April 8, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 53 VILLAGE OF WILMETTE NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby ~iv~n that the A~NUAL VILLAGE ELECTION be held in the VILLAGE OF WILMEITE on Tuesday, Apral naneteenth, 1927, for the purpose of voting for the following ·officers: win ONE VILLAGE PRESIDENT ONE VILLAGE TREASURER THREE VILLAGE TRUSTEES TWO DIRECTORS OF FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY 'l'hat for. the Pu.rno~:;e of holding said election tht· Yillage of \\'ilmdt·· :-;hall be divided Into elt·n:n precincts as follows: Precinct No. 1. Beginning .at the intersection of the Chicago and :--:orth Western R. R. and center hne of Twelfth Street in the Village of \Vilrnet~e produced sou.th; . thence . northwesterly along the Chicago and :--:orth ·w~stern R. H.. to Its mtt~ rsectwn with the North limits of the Yillagc or ~Ilf!Iette: . thence east along said north limits line to the east. !iut· of Se,ctwn 2~, t~1ence norll~ alc!l2g the east line of Section 28 tv thP f'ast and '~c~t center .lme of Section 2, ; thc·nce east along said f·ast and west ce nter hn.e of Section 27 to tlw ('Pntt·r lin · of Twelfth Street in the Yillag~: ' of ;'Y1Imettc! thenc·f' south along th(· <"entei' line of Twelfth Street and said Lwelft~1 l?treet nro.duc;t·d to ~ht· C'hil'ag·o and Xorth \Vestt-rtt R. R.. th· · p11int of begrnmng. All 111 fnwnl->hlp 42, Rang't.: 13 . J·olllng ]·Jnrr: Yllla~t· Jfall, " ..llmt>ttr, lll. r,f tlw Village of Wilmette; thence ~ast along the south limits of the Vlllage of Wilmette to the center line of Woodbine Avenue; thence north along the ~· e nter line of 'Voodbine A venue and Eighth Street to the center line of GreenIE>af Avenue, the point of beginning. All in Township 42, Range 13. Polling Pluce: Kashlan Bro~., tU;; Greenleaf A1·enue, Wilmette, Ill. . I·r~~·lnct ~o. 2. lh~· inniug· at tlw north lint' ()f the Yillag(' nf \\'ilmdtt· .llld l enth Sll'l'l;t: tlH llt'l' \\' t·st alOitg tlw north lint· of the Yillag·t· nf \\'ilm·~ tt. }~1. the Ct:rltl'l' lm1· o( Twelfth Stn·l't; thf·nt.: (~ south alorig the <.:elllt·r lirw uf I \\~·lfth !:;tn·t'l and 1 \\'i.·lfth Stn·t'l prodU<:Nl south to the venter litw of <:rt·l·nl~at AY~·nu~; :i.t(·n c·t' t·ast along the <:t·nt e r lirH.' of Gre t:'nleaf A\·t~nue to tht· cl'lttt.·r lint:' of. r(·D, n Stn·f't; t!H·uc·(· north along th e Cl'nter line of Tenth Street to the n.?rt~l ltm· o,_f tlw Yillag·p of \Vilm·' ttl', the point nf lwginning·. .'\11 in Township L, 1 ,arH~· , . 1··· J>n·clnct Xo. 8. Beginning at the intersection of the Chicago and North ·western Railroad and Wilmette An~nue; thence southwesterly along the center line of Wilmette Avenue to the center line of Ridge Avenue; thence south along the center line of Ridge Avenue to the south limits of the Village of 'Vilmette; then<"e east along the south limits of thE: Village of 'Vilmette to the centt'r line of the Chicago and North West rn Railroad; thence northwesterly along thE' eenkr lint· (,f thf' Chicago and ~orth \Vestt-rn Railroad to the center line of \\'ilm .. ttl· Annue the point of beginning-. All in Township 42, Range 13 . J·olJing J:'lnc·e: R£·11 Un·!>i!>i ShOll, 1217 Wilmette A ,.e., Wilmette, Ill. l'ulllng J'lac·r: Yllhi!lt' 11 all, "'ilmt>ttf', JJJ. . l'.r«>.rln~·t :Xo. ;c,. T!