frederick B. of Temple Structure Cozzens, forme.rly of Wilmette, were Four new local bodies have recently been organized in North America to take an active pa.rt in Bahai work. The new Assemblies are the Bahais of Vancouver, B. C.; St. Augustine, Fla.: Ithaca, N. Y.; and Wilmette. There are now forty-six local Bahai Assemblies in the United States and Canada, and twenty-four groups lacking the requisite number entitling them to form Assemblies and send delegates to the National Spiritual Assembly . To date nine National Spiritual Assemblies are in existence. four in the Occident, composed of .. Aryans, the white . race, namely': The States and Canada, Germany, Great Britian and Ireland, Caucasus. The' nineteenth annual convention ,, i the Bah<d s o~ the "Cnited States and Canada " ·ill he held at :Montreal tO\vard the e ttd of April. It will cotlsist of ninrty- fivc delegates. Among the matters hl he considered is the proper. legal status for the cause in the Cnited Stat<·;-; and Ca!1ada in nrder to observe future legal obligations. The citizens of \Vilmettr, the home lli the first Bahai Temple to he erected in the \\'e :-. tern Hemisphere, will be intaestecl in learning that the ensuing national convention ,yjl! devote attL· ntion to providing · means for the res utllpt ion of construction work on thl' edifice whi ch i~ located at Linden :t H'lltll' and Sheridan r oad . The public i:- in vi ted to a tt cnd llll'cting;:, fM the elucidation of the Bahai teaching:,, Sunday afternoons at 3 o'clock. in the ;-;tudio of Loui s n~lurge(Ji:-;, the architect, at 53G Sheridan road . Therr is no charge for admi~sion to Bahai meetings, nor arc ....-ollcctions taken , it is explained. held last Monday at his late residence, 1327 Church street, Evanston. Burial was private at Rosehill. Mr. Cozzens' death occurred· suddenly, Friday of last week. He was 60 years old. He came to Chicago several years ago from Galena, Ill., his bi.rthplace, and for many years was connected 'rvith the Chicago Journal. At the time of his death he was president .of the Kenfield-Leach company. 18 t .IIOBTGA.GB LOA.N8 2Dd St~tulv Oru Seroice 11ntl R11t11 H. GROSSMAN & SON 108:1 First National Bank Bldg. 38 S. Durborn St. CENtral 4185 926 Lake avefor the w,e ek F. Berry and \Vise of Oak · . . J eannette Hollister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Hollister of 1235 Elmwood avenue, is recovering from a case of scarlet fever. ELMER D. BECKER, Vlce-Pr~sfdent LYMAN, RICHIE & COMPANY Competent Insurance Service on all classes of protection. n:; \V. Jaekson Blvd., Chleago, 111. TELEPHONE: WABASH !008 This is the season for automobUe In· surance. Why not talk with me regarding your coverage? Electrically-refrigerated cars are now in service on the North Shore Line, the first cars of their ~ind ever employed on any railroad in this part of the country. Automatic temperature control keeps these cars always at the e.xact temperature desired, a real aid in keeping foodstuffs fresh and pure and delivering them in perfect condition to the people who live in communities served by the North Shore Line. ! .. Kenosha. Racine T . ~t Milwaukee· A train every hour on the . / North Shore Line IME was when a trip to Milwaukee was looked upon as "traveling". But not any more. Milwaukee service en the North Shore Line today is so frequent that a trip to "the Cream City" requires but little more thought than a trip into Chicago. Every hour there's a fast North Shore Line train to Milwaukee. Board a northbound Limited here, and change at North Chicago Junction, where comfortable connections are made with hourly Milwaukee trains. If you're going at any meal time, plan to dine en route. « nd thus save still more time. Milwaukee trains carry dining cars at a .l meal times You'll enjoy eating in these cle·an, restful dining cars- with snowwhite table linen, water free from soot specks, food that is famed for its excellence. When you seek the ultimate in conven-· ience and travel comfort, ride on the North Shore Line. It costs no more! Those desiring to t ke Milwaukee trains from Chicago will find our Loop station 'Adams & Wabash) and our NorthStdestations (GrandAve., Wilson Ave., or Howard·St. 1 a real convenie"ce. All Milwaukee trains - stop at these stations. ! Funeral Rites for Ronald Martin Held on Tuesday Funeral sen ices for· John Ronald \lartin, son of Mr. and :Mrs. ]. C. ~Lartin, 921 Tenth . trect, \Vilm ette, who passed away at the Fresh Air hos pital in Chicago Sunday, ~larch 20. \\'Cre ht'lcl from the \\'ilmette Parish ~{cthoclist church Tucsdav afternoon, "" ~larch 22, the Re\". Hora~c G. Smith ~~tliciating. Burial was at Memorial Park. Born at Cedar Hapid s, Ia., February 21i, 1908. "Ronnie," as his friet.ds kne\\' him, had lin~ d in early boyhood on the Pacific Coast and later in eastt.' rn PennsdYania: coming to \Viltlld tc in i 920 \\·ith his parents. He attended the \\'ilmctte grade schools and \\·as graduated fro111 the New Trit..'r Iligh school in tht: spring. of PJ21J, L·ntcring the School of Engineering at · 1\orthwestern university last !all. where he had just completed the first semester of work when stricken hY his fatal illness. -His was a kcenlr active and inquiring mind, covering a \\'ide ,r ange of musical and mechanical interest..:. in " ·hich he was most proficient. lie wa·s a pianist of exceptional skill and pos'\t'sscd a comprehensive knowledge of music in general. He was also intensely interested in the motion picture indu strv from the projection -,tandpoint ~nd was unusually well ,·crscd in mechanical and electrical matters. Tn addition to his universitv work and active interest in thing~ mechanical he also taught piano during the past two yea.r s at the Christiansen School of Popular Music in Chicago. · "Ronnie" Martin enjoyed a large circle of friends among whom his genial personality and many attributes had gained for him a position of highest regard. Besides his mother and father, he is survived by three, Robert, Rex and Royal. I \ 1·0"" ! For schedules, fares and other information, inquire at ticket office. Motor Coach Connections Kenosha to: Lake Gene· va and points between. Waukegan to: Fox Lake district, Gurnee, Lake Villa, Antioch, Yolo, McHenry. . 1 Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Co. The Road of Sen ice WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION Telephone Wilmette 2514 Baggage Checked J.Jl3