April 8, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 35 ARE "' ! You North Shore Wise? WHO EVER lived upon the North Shore and willingly tnoved a \vay? WHO EVER found it anything but the choicest and n1ost delightful place in all Chicago to live and rear children? WHO EVER invested in North Shore real estate and failed to make a handsotne profit? WHO EVER bought good bonds or tnortgages· based upon North Shore real estate without finding thetn a thoroughly sqund investment? DRIVE OUT and look over the North Shore this Spring, as a place to live and a place to invest. 43 years-Quinlan and Tyson have concentrated upon the Greater North Shore as their chosen field for real estate and real estate bond activity. 1~oday the organization is tnore experienced, n1ore vigorous, better prepared than ever to serve the increasing tnultitude of Chicago's best people \vho are tnoving north\vard. . :\t our commodious ·offices on· Fountain Square-in the very center of downtown Evanston-or at our Chicag.o office, 40 ~orth Dearborn Street, or at our Elm Street office, just east of the depot in Winnetka-you will find tnen who have specialized for years in particular departments . -North Shore residential, North Shore acreage, North Shore business and investtnent property. Owners with property to sell ahnost invariably list with this organization because of its wide experience and broad contacts. A call here will quickly give you a perspective on real estate values in any North Shore section-save you hours-and miles. For 43 years specialists in North Shore residcntiaJ and business sales and rentals-1st mortgage loa11s and im·cstm r nt s-i-nsura11cc. CHICAGO EVANSTON WINNETKA 746 Elm St. Winnetka 2199 1.o N. Dearborn St. 1571 Sherman AYe. Central 0227 U1Jiversit)' 2600