Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Apr 1927, p. 53

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April 29, 1927 W ILM E .TTE LIFE \1 Mrs Fannie Leach GIRLS WIN AWARDS IN ESSAY CONTEST Stricken while on ·· .J :-. 1 ices. the body was taken t<? . JOUrney to C hurch Recreation Board and P. T. A. While on the way to church last Sunda,. mdrnin.;, :Mr~. Fannie Leach, Groups Offer Prizes for Egg521 Eleventh street, suddenly comDyeing Reports plained to friends that she was feeling ill and decided to return home. While Etlitur's Nott:--The rece nt Eastt'l· Egg llunt conducted in thr village fur the :-.maliE-r children in the public schools by t h f" \Vilmette Recreation board in coIIJ}t-mtion with thP ParPnt-Teacht-r assodations, · made necPssary considrrable prt'paration for tht· tonterprise. ln this the .. ldf.:'r ~iris in the Byron Stolp and How:t rd ~chools had an important rmrt, in r'ae t, volunt e('red thdr st>ni('t-~ in the .-g~-dyc ing· task. As a reward the Recreation hoard and P . T . A. ~t·oups offPr~·d t wo prizt ·s-{lne for <·ach sl'hool-for tlw :.:-irl wrltin~ tht· lwst accocnt of tht· P~g-·.l::: ·in!-!" ~~c: Fo.llowi~1~ .. :~.~· · t'O Jlh·s of tlw 1 · " " prtz· -\\ITilltn~ ..· Helping the Easter Rabbit li anvnnc had happened to enter th~ - ssa. · · I noml'stic S-cience room in the Stolp . . dltH>l on Thur sda,·. April 14. they \'.'o~t!ld havt thought a Charlie Chaplin ~llt ,,·ic was g-oing 011. Shricb of INTERIOR DECORATOR laug hter could haH' h~en heard hut 606 Jllch. A,·e., Evanston Green. lilt 1j 1~ 11~ 1 e~c~li~a~te~l~y~i~o~ll~o~"~·i~n~g~t~h~e~se~r~,~--~H~e~lc~'t~l~S~c~h~a~e~f~e~r~o~f~~~·~il~n~le~t~te~;~a~n~d~fo~u:r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 g~.~~1~ 11~ 110t cau:-cd l>v hut the hy fonltslltJess of and tile _ ,·a tnt ,us Charl[c the delight .. · .tr pri:;c when one after anotl1er eggs ,,j diHtrcnt color \\'Crc taken from the ,.,...,,els of dve . F\~ r nar :; wa, tilt· custom nf \Vash:ttl. nfln. to give ;tn egg-roll or hunt on ·he lawns c·f tilt· \\'hite Hnn :;e for ·l t ~.· children. . 1 . I T!J i:; nar tlw Ht·crcatJon l>Oar<. 111 I ,·, )nj unrtinn with th(' Parent-Te.achcr h ... nciation:;, decidccl to let the chtldren .11· \\'ilmdtt.' enjo~· thl' fun. and ~{iss (~ui man asked ~ <·tne of tht.' girls of the '~'n.-nt h and eighth grades to meet with ,, nne of the ladie <= to color eggs. 1 \1 ~""' · Freeman. ~Ir s . Storm~ ano l \1 r.... c~,zzcns \\'Crt.' in charge and · , , ~·I Il ,·.t] ,·c girb 'n·re there to carry , ·t tt tl;eir in :, trtll:tion". It \\·as twv c l fun for thL'St.' girls to do ·l t \· " ·ork of tht nld time Easter rahhit til t\ if thr children got half the en· : ·::m.c.n t in . hunting. that :hesc ~irlg I :,t- 111 culnrmg thtm. :-urcb th.e <om:nittn· \\·ill feel more than rcpatd. . - - Hc!t..·n Tone:; 7B. ~tnlp Srllo,,l. I still some distan-ce a\Yay from her residence, her ·condition became acute and she found it necessary to ask for assistance. She was carried to her home . by two men who chanced to be passmg and shortly afterward passed away: Attending physicians stated that her d sudden illness and death were cause he a cerebral hemorrhage. 