Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Apr 1927, p. 34

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WILMETTE LIF ·E April 8, 19Z7 News o¥ the North Shore Clubs John Drew in Play Chosen as Benefit Wellesley ·Club to Take Over Theater for Performance of 44 T relawny of the Wells." \Vednesday, April 20, will be a gala night at the Blackstone t h c at r e. 11 T.relawny of the WeJls" with John Drew and an all star cast will be the play. The o~casion is a benefit performance given under the auspices of the Chicago \Vellesley club for its college scholarship fund. One of the activities of the Chicago WeUesley club, of which Mrs. Ralph Brown of Evanston is president, is to offer a freshman scholarship to a Chicago, or vicinity, high school girl who can meet the scholarship requirements for entrance and who possesses, as welt, the other qualifications of personality and character, deemed necessary by the committee choosing the candidate. The present holder of this scholarship, a graduate of the Senn High school, has made an enviable record at Wellesley. This year the club hopes to create a reserve fund by giving a theater benefit. The play chosen for this purpose has been heralded widely as an exceptional production both in New York and Boston. The committee in charge of the benefit consists of Mrs. Bruce MacLeish of Glencoe as chairman, and M,rs. \V. Hamilton Walter of Glencoe, president of the North Shore Welles ley circle, vice chairman; Mrs. Clarence Hough, chairman of publicity; Miss Marjorie Billow and Mrs. Ralph Chprch of Evanston, program managers; M,rs. ·William Sherman Hay of Winnetka and Mrs. Irwin Rew of Evanston, in charge of boxes; ticket sale, Mrs. Earl White for Evanston; Miss Mary Louise Scheidenhelm, Wilmette and Kenilworth; Mrs. James Fleming, Winnetka and H u b b a r d Woods; Mrs. W. H. Walter, Glencoe; Mrs. George E. Bliss, Highlanci Pa.r k and Lake Forest. Pauline DeHaye Selects Members of Bridal Party Miss Pauline DeHaye, who is to be married to Clarence M. Sullivan of Chicago on April 20, has chosen the members of her wedding P.a rty. Miss Agnes DeHaye, her sister, is to be maid of honor. and Miss Bertha De- At The Neighbors The Neighbors held a Garden day meeting Tuesday afternoon, April 5. The club had as its gues'ts of the Winnetka and Wilmette Garden clubs. Mrs. Charles Dubsky of Kenilworth read a very interesting report of the morning session of the Tenth district meeting of the Illino;s Federation of Women's clubs, which was held March 31, at the Edgewater Beach hotel. This was the annual meeting and Mrs. Dubsky gave .reports of the officers and chairmen. Mrs. Charles D. Howe, delegate for the afternoon session, gave another delightful report of the afternoon activities when the more social part of Women Voters Hear Legislation Talks Method of Putting Bill Through ·and Some Measures Now Up Explained at Meeting At the meeting of the Wihnett~ League of \Vomen Voters held Mon day at the Baptist church, Mrs. Pant M. Keene of \Vilmette and Miss Edith Rockwood, public affairs secretary of the Illinois league, ·were speakers. Mrs. Keene, who was for seven years a member of the Republican State ~ommittee of Massachusetts, spoke 011 the actual method of getting bills through the legislature, emphasizing the need of party interest and backing in getting legislation passed. Miss Rockwood talked about the pendinglegislation in the state legislature, anrl asked particularly for support of the women in a bill to authorize building a reformatory for women. Mrs. Keene as legislative chairman of the Massachusetts \Voman's Suffrage association contrasted the differ ence in recl!ption given by legi slator s to that bodv of women and the ease with which she could obtain interviews after becoming a member of the Re publican State committee. Although most legislation cou ld nut he classed as party legislation. she sa id, it could easilv become that through be ing sponsore.d by a party. The part~· is