48 WILMETTE LIFE Apri.l 1, 1927 Nygaard to Lecture on Arf at Normal College ~"~Gateways to Happiness" NCOJimi ~Iff[(OJU IHl®E ko Builders of Bett~r Homes WILMETTE. ILL. Chicago Office - fi1·st National Bank Bldg. Phones Wilmette 1417- Randolph ·4l& For You Superintendent E. L. Nygaa~d of the Joseph Sears school, Kenilworth, will speak before the student body of Normal unive.rsity, at Normal, Ill., next Monday morning on the subject of "Paintings by Illinois Artists." He is . speaking at the request of the president of the university and will also address another group the preceding afternoon. His talk will deal particularly ·.vith the group of paintings that was recently placed on exhibition by Carson, Pi.ric, Scott company of Chicago. SEE HISTORICAL FILMS Children of the seventh and eighth grades of the Jo seph Sears · school, Kenilworth, \\'ere guests of the New Trier High school Friday afternoon, March 25, and ~1onday, March 28, when "Yorktown" and "The Declaration of Independence," two of the Yale historical film s, were shown. NEW POLICE BIKE A new four-cylinder Henderson police motorcycle of the solo type, has ju st been received and placed in use by the Kcnil\\'orth police dl'partment. The machine is like those employed in most of the north shorl' t<l\nl:-; and is capable of delivl'ring a very high rate of -peed, it i:-; sa id . Business Good, Stults Realty Deals Indicate The E. E. Stults Realty colllpany an ~· nounces Winnetk a ckal:-. tllta ling (·Y<:r $500,000 in the past few 111 0nth s. In addition to the $350,000 transaction announced last week, the follo\\-ing deals have been consummat ed through Earl ]. Stults, sale sman oi the vVinnetka office: Harold R. White has sold to J . Bnrlington Rigg, 140 feet with riparia 11 rights, north of Winnetka avenue, f(,,. $77,000. John Selzer has sold to C. C. Daugh aday, 15 acres at the northwe st corner of Hibbard and Avoca roads, for :1 consideration of $82,500. Fritz vVagner, Jr., has just sold i 1i " former residence at %1 Hawthorn lan e. \Vinnctka, to Bert Vv. \Voltze. at a price of $16,000. Axel Erickson has sold to E. B. Metze), the home at 368 \Vood lan d avenue, Highland Park, for a con~id eration of $23,600. IN ACCIDENT ).frs. ).f erritt H. Dement, 33i Ahbottsford road, Kenilworth has been confined to her heel since \Vedne sda ,., March 23, when she '"'as in an autom~J bilc accident in Wilmette. . ~he wa!. quite badly bruised and shaken . It's 12 degrees colder without ice~ ·GOOD MILKrich in cream, fresh andpure Yet Frigidaire makes plenty of ice E. sure the.elect~ic.ref~iger~tor you buy 1s a genu1ne Fng1da1re-1t makes you completely and permanently independent of outside icc supply. The direct frost-coil cooling gives you. a food comparttnent 12° colder without ice-a dessert and ice-making compartment always below freezing. Frigidaire prices are surprisingly low ~nd the General Motors plan of deferred payments makes it easy fol' you to pay. Come in today and let . us demonstrate FrigidaiJ"e to you. B choosing milk be certain of its quality. W HEN Make sure you get the best. In Bowman Dairy Company Milk you get full· cream richness, freshness and purity. You get the sweet, natural flavor that has made it famous. Bowman's Milk gives health and energy to young and old. · It is a builder of firm muscles and strong bones. Make sure you drink at leas~ ·a quart a day. I ... Telephone our nearest distributing station or order from one of o~ courteous milkmen. ·.~ .. '. . . ... I ~---:. e~te ::.-.;! ll'IIH.il , ,,t·., t ' H tlll··l'l' Elt't', ("u., llil.:lllillltl l'arii. Ill. St-oHr Co., lue.-blf¥tern.l Oftlccs: -&;J;, J~. El'le st. l:hlcngo, Ill. nlsJ·Iay Rooms: 31:: X · .:\lichlguu An. l:hlcugo, 111.-'J'elephone: Superior o:.2s. 1631 Sherman Al·e., Evanston, Ill. II:! "· Y<irk St., };lmhurst; Ill. l'ublfc Senfc-e <.:om)utny of !'iortht>rn llllnoltt;·ll41 (.;eutrul An., Wtlmette, 111. U56 Linden AH., JlnhhnrcJ Woucls. lll. n11dh· :-il'l'l'it·t· ('u. of Northern Ul. ~69 P~u~JH'f't A,· ~., ~rllwn,,kPe, Wis. u;n;: !i'!ony IslfllHl An., Chlcaro, 111. t18 '\\fsronstn Al·e., ~lllwnnkt>e, WJs.1 "'· Fifth Are., Lu Orange, Ill. t;Jmht·l Hrus., · )tllwnukt>e, Wis. :,!1ft W. :undlson ~t., Austin, JJI. Ji';)!l W. 9i;th St., ('hl('nl(u. Ill. Tc·J. C'olumhn:; !:112. 1'hc· J.'nfr. flth ·F loor, State 2:.00, thit·u~u. Ill. ss FOR .... . 51 YEARS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY