WILMETTE :· L:IF£. April 22. 1927 NEAR 100% BALLOT Accounts For Sale The following accounts are offered by the undersigned as Agents for sale to the highest bidder. The right is reserved to reject in full or in part any offer. B. :Meyer, 1227 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Coal. ............. . . $ 29.00 J. F. Davis, 727 Ashland, Wilmete, Ill. Coal ................... . 23.25 2.00 J. D. Williams, 1018 Oakwood, Wilmette, Ill. Tennis Shoes ... . Raphael Lee, 118 Maple Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Advertising ....... . 31.80 C. B. Cochran, 1701 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette, Ill. i\Ioving ..... . 15.00 A. M. Lose, 933 Sherman, Evanston, Ill., Coal ......... . ...... . . 39.50 J . W. Ryan, 1412 Noyes St., Evanston, Ill. Coal ....... . ..... .. . 36.46 5.75 Univ. Office & Letter Ser., 1616 Sherman, 'Evanston, Ill. Adver . . . 7.75 Irving C. Schur, D.D.S., 16 N. Sheridan, High. Pk., Ill. Printing· .. H. Culberson, Palatine, in. Dirt ................... ............. . 120.00 E. l\1. Faherty, Niles Center Rd., Niles Center, Ill. ('oal ....... . 80.00 W. J. Cunningham, 1333 Burton Pl., Ravania, Ill. Coal ....... . Arthur Montanari, 526 Linden, Kenilworth, Ill. Coal ........... . 1!).40 C. E . Schmidt, Box 126 S . Elgin, Elgin, Ill. Advertising ..... . 16.~0 H. J. Brash, 9510 S. Robey, Chicago, Ill. Shoes ............. . 11.60 F. X. Barr, 1062 Berwyn Ave., Chicago, Ill. Coal . ......... . . !Hi.60 Axel Hanson, 5318 N. Sawyer, Chicago, Ill. Cor~ I .. ..... ... ... . 45.15 People of Chicago averaged 287 ride s per person on the street cars during 1926. The national average is 140 Wau Bun'· 125 Voters Show Up Two rides. Missing in Election Tueeday Won. By John Rapp, Citizen's P-arty STATE.l\IKN't' OF THE OWNE.KSHll', .M:ANAGElUENT, CIRCULATION, E'l't..:., REQUEST~D BY THE ACT OF CU~· GRESS OF AUGUST U, 1912. The above listed accounts are guaranteed by the owners to be CORRECT AND UNDISPUTED and will be advertised for sale until sold. All bids for the purchase of the above accounts will be received at the office of the undersigned. Powers Credit Service I I 8 N. La Salle St. Chicago, Ill. Merchants ·and professional men desiring to dispose of their accounts or notes will be given full information on request. IN GLENCOE Wau Bul1, the newest village in Cook county, situated on W.illow . road west of Winnetka where tts broad acres for generations have produced corn and "spuds," and' are now a}l staked off in town lots by the sub-dtvider, is rapidly taking on "city airs," particularly in reg-ard to interest in and the method of conducting village elections. · The.re are 125 voters, and la st TuesdaY, when the first real contest electiot~ wa s held since Wau Bun wa5 incorporated, less than a year ago, 123 of them recorded their votes at the polls and barely nosed in the Citizens' ticket, h eaded by John Rapp, as opposed by the People'~ ticket with Ben Schildgen as its leader. Deserves 100% Banner \Vorkers in both parties were in the field earlv. and with ca.rs appropriately labeled, ·just like they do it in the larger neighboring villages to the east, rushed frantically hither and yon over the country· roads throughout the \Vau Bun area, determined that not one, eligible to vote,.. should be permitted to stay at home. And only two escaped, so thoroughly was this canvass. made. A reco:d, which should entitle \¥au Bun to the \Vinnetka lzaac \Valton league ba!lner for one hundred percent voting. The Citizens' party campaigned on a platform of ultra-conservative improvement and development, while the main plank of the platform of the People's party, "To run the town right," \\·as considered a little more prog.ressive. Vote Ia Close The vote received by the seven] candidates, follows: Citizens' 'ticket- For president, Joim Happ, 64: for trustees, John Seul; 68: Louis Brietzman. 77: Fred Haut, 64: Henry \Vahls, o2; George Selzer, 64; John Efflandt, 61. People's ticket-For president. J3,·n Schildgen, 58; for trustees, William Boetsch, 57; At Levernier, 60; Pet er Selzer, 58: Leo Retzinger, 60. Neither t'icket contained a candidate for police magistrate, for which office ] ohn Happ, Jr. has been declared elected, his name having been written in by thirty-four voters. Tlie president i~ elected for a term of two years. The six tru stees will cast lots to determine which three ·will serve one-year terms and which three will serve two years each. Of the Wilmette Life published w e~ k ly a.t Wilmette, 111., for April 1, 1927. COUNTY OF COOK :Hefore me S1.'ATE OF ILLINOIS l SS: j l hc State an'd county aforesaid, pen;onal- a Notary Public In and for Glass Cuts Woman's . Face When Two Machines Crash This brand new English brick Colonial has 4 delightful bedrooms with ample closet space and two tiled baths on the 2nd floor. There is a charming sun room and a toilet and