(·gi·~nin;.:- at tlw shorP lin· o( L;tkt· :\lit-higan <tlld til . llllrth ll}.HllS of .tlw ··' lllng · ol \\ tlm e tt l! ; tlwnc(· ,,·,·st ;dong th v north limits uf thl· \ Illag·: 'Jl \\ 1lmvtt · to the· ·t·ntt'l· lin e oC Tc·nth Street: thence south along th· : v_ r·nt"r line o.f 'rl'nt h ~t rt·d to a point opposit e the main t·ntran ee to tlw ltUlldJllg .'Ill tlw St'h()ol PI'O)H.·rt~· !wing· tht· Past and \\"I'St t"L' Iltt ·l' line or Lots u :tlld ]() Ill ];lrwk 2:1, \'illag·,. rof " . illllf'ttt· .'ulldi isiflll; thl'llC'I ' t·ast 011 a line through th··. m;tit~ t ·!~lr:tn<·:· to th· · north building on tlw Sehoul property to t!w <·c·nt. ·r hnt· ot :--:111th ~lt'· · · · t; tlwnc(' north alrong· the (·t·nt· ·r lim· of Ninth :-itr· ···t t(l th·· t·f'ntt·r litH · of For··st .\\'t·nut· : tht ·tll·t · 1·ast and nqrthe:asterlY ~dong tht· ('l'lltt·r litH · of Fon ·st .\\'t·nut· to tlw ····ntl'r li1w of ~Ti('higan Ave nut:; tl~t · t11·e soutlwastt·rl:-· altong· thl' t·t·nt· ·r lim· of .\lil'hig-an A\'1 ~ 11Ul· to tht· t·t·ntl·r lith· ttl La.l\t· A \'L'I\Ul' ; lht·IH_'t' ~IIJI'tlH · astvrly along- tht· t·t·ntvr lith· o( Lakt· An·nuP to 1h.P ~hore of I ,aiH· :\lll'hlg-a n: tht ·llt·t· northwt·Stl·rly along· tlw short· ot' L a k t· :\1 wlugan to th·· pl<t···· of Ul'ginning. ...-\11 in Town~hip 42, I:.ang·,. 1 :l, Ptllllng l'hH·<·: Hyron ~toiJI SdiOul. ·wilmette, Ill. l'rt·rlnc·t ~o . .J. lkginning· at the shorl· of Lak · ~fiehi··· an and tht· l't·lltt-t· lirw of Lak~> An·nut> in tht' Yillag·,, of '\'ih11c~ tte; thenn· ~... outlwa~:;tPrly alon~· th~-' eenter lnw of Lake A n'nuc to tlw c<'nter lim· of ~Ikhig·,m A n·nue: th~nc t · nortlnn·st··rly along tlw t·c·ntt·r litw of ::\Tiehig-an A n~ uue to tht· l't·ntt·r JinP of Forest Avenue; tlH·tH·t· southwest£-rl~· and west along- th<' <.·t·ntt-r line of Fon·st _\yenue to thl' c~nt1·r linl' of ~inth ~trcet: theoncP south along tlw <·(·t1tc·r line nf Xinth Stre0t to a JWitH oppo!:litt· tlw cE·ntt·r linl' of Lots !· and 10 in Block ~3 in ··wilmette Yillagt· Huhdi\·ision; tlwn<:e Wl·sl through tht· main entra11ct:· tu the north building- on thE.' Ht'hool property to tht c<.>ntet· liJll' of Tl'nth Street; then<·i> ~:>outh along- thP <·<·ntt-r linE.' of" To>nth Street to the <·t-·nter line of Greenl<·af AYe:nuP; th(·tH't· ('ast along· tlw <:enter lin~:> of GrePnleaf .\\·~nu(· to th<.· center lin · of hig~th ~tn·t"t: thence north alo11g- th e- ePnter lint· of Eig-hth Sti·eet to thP rf'ntt·r lrnl' of l'l·ntral AYt·nut·; thenrt· t.·ast alung· thP <'Pnkr line· o( Central AYt·nth· to tlw r·Pntt·t· lint· of ~heridan Road: thenc<' S(mtlwast··rly along tllf' ('(·ntt'l' line of Sht·l'idan noad to the center of the Xorth Shon· ( 'hal111(-'l: tiH'IH't' nortltt·astt·rly along tlw Xorth Shore Channel to the ~hor· ~ of Lakt' ::\Iichigan: tht>n<.:t· nortlnn·stt·rly along thP shore of Lake l\lichigan to tht· point of lH·g-inning-. All in Township 42, Range 1:1. l'olllng Pht<·c: llyron StniJI ~(·honl, Precinct :Xo. !1, Bq?:inning at the intersection of the Chicago and North \Vestern· Railroad and the center lint: of Washington Avenue; thence west along the centt·r lint- oC \Vashington .Avenue to the <.:enter line of Park Avenue; thence northw(:'sterly along the c~nter line of Park Avenue to the center line of Lake Ave nut'; then('(;: west along the center line of Lake Avenue to the r·(:' nter line of Ridgt- An·nu e ; the nce south along the center line of Ridge Avenue to tht:: c:entt·r line of \\.ilmettt· A venue ; thence east and northeast along the Cl:nter line of \\·ilnwtti:' A.