virtually pledged to put itself h e hind legislation which is introduced hy member s in good standing. As a prac tical means of getting things passed Mrs. Keene recommended party affilia tion . Miss Rockwood explaint·rl the idea oi the reformatory for women. The hack ers of the bill are asking a $300,000 appropriation for buildings to take care of all women offenders IR vcars or older, who arc sentenced . for six months or longer. The cottage plan is favored, located out in thc country. where the most objectionable feature s· of a jail can be eliminated. \Vomen can there be taught occupations anrl t.raincd for life when they are out. The women would he classified ac cording to crime and length of time \\·hich they have heen criminals. Do mestic science, light forms of agricul ture and stock raising could be taught there. There would be hospital facili ties for clinical \York and for treatmrnt of social disea ses and drug habit s. SCHEDULE RUMMAGE SALE Mrs. Percv Arden of \Vilmettc is chairman . of. the committee in charge of a rummage sale being held hv the Korth Shore Alumnae association of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college at 1613 Sherman ave nue. Evanston, Thursday and Friday. April 7 and 8. The proceeds of this sale will l?e applied to the pledge of the North Shore Alumnae association to the college funcl. \\' . C. T. U. MEETS Plant Now for Flower Booth Guild Urging Audience Enthuses Over Laurence Janney of 657 Spruce Concert Wallenstein street, Winnetka, will he hostess to the Winnetka Garden club April 21. Mrs. Austin Angell will speak on "Flower Arrangement" and plans will he discussed for the garden market. C . . Colton Daughaday of 180 Chestnut street attended the meeting last Friday of the Chicago of the Plant, Fruit and Flower guild. Arrangements were made for the sumnH·r work of the guild. \Vinnctka will he responsible for supplying flowers every other Friday during the summer. The guild urges that flowers he planted now for this, and says that gladioli have been found the most practical for this purpose. Th e club will he addressed on ~fa v 17, by !vf rs. Francis King-. who ha·s written many books on ,::!ardening. She will speak on tulips and lilacs. Mrs. James Prindiville of 151 Euclid avenue and Mrs. C. D. Dallas of 1124 Pine st.reet have charge of tickets for the lecture. B. P. W. C. MEETS MONDAY The Business and Professional \\'omen's club of Wilmette will meet on Monday, April 11. There will be a dinner at the Congregational church starting at 6:30 o'clock. Have another sister, and Miss Ethel Ma-dden of Chicago will be bridesmaids. Miss DeHaye is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John DeHaye of 1510 Lake avenue, Wilmette. Mr. Sullivan will have his brother, William C. Sullivan of Chicago, as be st man, and Vincent C. Scully of Evanston, and Modestus DeHaye, brother of the bride, will be groomsmen, and J. Edward Twomey and Joseph O'Neill of Chicago, ushers. Marion Sullivan is to he flower girl the program was held. George Spangler · then anand Jackie Twomey, ring bearer. nounced the next meeting which will The ceremony will take place at St. be April 19. It will he the occasion of Joseph's church, Wilmette, at 10 the annual meeting and luncheon, with o'clock, and will be followed by a wed- election and reports of officers. Th ~ ding breakfast at the Orrington hotel. program will be given by Miss FlorM r. Sullivan and his bride will take ence Longwood, who will s ing. a motor trip, and reside on the north The lecturer of the meeting Tucs-· side of Chicago until they locate per- day was Arthur C. Pillsbury, \\·ho gave manently. an intensely interesting lecture on Miss DcHa\·e is being entertained at "Life Secret~ of \Vilcl Flowers." He a number of .pre-nuptial affairs. This showed motion pictures of flowers Suncla,· ~Irs. Joseph J. Schroeder of budding into full bloom, running off R,oger.s Park is giving a tea . Miss in thirty-five minutes the films that Bertha DeHaye entertained for her had taken him a ,,·eek to photograph, sister at bridge on Thursdar evening. taking a picture eYery fifteen minutes. Miss Edith Moore of 1038 Greenwood He showed the g-rowth of the thi st le avenue will give a bridge party for and dandelion and made such commonMiss DeHaye next Thursday. 