Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Mar 1927, p. 55

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March 25, 1927 l'Olt SALE-HOUSES WILMB TT E ·LIPE 10 WA.N'l'ED '1'0 REN'.f-HOUSES l: ..... I 0 WANTED TO RENT-5 OR 6 ROOM unfurnished house, preferably with garage, possession Apr_ l l or May. Phone ..\.TTH.ACTIVE 6 ROOM COLONIAL Winn. 1617. 60LTN26-tfc house, every room bright and sunny; large open screen porch ; natural fireplace; water heat; <·lose to "L." Corner 61 WTD. 'l'O RE~1'-l"URN.HOUSES Jot 37thxl25. Garag-e. $16,500. Owner WA~TED TO H.E!\'f FUR~ISHED on premises. 342 Grt>gory A \'e. home for the summer· three in family, 52L26-ltc husband, wife and grown spn. Desire small house on North Shore, r eply . H. FOR SALE-6 ROOM BRH'K VE~EER Y. Scott, 360 N . Michigan Avenu e, Chihouse, sun parlor and sleeping porch, (·ago, or eall S tate 2281. 61L26-3tc IJath, tile floor and walls, lavatory on first floor; breakfast nook ; water heat ; :? car garage ; lot 50x160. Just completed 61'4 f'HR SALE-trSEH tARS Owner on premist>s Sunday between 2 :00 and n :00 p. m. Pril.:e $20,000. l'i L5 1~12fi f·'ORL> Tudor . ... ... .......... $325 Washington Ave. Phone Wil. 3194. 1fl26 FURD Touring ... . .... .. ... ... $210 ' 52L2~tfu 1tl2-t FORD C'oupt- ........ ..... .... $12a 1!!24 ('HEYROLET Sedan ......... $175 FOR SALE-6 ROOM, ~lOD. STUCCO 1!124 CHl<;YROLET 4 tlass. sedan : . . $23:> home, sun-room, hreakfast nook, and garage. H. W. Heat. 4 years old. Well landscaped. :: blks. N. of In- !-111 Lindt-n AYe. Highwood, Ill. dian Hill d epot. East side. Price Hubbard "~oods. Ill. Tel. Highland $14,500. [i65 Elder Lane, Winn. T el. Winn. 296 Park 56 52LTN26-tfc All cars sold on sen·ice guar~~~-~·~\e:..'rt~ .~ t;!:lOO.OO TAKES l~Qt:lTY. 6 ROO~lS, 2 porches; attra('ti\'e, wt> ll huilt nr. transCi\R ll<·r·tation; hardwood floors and trlm . ; l):\fJ! fireplace; garagto; fint· trt-es; with in('Ome. Carrying first mortgagt·. .Act quick. Addres ~ owtH·r, '"' ilnwttt:- Ltft· FOJ{ i-i..\LE - SAXO~, SPORT RU.ADB-245. :J:!LT:'\2fi-llp stt·r; win· wlwt.ob ; 5 good tires, spot Jig·ht and many a e< :essorles. Vt-rY chea p FOR SALE - C:LE~l'OE r:I·~HTDE~ C .I<~; to otwratt-. Prict- $:100. John Dewat·, Jr, Ntst side. Seven ro1·ms, 2 haths, t-xtra l'honf.o \\' iun . 17~1l . 68LTN26-ltc lavatory; Klet> n Ht:t·t; gara~· e; canvas b walls; lot 100x200. Nt·ar se hool, t-xct!l- FOR ~ACE - DOl,UE SEDAN I~ EXl<·nt transportation. :\todt:-rct.tely vricl·d . c·t'lll·nt t·unning condition. Bargain at Terms. Call Glencoe 746. $175. :i87 Linden St. Telephont> Winn. ii2LTN2G-2tc 6.16. 68LTN26-Hc ~ QUICK SALE --------------------------------- Dabe-Ne,,itt Motor Sale JuS'f THE FOR " YOUl{ BOY 1--------------...____ r- · _ \X'I'lQl'ES Improvements ot said Vlllage of Wilmette until 7 :30 o·clock P. M. on Tuesday, the 5th day of April, A. D. 192'1, at which time said proposals will be HARP B'UTTERFL Y TABLE, HAND publicly opened, examined and declared carvt>d straight · back Rosewood chalr, by said Board of Local Improvements in 2 Highboys, open bookcase, 2 piece bed- the Council C.~amber in the VIllage Hall, room set, $15; 3 piece bedroom set, $50; in said VIllage oi Wllmette. \Va~h stands, Victrola, fireplace set, 2 The speclftc~.tions tor said improves e \ving tabl.,s, drt>ss form, rocking ments and blank proposals will be furc·hairs, Isko iee ma<'hine, box of J>alnts, nished at the office of said Board of Log·ardt>n tools, ~o. !1 Oli\' er typewriter, cal Improvements in said Village Hall. kitchen <.:a binH, aud otht>r artll'les. 815 Proposals must be made out on blanks Oakwood A.\' <'. Tel. \Yil. 1882. furnished by said Board of Local Im71LT~26-ltc provem ents, and must be addressed to the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illinois, Rug and indorsed "Proposals for Improve ~JARSHALL FIELD'S BEST ll.3x20 FT. ment of th e first alley North of Lake P erfl?'<:t condition. Bargain. Can be Avenue from Twelfth Street to Thir seen Warule ~torage Co., 521 1\Iain teenth Street," and all proposals must ~trt·f't, Wi!me ttt<. 71LT"N26-ltp be accompanied by cash, or a certified check payable to the order of the Presi FOH SALE MODERX UPRIGHT dent of the Board of Local Improve niano, dull mahogany case, beautiful ments of t·~e Village of Wilmette for tont>, $15(). Large t'namel gas range, a sum of not less than ten (10) per pra <'til'a lly new, $25.00. Refrigerator, centum of the aggregate of the proposal ~5.00. Call .Winn. 2521). 71LTN26-ltc and no proposal will be considered un less accompanied by such check or cash FOI1 SALE _ flAS STOVE, RJOHT · The <'Ontractor will be paid In bonds hand o\'en, white with niekle trim . and vouchers, payable solely out of the Pri(·t:' $25.00. Phon t- ·winn, 1892 after 5 assessnwnt for said Improvement, when p. m. 71LT~26-ltc colle-cted, in accordance ·with the provt sions of the ordinance therefor, and in LI\.fXC ROO:\£ AND DIXI~G TIOO~l the manner prt>scribed by law, Wlntch furnitun·. Red, box spring·H and rnat- bonds will bear interest at the rate of tr·"HS. <)tlwr housl·hold goods. 'Vii. 307.1. six (H) per centum per annum. 71LTX26-ltc Th(> contractor to whom the contrac FOH. ~A LF. DINING ROOM AND may be awarded will be required to fur kitt·ht-n furniturt-. LTpright piano; Rex nlsh a hond to the satisfaction and ap proval of tlw said Board of Local Im l{a~ Jwatt>r ; othE>r pit><'es. R ea.o;;onable. ments, in a sum equal to fifty (50 ·wit. 14:>!!. 71L26-1tc pro\·e per centum of the contract price, con dltioned for the faithful performan·c e of FOI1 SALE - :\lt:SH' CABI~l<~T. $-1.00; :? hra~s beds, $5.00 each; . a dining thP <'Ontra<'t. Proposals will be received for the con ehairs, $1.00 t>ach; adjustablt> dress struction of said improvement as a form, $a.oo. 'Vinn. 1003. 71 LT~26-Hp whole ; and said Board of Local Im provPments reserves the right to reject :my and all bids. . F.ARL E. ORNER JOHN CLARK BAKER EL!\IER D. BECKER WILFORD ,V. DeBERARD CLARENCE E. DRAYER PAUL A. HOFFMAN JOHN F. WIEDLIN BOARD OF LOCAl. Fon H.\LE -· DOPBLF. DAY BED AND IMPROVEMENTS · : hiffonit·1·. Phone Wil. 3665. · L26-ttc i1L26-ltc }'OR SALE-HSEHLD. GOODS Antiq~e Furniture Marabia \ Vilton l<· eo 0. FOR SALE-VAt;A.NT E. kder at ~n SAY Here is an opportunity that cannot be overlooked by any person interested In ~orth Shore real estate. J am offering a wonderful buy in my lot 62x197 situated in Woodland Park subdivision Deerfield, Illinois one of the North Shore's Choicest locations. Both storm and sanitary sewers are In and paid for, water in to the curb line, steel re-enforced concrete streets will be finished by spring, ground is high and dry, not a low marshy spot near thl~:= oroperty. If you are Interested in this proposition, $2,000 will take it, one half down and balance on easy terms. 