WILMETTE LIFE April lt, 1927 Our New Invalid Coach makes our Ambulance service worth knowing . about, and worth calling for should the occaston anse. We have the very latest and most modern type of invalid coach; soft-riding, skillfully . manned by specially trained, uniformed attendants, and completely equipped. Remember the phone number; Wilmette 654. . . AMBULANCE CU)J1l. 1. . [J{cf~ -uNDERTAKER · "rfhe J{ouseof q>eysona.l Setl>ice" 11.09 Central Avenue- Wilmette 654 Residence 719 9th Street. Wilmette De Luxe Funeral Home 23 Years on the North Shore Suction Cleanina lor all Heatin1 Systems · Cleans completely and thoroughly. Improves sanitary conditions. Completes the house cleaning job. Increases efficiency of heating plant. READ WHAT IT WILL DO · SUCTION CLEANING MAKES NO MUSS IN THE HOUSE WE CARRY ALL DIRT AWAY 2. 3· 4· ...., ( t 5. 6. 7. 8. Brings to light unborn defects. Differs from all cleaning methods. Saves many times the cost of cleaning. Cleans all makes of furnaces. hot water and steam plants. HOLLAND FURNACE Co. 2. Carlton Building WINNETKA Phone Winnetka 1030 ·· --- Are you takin1 advanta1e ol liberal Brin1·and·Call Discount on your laundry each week! Economical housekeepers know that these savin1s are equivalent to a week's launderin1 lree about once eaeh month. NELSON LAUNDRY 1210 Central Avenue Wilmette