April 15, 1927 WI.LMETTE LIFE 55 VILLAGE OF WILMETTE NOTICE OF ELECTION· Notice is hereby given that the ANNUAL VILLAGE ELECTION will b~ held in the VILLAGE OF WILMETTE on Tuesday, April nineteenth, 1927, for the purpose of voting for the following officers: · · ONE VILLAGE PRESIDENT ONE VILLAGE TREASURER THREE VILLAGE TRUSTEES TWO DIRECTORS OF FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY That for the purpost· of huldin~; :said t'lt-c:liuu tlw \.illag<: of \Vilmelle shall he divided into t'lt·\'t·l! precincts as follows: l·reelnct No. 1. llcgiuninl!' at th<> interst·ction of till' C'hieag-(1 and ~orth \Vestcrn R. R . and c:t>ntt·r litH· of Twelfth Stn·et in the Yillag·e of '" 'ilmette produced south; tlwnt..:t' nortln\'t·sterly along th e Chicago and ~ortli \Vt>stf>rn R. H.. to its intt·l'St'l'tion with th<' Xorth limits of till' Villag-t' of \Vilmette; th e n<·e t·ast along· .'aid north limits litH· to tht· t>a~t. :inl' of Section 28: thcnct· north along· th·· t·ast lim· nf S ' c:tion ~~ t.; the t'ast and west cenlt·r linP of St·<·t ion 21: tht · nct~ t·ast along :said t·a:st and wt·st ct:ntet· line of ~eclion 2i to thi· ··t·Htt·r lint· of Tw ·lft h Str ... ~:>t in thf' Yillag-l' of \Vilmettc; then(·~.: south :tl()ng tlw ('entt>r lin e of Twt-·lfth Strt·(·t and !-:aiel T\n·lfth Strt::H prodU\'t·d to th1 : I 'hi(·ago and X()rlh \\.!:'stt·rfl n. n. tht· point uf beginning. All in Township 4:!, nang·· 1:1. ' Polling l'la(·f': Ylllna.rt· Hall, Wlluu·th·, III. qf tht' \ . ill <tg·t· of \Vilme tt e: tht-nce t:·ast along· thL' ~outn limits of the Village of '\Vilnwtte to the ct·nter line of Woodbine ..-\n·nUt'; thence north along the ~·enter line of \Yoodbine A \'t> nue and Eig-hth Street to the center line of Greenl<·af An: nut~, the !)Oint of bt·ginning-. All in Townshil> 42, Range 13. Polling l'luc·e: Kashlan Bros., ll4:i (; l'N·nlt·at' .\ nnue, 'VIlmette, Ill. l'rt·dtu·t ~~~. s. lJt:ginning at th t: illll'l':o'l'l' lll·ll or the l'hiL:ago and ~orth \\'t:'StH n nail road and \-\.iltnettP A n~nut>: tlwtH' t· southwt·sterly along the center lint> of \\.ilmett e A\'t:nttt> to the ce nt t' r lin t' of Ridge A\'t:'ntte; thence south along· the centet' line of Ridge Avenue to PH· S(JUth limits of the Village of \\.il mPttt--; tht--nce east along the south limits of tht· Yillage of \\' ilmette to the ··t:ntt·r lim~ of the t 'hieago and Xorth \Vestt·rn Railroad; thence northwesterly a! ,ng tlw eentt'r lin r of tlw ('hicag·o and ~orth "·l' ~lt- rn Railroad to the center line of \Yilm ettt· .\n·n u <.· th · point of lwJ;;inninr.;·. All in Township 42, Range 1!~. Polling J·ht('e: Uell Urt·!'s ShOJI, l:H t' Wilna·Ut· ,\\'e ·· Wilmette, Ill. I·rerlrH~t ~o. 2. Bqdnning at tlw north itrw ,,( tht· \"illagt· of \-V'ilnwtt. · and Tt·nth Stn H: thf n('e wt·st along tht· north lint' of th·' Yillag-t· of \VilnH·tt·· to the center line of 'l'\n·lt'th Str··l't; tlwnct· sc,uth alon~ the center lin t- of Twdfth ·street and 1 wt·lfth ~trt'L't produt't·ll south to the t·t·nt"'r lin e of <:ret·n1 ·a( AY<'llU ·; ~itC'nce (·ast along- the center line of Greenl(·af Avenue to the center lin<> of T evt'n Stre<·t; thl'llt'~" north along the e ·ntt.>r line of T e nth Street to the north lint:: of the Yillag< · of \\.ilm e ttt·, the point nf lwg-inning. All in Township l:?, Hange 1~. PoLling 1·1ace: ~mits Yllhtj.t'(' Hall, Wilmet1e, Ill. / J'reclnct ~o. :t. Bf·ginnin~ at the shorf' !inC' of Lal\ · .