0. ltc ~40 Owner- employed In WJlmette and must. twlke his home in that villag-e. Address Wilmette Life B-186 53LTN26-tfp FOU SAI;E-lCREAGE FOR SALE-10 ACRES, ADJOINING splendid sub-division; over 100 trees, near Skokie VallE-y Line. This Is a r·eal buy. Address Frands S. Moore, :n5 Cumnor Roard, Kenilworth. Ill. 54LTN26-ltp REAL J~ST , T.t: Homes for rent or salt:-. F. · H. GATHERCOAL Ph. Wil. 225 1213 Wilmette Ave. 56~26-ltc W A"STED TO RENT-ROOMS \V ANTED-COUPLE DESIRES 2 OR 3 housekeeping rooms ; also garage space. Quiet surroundings. May 1st occupancy. \Vilmette Life B-244. 57LT26-ltc WTD.TO RF.XT-HOlJSES nv. th. \V anted to Rent-Furnished and unfurnished hon1es for stunmer or longer. DD. lnd lVIURRAY 8; 40 N. 'l'J~RRY Dearborn St. Chic~go ette ·ltP Or call Glencoe 267, or Wll. 218. GOL'rN26·1 tc PROPOSALS HALE - TEAKWOOD TABLE with marhll"' top. :\lahogan~· tea cart. J<:OR PAYlNn THE FlRST ALLEY Tt'l. Winn. 2824. 71LT26-ltc SOl'TH OF LAUREL FROM FOURTH ~'I'REET TO FIFTH STREET. FOR SAL'E- LATinE, OVERSTUFFED, nnlnwtte Snecial Assessment No. 172, Wilmette, Illinois) n·lour dan·npurt. Tt'l. "\\Tinn. 1752. Sealed proposals for grading, paving 71LT)l26-ltc and otherwise improving t·~e first alley FOR SALE - 1 Rl'G APPROX. llx13, st:>uth ·of Laurel from Fourth Street to taupe l'Oior, 1'1:'\'t-rsible for $~5.00. Winn. Fifth Street, in the ViJlage of Wllm~tte, 1372. 71L26-ltp Cook County, Illinois in accordance with~ the ordinance and sp(lclficatlons for said improwment,' will be received · by the l\"TD. TO BUY-HSEHJ,D. GOODS Ro ~nd of Lo('al Improvements of said WANTR'D TO BUY -SECOND HAND \~ill~g-t> of Wilmette until 7 ::10 o'clock furniture and other household &'OOds P. ~r. nn Tuesday. the 5th day of April, Highest prices for same. Crost "Fur- A. D. l!\27. at which time said proposals niturf' Store, 1 004-li Emerson St., Ev- will bE' puhlkly opened and declared hy said Board of Local Improvements in anston. Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 72LTN26-tfc the ·Council Chamber in the Village Hn.ll, in said Vlllage of Wilmette. The specifications for said tmprove'VANTED TO BUY- USED GRAND Piano, 5 ft. sizE'. Must be first class ments and blank proposals will be furstandard make, in good condition. Tel. nished at the offtee of said Board of LoUniv. 6485. 72L'l.'N25-3te cal Improvements in said Village Hall. Pronosal!'l must be made out on blanks furnished by said Board of T.ocal Im}'OR SALE-~IIS(~ ELJ,A"SEOUS provE'ments, and must be addressed to F'OR SA L1<~-SEYERAI.. XJCE DRESf:iES thf'> Board of Local Jmnrovements of the sizt·!'l 1g to 38, $5. & $6. each. 2 boys' Villag-t> of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illlnols, · ~POOL ...\XD POST BEDS; DAY BEDS ; English Rowe sailor outfits, cos" ting and indorsed "Proposals for Imnrovelat·ge and l:ltnall drop leaf tables; chairs; $2a. at Fit'lds, for $7.00 ead1. Also mt>nt of Vw first aliPY !'Iouth of Laurel bureaus: dressing tables, pint> secrehoy~· HHi!or c·oatH. ·w inn. H72. from Fourth St. to l<... ifth St.." and all tar-r ; hla.nket ehests ; Boston rockers; 73L26-ltp propmmls must be aceornpanled by cash, cupboards, de. 'ft·l. Winn. 462. or a CE'rtified check payable to the order 70LTN26-ltc l·'OR SALE-WHIRLPOOL DISH WASH- of the President of thf' Board of Local t'r, family size; almost new, less than Jmpro\·e ments of tht> YHlage of Wilmette for a sum of not less thaR ten ( 10) half Jlriee. Phont' Winn. 1117. 