April 15, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE SCOUTS PLANT TREES; RECEIVE NEW AWARDS President Orner and Commia_. sioner Harbaugh Assist in Arbor Day Ceremonies Two elm trees \\·ere planted on the gTouhds of the \Vilmettc Public library· la ~ t Saturdav afternoon bv scouts of the nine Wilmette troops- who along \\·ith a large number of local people participated in a special observance of .\rbor day. The ceremony was held under the. di.r ection of Major George R. Harbaugh, local Scout Commissioner. who also officiated in the awarding oi honor badges to the scouts for tests pa~:->ed at a recent Court of Honor meeting. The services were opened in accord;trll'l' with the regulation scout custom ,,·ith the ceremony, "To the Colors," consisting of the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag and the ~epeating of the Scout Oath, conducted by Scout ~~xecutive \Vatter McPeak. The ho\·s then formed into three sides of ·a hollow square, surrounding the trees. An address of greeting to the scouts and visitors " ·as made by Village President Earl E. Orner, who dealt briefly \\ ith the occasion and outlined the purpose of the ceremony. He was follo\nd by ]. R. Harper, president nf the Library board, who talked to the h,)Y"' nn citizenship and Trustee C'lar L' IlC C E. Dra\'cr who commented hrit'f1~· on the -meaning of Arbor day. Immediately following the last a(ldress, the actual planting of tile trt. ' cs took place. The scouts were then re-formed intn a line and the presentation of promotional awards, granted at the Ap .. il ~cout Court of Honor, was made by ~cout Commissioner Harbaugh. The following honor badges were awa.r dert: Ad van c·e d to Second class-Rov Brown. Troop 5: . Bruce Ken yo t~. Trnnp 4; F.rlward Bristol. Troop 5: Jack Durham, Troop 5. :\dvanced to First class-Harr\' Fostl.:r. Troop 5: Georgt~ Bersch. Troop 4. \lcrit Badge Awards-Troop 2: DelIlia Caldwell; First Aid, Person a 1 Health, Electricity, Life Saving, Pubtic Health, Conservation: Harold E. :-;pinney, Jr.: Craftwork in Leather; f~ordon Cutler: Personal Health, Firemanship, Public Health, Carpentry; Robert Crawford: Craftwork in Bookbinding; Henry Crawford: Firemanship: Donald Dingwall: First Aid to Animals, Plumbing, Firemanship. Troop 4-John Fowler: Life Saving, Swimming: John Gilroy: Plumbing, ~wimming, Life Saving, Handicraft, Craftwork in Metal, Craftwork in \ Vood : George Bersch : Public Health, Craftwork in Leather, Person a 1 H calth, First Aid; Russell Horn : First Aid, Firemanship; Arnold Lind:->trom: Craftwork in Woodcarving. Troop 5-Ralph Morris: Electricity, Firemanship, First Aid to Animals, Plumbing; Edward Deirks: Plumbing. First Aid, Public Health, Fi.r emanship; Ah·in Bartholomew: Handicraft, First Aid. Public Health, Carpentry. Troop 7 (Seascout Ship)-Karl L. Yost: '\larksmanship. Star Scout Award-John Gilroy, Troop 4. Liit' S('out Award-.-Atvin Bartho 1om l'\Y. Tr ~op 5. Candidates in Kenilworth Election THEATER IN NO MAN'S LAND TO .OPEN SOON Plans for New T eatro Del Lago Provides Parking Space for Over oiOO Autos · .I ! EASTER SERVICES Page 58 of this issue of WIL)Il!;1"1'( LIF~ gives in detail the Easter sea:->on programs of the various churches in the community. The gladsome Easter·tide music will feature the services on Sunday and every church is extending a cordial \\"elcome to all residents. .; I Tcatro Del Lago, the new theater under construction in No Man's Land . at Tenth street, Wilmette, and Sheridan road, which has been the subject of much controversy along with other building projects in the same district during the past few months, will be formally opened to the public within two weeks, it was announced early this week. The new moving picture Alexander M. Harold 0. Barnes Loved ale Village Trustee house is of Spanish architectural de·Yillage Trustee sign and will seat approximately 1,400 people. It is simple in general lines, having an attractive lobby _and a stage of maximum dimensions. and being tastefully furnished throughout. The theater has been leased from Ralph R. Ha·wxburst the syndicate building it, by Samuel C. Ylllage President Mevers. who also controls a number of other theaters in Chicago. Mr. Meyer is associated with Balaban and Katz to the extent that he will be able to show pictures appearing in the city · theaters soon after their release. It is understood that .Pe.r formances will be given only in the evening on week days, starting at 6 :30 with two complete programs each night. On Saturday and Sunday, however, the program will begin at 1 :30 in the afternoon. !