\'enue to the Ct:"nter line uf the Chicago and North \Yestcrn Railroad; thencl! northwest e rly along the center line of the Chicago and · ·orth \\'estern Railroad to the center line of \Vashing·ton Avenue, the point of beg-inning. All in Towm;hip 42, Range 13. ]·olJing PiaN': J,o~a n Sflwol lht s(·mt·n t, ( 't· n tr·u I and I·ralrle A ,·es., W II· mctte, JII. l'rel'inrt :Xo. HJ. Beginning· at tht:: center litw of the Chicago and North \\'estHn Railroad; and the south limits of the Vi\lage of Kenilworth; thence "·t-st nlong the south limits of the Village of Kenilworth to the north and south ('t'nter line of Section 28; then<.:e suuth along tho north and south center lim· of Sl·ction 28 to the center line of Lake A venue; thence east along the < ·entt·r lin~ of Lal'e A venue to the center line of Park Avenue; thence southt·astPrly along the center line of Park Avenue to the center line of Highland .-\.v<.·nm· ; thene<.> noi'theastc·rly along tht> center line of Highland Avenue to the t·entt.·r lin or the Chicag-o and Korth \\'estet·n Railroad; thence northwesterly along- tlw Chicago and Xvrth 'Vestern Railroad to the south limits of the Viilag·· of J(('nilworth, the Jloint of beg·inning. All in 'l'own~:;hip 42, Range 13. 11 olllng Place: }'lrl' Station, R29 )lain St., Wllml'ttl', Ill. _ Wilmette, III. l>r('Chl<·t, Xo. !i. B(·ginninp; at the shore line of Lake :\11.-hig·an ami llw ,·t·lltl··· liiw of the ::-.Jorth Shon· ('h<mtH·l: thence southwt·stt·t·l\· aloug- thP l'l'nter linl' of the Xurth ~horf' Chamwl to tht.· cent(·r line of Sheriuan noad; thence north\\'t·st f rly along· tlw t·t·ntt·t· li1w of Shf'ridan Road to the n·nt(·t· linf' of C'<·ntJ·al An·nuf'; thetWt' Wt' St along thl' Cf'nter line of Ct·ntral ~\n·nut· to thl' eentt·r line of Fifth Sll·c·d; thc·nce south along- the center li111- o( Fifth ~tr et to the ~outh line of thf' \'illag·l' of \\·ilrnC'ttP: tlwnc·P t~ ast :tlong· tlw !'outh linr· of the Villagt· of ,,.iln1Ptt t' to tlw !';hort· of Lakf' :\fichigan: thPnt·t· north\\·t·RterlY alongtill' Shore of Lak · ~Tit-higan to tht~ point of bt·ginning·. .\11 in Town~hip 4~. Hangc l:t Polllng Plar<·: Kroll & ~mlth, Inc· .· -119 Hh St., Wllmt'tlt·, Til. J>rHinC't ~o. 6. Jkginning· at tht · inlt' l'sC'ction of Fifth Strt·d and Centrnl .\n·nuf': th(·n (·e wtost along· tlw t·vntt·r liiw of {'t·ntral .\\'l'nUl' to thl· l't'ntt·r lint) of Eighth Strt'<·t; tlwnt·t· south along the rt' lll<-r lin~· of Eig·hth Strf't·t and \\'oodhi1w "\\'t·nuP to tlH' <Tlltl·r line o( Isalwlla Stn·l't; tht·nc·t· l·<Ist along" tilt' t'Pntt·r lim' of Jsaht·lla Strf't·t to tlw ('l' lltt·r litH· 11' Fifth Rtr.·l't: thl·nn· north almlg tlw ('(·lllt'r lin,· or Fifth ::ill't' l·t to the ('t·nll'l' lint· of <'t·ntr;tl .AVt'llUt', the point of bl'ginning. All in Township 4:?, Tiange 1:;, Polling J·J.:H't·: J,uurt'l .\' c·. St'lwul, (·uruer 7th antl Laurt'l :'\H., Wilntt·ttt!. Ill, l'rN·hwt Xo. 7. Bt·ginniug- at t1w intt'rst·ction nf Eighth Rlrt·d nnd flrt:t·nkaf ;\\'t·IIUP: tiH'nt't' \\'c ·st nlnng· the ('('lltPr lint· of (;n·t·nlt·ar ~\\. l'IIU·· to tht> C('nkr lin e of tlw Chieng·o and Xorth \\'t·stt·rn Hailroad; lht·llt't' south1·a~tt·rly nlongtht· l't>nl··r lin ,· of tlw ('hi<"ago illHl l'\orth \\'t.