\li<'hig-:Lll and the north of the Yillag·,. of \\.ilmHtc; tlwnce w E:'st along tlw north limits of tht· Yillage of \Vilm t-ttt· to tlw n·nt ... r line of Tenth Street: thence south along th~ c. ' nter line o.f '1\·nth Stn·l:t to _a. point opposite tlH: main t·n~rane~ to th t· bUtldmg- on th e Hdwol l'ruJH:rty ht·tng· th e t"ast and \H·st t't·ntt'r lme ot· Lots H and 10 in Block ~:~. Yillagt· of \\'i lnwtt e Suhdidsion: tht ·n e0 t·ast nn <l Jiu ,~ through the main <·ntratH't· to t Itt· north hui Iding· on th·· Hchoul pro}H ·rty to tht~ center litH' (}[ 'Xinth Str··l't; tlwnce north alonf.!' th e e ... ntt·r lint· of Ninth Street to th~· t't·ntt·r lillt· of Ftll't·st An'n Ut· ; tht'llL't· east and north eas t e t·J~· along th E· c(· tltt·t' litH· of Fort ·Hl .\ n·nu<> to th e t'<·ntt·r line of :'lfichigan A\·enue: tlwnl"l" southeasterly alq11g tiH· ct>n l e r line of ::\Tkhi~an A \'('IIU t> to the ct> nt~:>r lirw 11f Lai<P .\ venut·; tlH·tH't' uorlht·astt· rly along thl· ··e nt e r lin L' of Lake A \'e nu "' to the Short· of Lakt· ~lkhig· an: tlwnee northw eR t e rly along· tlw shor·· of Lak·· .\lil'11igan to tlw plaet· of lH·g inning. All in Township 4:!, Rangt· 1:l. Polling J·luc·e: Hyrun stol11 Sehuol, Wilmette, Ill. Pn·efnd ~ o. If. Bl·ginning at tlw inter:st·vt iun of the Chicag·u a,nd North \'" est e rn Railroad and the center lin e of Wa~hiugto n Avenut·; thence west along th e ct·nter lin e of Washington A \'enut.: to the l'<'ntet· line of Park Avenue; th\·JH.: e northweste rJ,· along the ce nter litw of Park Axe nue to the center line of Lak .A.Yenu c · thence w est along th e ce nter line of Lake A ,·enue to the ('f·nte r litw of Ridgt:.· AYf:'nue; th e ne e south along the centE:r line of Ridge Avenue to the e(· nt t> r line of Wilmette .A venue; thenl'e eas t and northeast along the ce nt<· r lin P of ~·ilmette Avenue to the ee nter lim· of the Chicago and North \\~'s t ern Railroad : thence northv.·este rly along th e ce nter line of the Chicago and North \\·est('l·n Railroad to th e center lint· 11f \Vashington A Ye nu e, the point of beginning. All in Township 42, Range 13. Polling l'hu·e: mettt', Ill. J.o~nn ~chool Un!'emt>nt, ('t·ntrul anti l'rulrle . \Hs., Wll· Precinct No. 4. Beginning· at the shore of Lake Michig·an and th · center line of Lake Avt:nue in th·· \'illag <' of Wilm e ttl:'; thenct> southeasterly along· tlw ct> nt <' r line of L~tkt· A n : nUf! to tlu · ce nte r litH' of ~Iichig· an .-\ \'('nu e; thenc (· nurthw est(· rly along tlw l'Plltl·r lim· ol' ::\lkhigan .-\\'t·nu·' to tlw t·entPr lin e or F11r e~ t .A n·ntH· ; thl'tH'e south\\'f'Sterly and w es t along· the t·t·ntt·r line of Fon·st .\ n·nue to tiH· ·t·nter line of ~inth fitreet; th t? nl'e south along· th l' centt·r lint' of Xinth Stn·d to a point oppositt' th e <·Pntl'l' lint· of Lots ~~ and 10 in Rloek 2!l in '\Vilmettc· Village fiuhdiYision; thence wt·s t through the main e ntrauee to the north building on the sc·hool property to tht· L't·ntL·r lin t' of T e nth Street: th~·ncP south along the eenU·r line of T e nth Strept to tlw eentt>r litH' of Greenlt·af A \'t· nut'; tht·n c~ t'ast along- th e <'enter lin t> of GrC'rnlt-n f .\ \'t> nu e to the Ct'nter lin<> of Eighth Stn·t'l; tht·n<·P north along· th(· t·l:'ntl·r lim· of Eighth ~trel't to tht· c·enter lin <· of r.t.