lavatory on the 1st floor. The living-room is large and attractive. The house has hot water heat, and attached garage. The price is only $25,000. Miss Anna Kelly, of 131 Linden avenue, Glencoe, was cut in the face by glass from a broken windshield of an automobile in which she was riding with Miss Enez Erickson, of 1079 Gage .street, Sunday evening, when the Enckson car collided with another car parked on Sheridan road at Loyd place, Winnetka. !he parked car wa~ owned and being dnven by C. H. Allen, of 4943 Sheridan r?ad, \hicago, who had stopped at t~e n~ht stde of the road to repair a tJre. The rear light of his car was out. Miss Kelty was removed to the office ?f Dr. Wales, who dressed the inJUry to her. face, which, it is said was not senous. IJlinois packed meat products valued at three billion dollars last year the BBIKSBK RBALTY 720 Elm St., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 254 co. packcrs paying out an avenge · ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · $8.000,000 each business day. ~·~er .v appeared Lloyd Hollister, . who having ,:een duly sworn according to law, d eposes and says that he is the Business Manager of Wilmette Life and that th~: i.uHowmg is to the best of his knowle}lge and belief, a true f:tatement 'Of the ow.nership management (and if a daily paper.' the circulation), etc., of the ~for l.! said publication for the date shown m the above caption, required l:)y the Act or Augu~:>t 24, 1912, embodied in section H:~. Postal Laws and Regulations, print t:d on the reverse of this form, to wit: . 1. That the names and addresses ot the publil:lher, editor, managing editor. and business managers are : Publisher, Lloyd Hollister, Inc., (A Corporation), 1222 Central Ave., Wilm ctt~ ·. 111.; Editor, Erwin W. ·w eber, 500 5th ~t ., Wilmette, Illinois ; Business Manag l'r, Lloyd Hollister, 813 Pine St., Winnetka. 2. That the owners are: (Give nam e.; and addresses of individual owners, or if a corporation, give its name and tht· names and addresses of stockholder ~ owning or holding 1 per cent or mor· · of the total amount of stock.) Lloyd Hollister, Inc. (A Corporation 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Lloyd Holllster, 813 Pine St., Winn etka. Ill.; E. R. Ladd, 2404 Harrison Ave., EYvanston, Ill. ; Robt. D. Rodenbe rg, 63G ~ . Lockwood Ave., Chicago, Ill.; David N ·1sori, 821 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette, Ill. ; F. L. Bateman, 735 Michigan Ave., Wilmette, Ill.; Gustaf Nelson, 849 Elm St ., Winn('tka. Ill.; E. C. Weissenbe rg, 96'· Elm St., ·w innetka, Ill. ; H. D. Hill, Sol Walden Rd., Winnetka, Ill. ; Frank ·' . Wilson, 1118 Central Ave., Wilm ette, Ill. ; Ben P. Kiefe r, 1301 . Asbury Ave., Winnt>t ka, Ill.; Harry Lynn, 1111 Gage St., Win nt>tka, Ill.; Wersted Motor Co., 562 Lincoln A\·e., Winnetka, Ill.; Elmt:r E. Adams, 873 Oak St., Winn tka, Ill.; Earl L. Wt'instoek, 132:~ Asbury Av~.. Winnetka . III. ; Arthur C. F. Gedge, 11U6 Elm ~t. . Winnetka, Ill.: A. C. Wolff, 1124 GrCl·nle~f Ave., Wilmette, Ill.; R. 11. ~ c h t: ll. 800 Elm St., Winn e tka, Ill.; A. :\I. Lt>\'Y, 6 Korth l\Iichigan Ave., C hicago, Ill. ; Thos. J. Lynch, 564 Lincoln .Aw·., Winnetka, Ill.; B. W. Blow, 1004 Elm St.. Winnetka, Ill.; A. K. :\Iestjian, 511 ~Iait 1 St., Wilmette, III. ; S. D. Hodenbl'rP.'. t; ;;j N. Lockwood Ave., Chicago, Ill.; E. C'. Rodenberg, 63G N. Lockwood Ave., Chicag·o, Ill.; N. G. Hotze, 749 12th St., Wilmette, Ill.; . H. Sherer, Glenview Rd. Wilmdte, Ill.; Wm. Lange, 47:\ti N. St Louis AvE'., Chicago, Ill.; E . W. Wehc·r. 500 5th St., Wilmette, Ill.; P. B. Kohl saat, Orrington Hotel, Evanston, 111. 3. That the known bondholders, murtgagl'es, and other security hold ers ownin~:o or holding 1 J)er cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: (If the r e are non e, so state.) -None. 4. That the two parngraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders, and security :holders, if any, con tain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the .company but also in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the , books of the companY as trusteee and in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee lS acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner ; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any interest direct or Indirect in the said stock, bonds or other securities than as so stated by him. 5. That the average number of copies of each issue of thia publication sold or distributed, through the malls or otherwise, to paid subscribers during the six months preceding the date shown above is.-(This information is required from daily publications only.) LLOYD HOLLISTER. (Signature of editor, publisher, business manager, or owner.) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 28th day of March, 1927. (Seal). R. D. RODENBERG, (My commission expires May 8, 1930.) 1