1 ·1 f ~Irs. Lea~h lad been a n.'SI( tnt. Wtlmettl' tor about a year, havmg 1 moved h~re from Rogers Park. During that penod she had made a host of friends and held a pos ition of very high e steem among her acquaintance s. Sht.' wa~ hnrn in Kenosha, \\'i;;cnn sin, and at the tillll' oi her death \\'a:i Sl'n:nty year:-; of age. FunL'ral ~L'n· ice s ,,.L·re hl'ld irom th·~ St. Augu:-ti11e ·~ Episcopal church \\'eelnt·s day, Dr. Hubert Carleton officiat· for mterment. Mrs. Leach JS surv1ved by her husband, Cephas H. Leac.h; two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Pttts of Bloomington, Illinois, and Miss Irmograde L. Leach, a teacher in the Lake View High school; and a son, Robert Leach, of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In the excitement surrounding her sudden illness members of the famt~ failed to obtain the names of the men who aided her in getting home. They are now very anxious to get iri touch with them in order to thank them and d' 1 to obtain information regar mg t 1e situation at that time. Ken~sha brothers, Nick F. Schaefer, of Los Angles, California, Lawrence, At, . and Frank of Wilmette. WINS ESSAY AWARD Marguerite Schroeder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schroeder, of Wilmette and Miami, Fla., recently won a prize in an essay contest held in the · Ada Merritt school at Miami under au~1')ic_e.s of a large Miami bank. The subject of the essay was "Why You Should Have a· Savings Account." Marguerite was formerly a pupil in the Byron Stolp school. We ure always In the mark·t fur Seeon<l ~lortgnge Loans 1'\··con·l )lortgnge Construction Loans Quick Senl('e Ueasonable Rates and ° Services Conducted f or Mrs. Bernard J. Simpson Funeral services for Mrs. Bernard J. Simpson. who passed away last Tuesday afternoon at the Evanston hospital, were held from the St. Joseph church this n1orning-. Burial was in the St. Joseph cemetery. · ).Irs. Simpson was the daughter of tht.' late Peter Schaefer, who passed awaY rerentlv. She is survived by her husl;and: her mother, :Mrs. :Mary ~chaefer: four sisters, Sister M. Bonavita. ).Irs. A. H. Weeks. Tresa and uo;-;, Puhllr Securities k Inns~meut Corp. ~ nrtlt Wnbash A-re., ('blcago Central 0840 DRAPERIES Imported and Domestic Damask Ltnens and Chintz. Will supply yaidage. Making optional. Rose Marion Knight it 1 1 - . I Egg Dyeing T llltr:;day. April 14, about t \\'Cnt~· ~_·iL:_ht girls were at tht Stolp :o;choo.l. to I dye egg:; for :111 l'gg. hunt to b_c gn en ;,r the younger ch1lclren. \\·e were dirl'ckcl In· a il'\\' \\"Omen and also j :tad the ht.:lp oi ).I r . Davi:;. \V e. each I :, .u 11 d a· or a disl.1 pan to h01l our , 1.!.~:- in. \\ I11IL' we watted for the eggs ,, ,: t;dked with cad: ot het: .. \Vhen the n~·g"' came rach girl rcce1ved fro1~1 nn·nty-two t.o twrn.ty-six to botl l :llt d d\'C. AI tC'r qt11te a whtle one of thL· gi~ls was going to dye her eg~::. and I :i!cy found the,· necde.d some vmegar f,lt' the clvc. ~lr. Dav1s then went to cit\.· .;tore and bought S0111t.' vinegar and I morc egg d~· e. Then we c.ollectcd old p an~ and pails and such thm,gs so that t hL· <he could not stain, and went to wnrk.. There were not enough pans to L!t, a round so when one was through \\ e " ·ould pass it to someone else. \\"hen all the eg-gs were dyed, for at..! ton·ether there were 570. \\'C put them in" the boxes. Then we helped \Yith t he dishes and were throug·h about 'I l l There isn't a mo-torist living who will not find a new motoring thrill in .t he LaSalle EVANSTON BRANCH CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY 1810 Ridge Avenue Evanston 11 tiOil. - T;;yle .T ohn~on, 8B, Howard School. Ask Children to Help With Bundle Day Task The children and teachers of over itHlr hundred schools in all parts of l'hicago and suburbs are ready to make Bundle Day, which this year is 1 :Oct ior May .f, a success. Chicago s slogan is: "500,000 bundles for shipment to the needy children of the Holy Lands."

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