41 FOR SAI;E-llOl;SEHOLD GOODS 73LTN26-ltc per centum of the aggregate of the proposal and no proposal will be <'Onsidered· FOR SALl!: - OLIVER XO. 1l TYPE- unless accompanied by such ckeck or writer in 1wrfect {'ondition, $16. PhonE' cao:h. t ROOM SUITES OF FURNT'l'URE, 'The contra<'tor will be paid h'l bonds Winn. 628-l\f. 73LT26-ltc f'stch worth $3.000, will take $550 comand voucher!'!. payable solely out of the plete or will separate ; 3-piece silk mohair parlor suite ; 8-piece walnut dining FOR KALE - CO ..\'f AXD DRERSES. asl'lessmE'nt for said Improvement, when <'ollected, in accordance with the provlLar~;e siz. Phone Kenil. 598. set: ~-piece walnut bedroom set; two 73~ T ~26-1 tc ~ions of · thP ordinanc~ thE'refor, and in !lx12 Wilton rugs: library tnble: floor the manner prescribed by law, wnlc~ and table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, bonds wlll bear Interest at th(l rate of and sih·erware. Will take $550.00 for i-1 WTD. TO BT;Y-JIJSCELLANEOL"S six ( 6) per eentum per annum. all. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Rd. The contractor to whom the contract f'htcago. Tel. Sunnyside 6190. Wi11 ar- W A N'l'EO r.LEAN WHITE RAGS, tOe J'er lb. 1222 Central A venue.. Wilmette. may he awarded will be required to furrange for delivery. 71LTN24-4tp HLTN26-tfp nish A hond to t,he satisfaction and approval of tlJf'> said Board of Local ImFOR SALE-BRAND NEW EUREKA provements, in Sl sum equal to fifty (50) ElN·trk swe~per,. with ·attachments, PROPOS.\LS nPr <'E'ntum of the contract price. con$20.00. Fretwh llahogany l\lant(>l Clock, $8.00. Sil\·er :i eandle dining .light fix- FOR PAVING THE FIRST ALLEY flltiont>d for th«> faithful performan·c e of tun·, $a. Largt> oval wall mirror, $3.00. NORTH OF LAKE A VENUE FROM the contract. Pronosals will b(> r~>celved tor the con· Dr~l}wries, Sun fast silk Kapoc, 4 long TWELFTH STREET TO THIRTEENTH struction of said improvemPnt as a pnir, 6 half length pairs with valaJ1c~s, STREET. $8. nentlt>man's Spring overcoats, stze (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 169, whole: and said Board of Loeal lmWilmette, Illinois) prnvE'm«>ntl'l rP<~Prves the right to reject :\8-40, $10 and $8. Ladies' Spring coat Sealed proposals for grading, paving any and all bids. and black satin dress, size 36-38, $8. F.ARL E. ORNER each. 'Vii. 4!l2. 1042 Greenwood Ave. and ot~1erwise improviQg thl· central .TOHN CT.ARK BAKER ~ 71LT2~Hc ei~>"'hteen ( 18) feet of the first alley north ( .ake A venue from Twelfth Street to ELMER D. BECKER WILFORD W. DeBERARD CHA~GING PLANS NECESSITATES l'l "teenth Street, being the alley in CLARENCE E. DRAYER seli'in~ brand new gorgeously decorate· T' ck 7 L. L. Greenleaf Resubdivision PAUL A. HOFFMAN Venetian anti"que green and parchmf' Blocks 29 to 34 inclusive In the JOHN F. WIEDLIN bedroom ... suite consisting of 6 pi«>· of Wilmette, Cook County, Illl:BOARD OF LOCAL 'rhis s~t cost' $1,200. For imrnt>diate nois in accordance with the ordinance IMPROVEMENTS disposal will st>ll for lE-ss than half. and specifications for said improvement, Lft-ltc "\\~inn. 1372. 71L26.,Up will b(l received by the Board of Local f.'O}{ .\ntique Furniture Bargain for Young- Couple I

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