April 15. 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 19 l .... I I I 7 heae dealer· carry Cl luU li~e ol QuakeT State Motor Oils a,tul Grecua. You will lind one near you. W,_ateoer car you drioe, Quaker State will mde it ru~ better and lat lonfer. DEALERS Q.I.O. L 0.. oa· WILMETTE Braun Bros. Wilmette and Ridge Aves. There's an extra quart in every gallon A sweeping claim, but easily proved. For, at the point where the refining of ordinary motor oil stops, Quaker State Medium Motor Oil is run through an additional, · exclusive, super-refining process which takes out the non-viscous content present in ordinary oils-more than 25% of whole. That's why there's an extra quart of lubricant in every Aallon of Quaker State Medium Motor Oil. Wilmette Motor 515 Fourth St. Sal~s KENILWORTH No Dealers the WINNETKA Braun Bros 723 Oak St . · Quaker State Medium Motor Oil is all lubricant-100%. That's why it has made such remarkable performance records, and won the recommendation of the makers of our best-known cars· , among others, Franklin, Wills Ste. Claire, and . Rolls-Royce. W ersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka Exide Battery 554 Lincoln Ave. GLENCOE No Dealers ~~· OILs ............. in GREASES ,....... ()flc:laiiDalpia of tfae PeallaJl·.U Onde Crude Oil Aleoclatlaa Pwaait No. 50 BRAUM BROS. OIL CO. 723 Oak Street Phone Winn. 1565 TWO STORES Wilmette Ave. & Ridge Phone Wilmette 290