\o stage specialties are contemplated at the present time, it is .\rthur n. Atlallr said. hut the program will probably be Lt>slle llt1 \rthur Villag·e TrustN· Yillage Trustet· featured with organ solos. Parking accommodation for more (;porRe L. Rotbt-rmt'l than 400 automobiles is being provided PoliN' 1\Iagistratt: immediately adjoining the theater. The nine stores which are being built by the theater 'syndicate in the same Ask Voters to Choose "RUTH architectural design as the movie Two Library Directors house \vill also he ready when the Dramatic Group in Wilmette Baptist theater opens, it is said. Wilmette voters will he called upon Church to Stage Play in Church Au~ Tuesday, April 19, to cast their ballots ditorium Friday, April 22 That Big Easter Egg for two candidates for the positions Elaborate lighting effects and the of directors of the Hunt Comes Tomorrow \Vilmette Free Pub- magnificent organ in the auditorium of Preparations for the Easter Egg lic library, both of the Wilmette Baptist church will en- Hunt, being sponsored by the Wilmette whom arc unop· Recreatiotl board, to be held at Vattposed and dis·tinct hance the scenic production of "Ruth man park tomorrow afternoon at 2 the Loyal,u to be given hy the Dramfrom either ticket o'clock, are all cornpleted. A large in tlw Vi11agc dec· atic club of the F. A. S. society (Fel- crowd of children and their parents are lowship and Service) Friday evening. tion. expected to attend. All children 8 The two candi- April 22, at 8 o'clock. years old and under will hunt the eggs dates, J. R. Harper The F. A. S. has discovered in its which Peter Rabbi·t has secreted and E. G. Bentley, ranks not only trained dramatic art- around the park in the grass and have served faith- ists, · but musicians, costumers, and bushes. Mr. Rabbit has been busy for fully as lihrarv. di- electricians, who have enthusiastically the past month hiding these eggs, and rectors for several combined their talents to produce what so ·there will be plenty for all those years and are ex- promises to be a most finished and tm.- who participate in the hunt. pected to receive a pressive program . . E. G. Bentley 1 a r g e complimenIn the place of a regular curtain electary vote next Tuesday. Groups to Meet tricians have provided a system of It has been the commendable custom lights that will serve alternately as With Art League Apr. 18 to keep the office of library director curtain and footlights as the scenes The annual joint meeting of the proceed. Central-Laurel and the Logane n t i r c 1v "out of The speaking parts will be suppleHoward Parent-Teacher associapolitics," and this mented by the organ and selections by tions, with the Art league, will be year, in view of the a quartet of trained voices. held Mondav. April 18, at 3:15 contests for all o'clock, in th.e Howard gymnasium. other villar,e offices, The leading parts will be as:-;umrd as This is the first dav of school folMr. Harper and follows: · lowing the EaSJter vacation. There Mr. Hentley have Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. S. P. Perr:v will be a talk by E. L. Nygaard, r e c e i v r d the unNaomi ........ Mrs. George N. Lamb superintendent of the Kenilworth' qualified endorseBoaz ............ George R. \Villiams schools. He will have an exhibit of, ment of both the Elimelich .... \Villiam A. ~IcKeighan original pictures by Chicago artists Home party and No admission will be charged. as this in the nature of a gallery tour. 'f.he P e o p 1e's party, is the policy of the club in all varied Bovs' and Girts' Glee clubs of the. . though actuallv not services that it seeks to rencler to the Stolp school will sing-. The purron n e c ted with community, but a free-will offering will chases of the Art league, which ineither ticket. J. R. Harper he taken to defray the expenses of the clude a picture. several pieces of evening and provide for future prostatuary and the fountain, which is John A. McLean, ] r., arrived last ductions which the Dramatic club has the g-ift of the Art league to the Howard school, witl be on display. week from Yale. whe·re he is a senior in view. . A cordial invitation is given to the The fountain will be formally dedithis year, to visit his parents, Mr. and entire community to attend on Friday cated on this day. A large attend~[rs. John A. McLean at 912 Green- evening. The doors wilt .he open at ance is anticipated. 7":30. leaf avenue. T H E . LOYAL" P. T. A.