'Miss place flowers most intere sting. Among Norma Schttettge of 804 Greenwood other interesting things he mentioned annue. Wilmette, will entertain at a that flowers that open late in the di.nner at her home this evening. Tomorrow afternoon Miss Agnes _ D eHaye afternoon and evening arc always . M anon . v.·llt'te 01" JvellO\\' so the llt'ght lllOths is giving a bridge party. M1ss Merrill of Chicago will give a lunch- · can distinguish them easily. con anct bridge for Miss DeHave 011 Mr. Pillsbury was enthusiastically Saturday, April 16. Last week-end ·received at the \Vhite House hy Pres~fiss DeHave and Mr. Sullivan attend- ident and Mrs. Coolidge, it is stated. ed a house -party_ in their honor given He also gave his talk at the British ln· ~lr. and Mrs. John Sheerin in Lo - Embassy in \Vashington. g~nsport, Ind. Miss Florence Sullivan of Chicago ga,·e a supper and shower on Wednesdav of last week. and Mrs. Joseph J. O'Neill entertained last week Officers will he elected and annual at a Sundav e\'(·ning supper and shower for ~{iss DeHaye. reports will he given at the meeting next Tuesda,· of North Shore Catholic \Voman's le~gue. The meeting will be held at the vVinnetka Woman' s cluh at 1 o'clock. The hoard had a business by meeting Friday at the home of Mrs. BY CRITIC \Villiam F. BrO\nt, 1173 Scott avenue. A sewing group of the club met A large enthusiastic audience greet ed Alfred Wallenstein, cellist, as he ap- TuesdaY with M r::;. William Schildgen, peared at the Kenilworth Assembly 907 Cr~in street, Evanston. hall Sunday afternoon, April 3, to give REVIEW BOOKS TODAY the last })rogram of the association for Two hooks of r~?cent publication are the season. being reYie"·ed this morning at the Mr. \Vallenstcin " ·as in wonderful \Von1an·~ club of \Vilmette by Mrs. form and his accompaniments were Stephen A. Llo~·d and Miss \Vinifr ctl charmingly played by Virginia Wilson Bright. Th e former will give a resu(Mrs. Wallenstein). In response to me of "The Silver Cord" ln' George most hearty applause, Mr. Wallenstein Chamberlain, and the latter, "The played two encores after the second Roval Road to Romance" hy Ricl1ard and last group, "The Bird" by Cassada Hailihurton. and "Habenera" by Ravel. The last number on the program he changed to One of the north shore g:rls who a selection in C Minor by Boulanger. took active part in the dance the soph After the concert tea was served to omore class of ~ o r t h w e s t e r 11 members of the association and thejr university gave last Friday was ~fiss guests. Betty Ha.rwood. daughter of Mr. and Catholic League Elects Officers Next Tuesday Mrs. Freel E. Harwood of 606 Greenleaf avenue, \Vilmette. "Miss Harwood is chairman of the sophomore class The \Vilmettc Arden Shore board social committee. will meet for the day Thursday, April 14, at the home of Mrs. A. R. MacMiss Mary McArdle, 111 Broadway, lean, 2722 Eastwood avenue, Evans- has charge of a card party to be given ton. The board asks especially that by Omicron chapter of Sigma Alpha all soap wrappers be brought to the sorority Saturday afternoon at 2, at meeting Thursday. the Edgewater Beach hotel. '!'he \Vilmette - \Vinnetka \V. C. T . C. met ~1ondav afternoon at the home o! ~~ r.;. Fu~et~e Teal. 1107 Central ave nut·. \Vilnwt te. for the regular devo tional service and business mcetin~. The attendance Mondav afternoon ,,·as large, with a new men.lhership list rrporterl as numbering thirty-five. The Order of Marth,, St. Francis Household, will meet on Monday afternoon, April 11, at the home of ·M rs. F. J. Selinger, Jr., 710 Linden aventtf'. Board to Meet in Evanston

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