·ntral Avt·nue; the net· eas t along· tht:l eE:'nlt·r line of Ct·ntral AvPnue to tlw t·Pnh·r line of Sheridan Road; · the nc·· ~outllt"astt· rly along the n·nter line of Slwriuan Road to th<' t·{·ntl·r of tlw Xorth Sh(lrt· Channt·l: tlwnee no rtheast e rly along tl~t· Xorth Shon~ C ha nn <·l to tlw Slwn· of Lake l\Tiehigan; tht·nce northwt·F-: tE:'rly along the short· of La.kt· )li('hi~· an tn tht · tWinl nf heginning. All in Township 42, Range t:l. ]·oiling Plnee: Preelnc·t ~o. JtJ. l:leg·inning· at the t:t· ntt:.·r line or the 'hicago and North \\·es t ern Railroad; and the south limits of the Yillagf:' ol' Kenilworth; thence ,nst along the south limits of the Village of Kenilworth to the north and · south ce nter line of Section 28: then ce south along the north and south center lin e of Section 28 to the center lin e of Lake A \'enu e ; thence east along the c('nter line of Lake A ve nue to the center II ne of Park A \"enue : thence south-:asterlr along the center line of Park A venue to the center line of Highland A Yenu e ; thence northeasterly along the center I i ne of Hig·hla nd A venue to the t·entt-r line of the Chieago and North WestE:>rn Railroad; the nce northwesterly along th P Chic·ago and ~orth W es tern Railroad to the south limits of the Village of K enilworth, the point of beginning. All in Township 42, Range l:t Polling Phu·e: l'lre Station, 829 )lain St., Wllmt>tte, Ill. Bnon Stoll· Sehoul, Wilmette, Ill. Preefnet Xo. :1. Tic·g-inni11g· at tht' shorL' lim' of Lak t· ,\lkhig·an and tlw t't'lltt·r lilw of the Xorth ~hor~ <.'hanll(·l: tht' n· ·e soutln\'estt·rly along tlw ('t' nkr line of the North Rhnrl' Chanm' l to the eentPr lim' or Rlwrid:tn RP:hi; th e rH·e northwt-st<>rly along tla· <'Plltl'r lim· of Slwrida.n Road to tlw !'Pnter lin e of Ct·ntral .\venue; the n ce Wt·st along tlw cf·ntH' line of l't·ntral :\ \·t· nut· to th(' center lin e of Fifth Str't'N: tlwn ·t· ~outh along· the n·ntt'l' lin"' of Fifth Htret·t to the ~outh lin e of th e Villa.L:'t! t·f \Vilnwtt e; tht'n <·e l'ast along tlw ::40uth. line of the Village of Wilmettt· to the Rhort' of Lakf' :\liehigan; tht:'ll~"·' twrthwt>slt·rly along th e Shore of Lake )[il'higan to tht' point of lwg-inninp:. All in Town!-:hip 42, Range 1~ . )Jolllng J·Juce: Krull & smith, I·u· .· 419 ·Uh st., Wlluu·ttt·, 111. J·reclnct No. 6. B(·ginning· at the int ers('ction of Fifth Rtt'el't and CL'ntrn.l .\YI'nue; tlwnce wt·Rt along the <·etllPl' lin e of Ct'ntral A\'P nUt' to the tPntt>r line of Eighth Stree t; then ce ~outh along the C't> tltl'l' lint · of Eig·hth ~tre1·t and \Voodblne AvenUl' to tlw centt>r line of T~ah t> lla :-;trt·vl; thetwe t·ast along the ··enter line of Jsaht>lljt Strf'<>t to tht> <·t·nl<·t· litw of Fifth Stn·l'l; them·p north along the C'l'nter line of Fifth Stn·d to llw ePntt·r lith' of t '··ntrnl :\.\'1'11\H', the point of bt>ginning. ..-\11 in Township 42, ltange 1:). JJolllng t·lare: J,aun·l .\,·t·. SC'Iwol, c·ot'llt'r ;th utul r.uut't'l .\n·., Wlhnt·ttt·, HI, }Jreclnct Xo. ~. l::rginning· al tht' intl'rSt'l' tion <>f l·. . ig·hth ~tt't·l·t and f1rt ,·nlea.f .\n·nuP; thC'nf'e Wt·l"t along· thl' c·Pntt·r litw of (~r····nlt-af .\\'l'llUC· to tlw <'enter lin e of the ('hicag·n rtnd North \\.Pst t·rn nailn·ad : tht·th'l' :-;nutht·astt't'ly along tlw t·t·ntcr lint· of tllt' ('hkap· ;ttHl Xorth ""t·!-:tt·rn l~ailro:td to tlw !