·~t(·rn J~ailrond w tlw sout h limits Predut't Xo. 11. Rt·g·inning at tht· Southeast cornH of Lot thirty-nine (39) in County Clerk's Dh·ision running thence west along the South line of Lots thirty-ninl' (!Ht), thirt:r-t·ight (38) and thirty-!:ieven (37) in said County Clerk's Divi~io!l to tht· ~outhwe!'t eomer of said Lot thirty-seven (37) ; thence North along· the We!:it lim· of said Lnt thirty-se\·en (37) to the center line of Gross Point Awnut· (otherwist· known as G lenview Road) ; thence Southwesterly along the e('ntc·r )inc of said Gross Point Avenue to the West line of Fractional Section thirty-thri:'t' (:-!3) : tlwnct:' Xorth along the west line of said Fractional S('ction thirty-threP (:t1) to thP center line of Reinwald Avenue; thence Northwt:>sterly along the centt·r line of Reinwald .Avenut:: to the center line of Avoca Asenut·; thent·e 'Vesterly along the center line of Avoca Avenue to · the center line of Locust !:;treet: tht' nee North along- the centt.·r line of Locust Street to the Xorth line extended \Yt·st of Kenilworth First Addition; thence East along the Xorth line of said Kenilworth First Addition to the East lin e of the Southwest quarter (SV{14) of tlw Xorthwl:'st quarter (KV\~~~~) of Section twenty-nine (29); thence Korth along said East line to the !\orth line of Lot seven (7) Marie Alles SubdiYision; thf'nee East along said North line to the center line of Greeley Avenue; thenct' North along· the eenter line of Greeley Avenue to the North lin(> of the WeRt ten ( 10) acn:s of th ~outh nin~teen and thirty-four hundredths (HI.:~-!) acres of the Xorth sixty (60) acres of the South half (Slh) Northwest quartt·r (~\V%.) Section twenty-eight (28); thence East along said North lin e twel\·e hundred fort~·-eig·ht and tw(·nty-three hundredth (1248.23) feet; thence Northeasterly two hundred and eighty-two (282) feet along line between Indian Hill l:Onsolidation in said Sections twenty-eight (28) and twenty-nine (2~)) and Lot thirty-seven (:l'i) Indian Hill Subdivision Numb r four (4) to Xorthl'rly l'urner o( said Lot thirt:r-se\·en (37) ; thence Southeasterly and Eastc·rl~· along· the Xortherly litH·s of sai d Lots thirty-seven (37) and thirty-six (:~6) of said Indian Hill Subdi\'ision l'\umber four (4) to the NortheaRt corner of said Lot thirty-Rix (36) ; thenn· ::iouth twenty-two and eighth-tenth (22.8) ft·Pl: tht·nee East one hundred and t·ig·htr-one a.nd thirty-one hundredth (181.31) ft·('t to the CL'Ill(·r line of Ridge A n-:nue; theuct' South ·al'terly along the center litw of Tiidg·e Awnue to the South line of Lot thrtie (:1) in Lauel'i-nan's subfli\'ision (·Xtt·ndt·d East: tlwll<'l' East to tlw Xorth and South half (1!.!) Section lin~> uf said SPt'tion t\n·nty-L'ight (~~); tlwnee Suuth along· said half ·(%) Section lint~ and a lung· the North and South half ( 1 ~) St·c:tion linl' of Section thirty-thrt'e (:1:1), 'l'ownship forty-two (42) North, Hange thirtt·t.:n (13), East of 'l'hird Prinl'ipal :'.lt: ridian to tlw placl' or hl'ginning·, situatt·d in thl' Township of ~ew Trier t 'ook C'uunty, Illinois. ' l'ollln" l'hu·t·: Uuildlul{ im·mt·rl,\ krwwn us Oro:-~ Point Yllht!lt' Hull, " · nshlngton .\ n·nut·. " ' llmt'ttt>. Ill. ltld~t> . \ , .f' llU(·, IIC'IIr Which Election will be opened at 7:00 o'clock in the morning, and will continue open until 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. Given under my hand at Wilmette, Illinois, this eighth day of April, A. D. 1927. NICHOLAS J. MILL.ER, Village Clerk.