-:nuth limits PrerlnC't ~o. 11. Hef,!'inning at tilt' Soutllt'ast ('OI'IIl'r of Lot thirty-nine (39) in CountY Clerk's Dh·ision running thence Wl'St along the ::;outh line of Lots thirty-nitit· (3!1), thirty-eight (38) and thirty-se\'t· n (!37) in said County C lerk's f)i\·ision to the Houthwest eorner of said Lot thirty-::.wwn (37) ; thence North along the ·west lim:· of said Lot thirty-seven (:~i) to the eenter line of Gross Point .Avf:'nu ' (otherwise known ali Glenview Rond) : tht.·nce Southwesterly along the c<:>nter lin e of said Gross Point Avenue to the \Vest lin e of Fractional 8(' tion thirt~·-thn· e (:~!l) : then<'e ~orth along· tlw we:-;t lin e of said Fractional Seetion thirty·- three (:{:n to the ct>nter line of Rl'inwald Avenue; thence Northwestt>rlv .along the center line of R e inwald A\'enue to the renter line of Avoca .\\·t'nUC'·:· then c~· ·we~tt·rly a long the eenter litw of ..\sm:a ..\\'enue to the center .line of L0c ust Street: the ncf' North along the cenll't' line of Locust Street to the Xorth line extended \V ... :,;t of Kenilworth First Addition; thence East along the ~orth lin t> of said Kenilworth First .Addition to the East line ot:' the Southwest quarter (S~'I,4) of tlw ::-.iorthwt·st quartt>r ( ~\V%) nf ~eetion twt>nty-nine (29); them·(' Xorth along said Ea8t line to tlw Xorth line of Lot S('\·en (7) Marie Alles Sul>division; tht' lll't.> East along said North line to thE' centt-r line of Greeley ..\wnue: thenet' ~orth along the center line of Greelt·Y Avenue to the North linr of the Wt:.>st ten (10) acres of the ~outh nineteen and thirty-four hundredths (19.34) acres of the ~orth sixty (60) acres o[ the South half (Sl/l) Northwest quart1r (NW14) Section twenty-eight (28); 'thence East along said . North line .twtlve hundred forty-eight and twenty-three hundredth (12 48. 2:1) feet; thence Xorthea~tf:'rly two hundred and eighty-two (282) feet along line .between Indian Hill cuusolida.tion in said Sectio11s twenty-eight (28) and twenty-nine <29) and Lot thirty-sf:'ven (37) Indian Hill Subdivision Numb~:>r four (4) to ~orth£·rly ('Orner of said Lot thirty-seven (37); thence Southeasterly and I·~astt>rly along· the Northerly lines of said Lots thirty-se\·en (37) and thirty-six (:~6) of said Indian Hill Subdivision Number four ( 4) to the Northeast corner of ~nid Lot thirty-six (36); tht>nce South twenty-two and e ighth-tenth (22.8) ft>l:'t: tht: nce East one hundred and eighty-one a.nd thirty-one hundredth (181.31) ft·c·t to the cet.tt>r line of RidgE' Avenue; thent't" Southeasterly along the cente r line of Ridge Avenue to the South line of Lot three (3) in Lauennan's subdi\'ision t·Xtt'nded East; thence East to the :North and South half (lh) Section line of ~aid ~ ec tion twenty-eight (28); thence South along said half (¥) Section linf· and along the Xorth a.nd South half (%) Section line of Section thirty-three (:::n, Township forty-two (42) N'orth, Rang·e thirteen (13), East of Third Prindpal l\leridia.n to tlw placP of lwginning, situatt~d in tiH' Townshitl of New Trier, ·'ook County, Illinois. Pnllhtj.t' J·tut···: Hnlltllug former!,. known as {oross J·utnt \·lllngt' Unll, Rlti!Ce .\' t>ntu'. ut>ar ·washln~ton .\Yenut>. ·wllmt>ttt>. Ill. Which Election will be opened at 7 :00 o'clock 1n the morning, and will continue open until 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. Given under my hand at Wilmette, Illinois, this eighth day of April, A. D. 1927. NICHOLAS J. MILLER, Village Clerk. ·