Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 May 1927, p. 6

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6 WILMETTE LIFE May 6, 1927 Kenilworth Board Harper to Speak Before · Central-Laurel P. T. A. Commends Retiring BARGES · BROS. Phones 159 2306 MAY FOOD SALE $1.00 25C $1.00 $1.00 25c 29c 19c FRUIT SPECIALS CALiFORNIA ORANGES, s~!~J ~~~~.~~~~.·~ .~~~.~~: ...... 49c 3 doze11 ......................... . FANCY STRAWBERRIES, 2 boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALLIGATOR PEARS, each 35c; · 3 for ........................... . FLORIDA ORANGES, 3 dozen ............ .... . LARGE BANANAS, GRAPEFRUIT, . CALIFORNIA JUICY LEMONS, dozet1 ............................. . 4 for .............................. . VEGETABLE SPECIALS A~~~~~~~~~~ ........................ 2Sc E~~!! ~~~~~ .~~~~~?E~~. ........ 19C 5 0 ':~~!1! ~~~~~~·.................. 25c N~~t~.~~~~~~·. ~~·. ~~ .............. 95c HOME GROWN CUCUMBERS, each ...... Sc HOME GROWN RADISHES. 3 bunches .... tOe . EXTRA FANCY SWEET CORN, 4 ears .... 25c RHUBARB, 4 pounds .................... 23c · BEVERAGE SPECIALS CLIQUOT CLUB DRY GINGERALE, doz. $2.13 CANADA DRY GINGERALE, doz. . ..... $2.13 MORAND DRY GINGERALE, doz.. ..... $1.43 Strictly Fresh Eggs and Butter. The Central-Laurel Parent Teacher association will hold its regular meeting and annual business session on A resolution of commendation and Tueday. May 10, at ::.·:15 o'clock in the appreciation was passed by th e Village 1 fhron St::>lp gymnasium. Delegates Board of Kenilworth in favor of reseve ral recent conventions will give tiring president Jat~les C. ~urray,. at their report s. ]. R. Harper, who ~t- the first post-election meetmg wh1 ch te nded the Superintendents' meetmg · wa s held recently. held in Dallas, Tex., will speak on I A copy of the resolution, which wa ~ "Character Training of the Child," ordered inscrib~~~ in tile p~rmanen t which wa s discmsed there. Mrs. R.' record s ~f the V tllage and ·wh1 ch <iealt Gullickson will give her report from! at length with the many things ar the State Parent- Teacher council held complished during President 11urray\ recently at Qumcy, Ill., and ~1 rs. W. S. : administration, and expressing th e Vii Campbell will summarize the Lake ' !age's appreciation of hi s services. \\';t" Shore convention held in Evanston. se nt to the retiring pr esi dent. ~1is s Anne \Vhitmack , village , Mr. ?\1urray, as the .resolution stated. will give a short talk on the "Summ er has spent man~- ~- ears in the scnice c·i Use of the Library." )1usic will be the \ ' illage Cli Kenilworth. I le ha·, furni shed by th e school band. sc n ·ecl both as a. tru stee and as \'illagt · ~1others arc mgcd to attend th:s Prrsidcnt. In the performance of tlii · meeti ng and kindergarten will be work 1_1~' ha:-. shown . tt~m sua l et_Jng;· maintained inr thl' sma ll children . and ah1hty and ha :-. \\'tllm .~ly pcrl Jl'lll ------l'd all oi till' dutil·s pcrtaiuit~ to )1'-; nfficr at a great sacrifice of his OWl I · THE NORSHORE time . The 111any improveme nts whirl1 haH· come during this period ha\· .· .,Women Love Diamonds" heen clue. tn a H'r. ' · large extent. t() Drama ma,· he l'ither in lnin1hle sm - his intere-.t and untiring attenti(ln. 1 roundin_gs, ,·rith the . mai_n attracti(~ll the poignant story ttstlt -or sd Ill I avis h surroundings. But-\\· hen the Y 'la,·ish surrounding:- arc u:-ed, the :-to:-y must be even greater-or the spertacl t· Thr ann ual meeting of Y e Old' Tn" n will overshadow the ston ·. Folk\ \\'ill he held at tllt' \\'oma11·.'J'his is the tlw :·n· on .\\' hi ch ~I etro- Cl uh Th tt r:-day l ' \ ' l'll ing, \fay 1<J. D i 1 11 G(lld\\'yn-~layer p1~oduced "\V o 111 c 11 IIL'f \\·ill hL· :'l'n·ed at fi :.10 n'rlt 1rk a1 1d Lon· U.illllnnds," thl' se n:-atit>nal 11C\\' will he iollowerl by L 'lltl'rtainlllt·n t ;11 , I elrama oi the Idle Rich. coming ~J on dancing . day to the .:\orshon: t hL"a ter. Tl~ L· Thc nrganizatilln i-- rolllJl<~:-.l'd .,] story, a terrific expost: of modern Jll'(lple oi \ \"ilml't te whc, haw r l·.., ickd s::>ciety, has a dramatic theme so hig in thc Yillagl' for a JH:r i:)d oi t\\'L'Ilt ~· it almost leaves its audience breath - fi\'e _\· car~ or Ionge!· and any ~ llll' t·kgil, ,. ks s. tPHI<:r thl'Sl' l'1111dition s i~ urged lt> ( ~ · '1 Pauline Starke play~ the hcroi11e in tnttnicatl' \rith till' CtHllmittl'l' in ch;tr.l! , the new picture, with 0\n:n ~loorc as The COilllllittec is C'Oillpo"L'd ni \1 r· the hero. Douglas Fairbanks. Jr., and I<atldL"tn ~I orse, 505 ~fa pie a\Tilllt'. Li onel Barrymore han~ the h\'O next \\·. H . \\.a idnl'r. 10-lo Grc cn\\'ood aH important role s in the unique drama, nue: and Dr. C. H. Eldred. 11 ~0 \ \' i1 antl others in th e cast includ e Cissy mette an:nuc. Fitzgerald, Ce. o rge Cooper, G\\'en Lee. Dorot hy Phillips, Carol \Yines, and ot hers of equal note. Ldnn111cl Coulding, \\'ho directed the May 12 new story, is also its author. The L~gan-Howanl PrL" -;.; ch,,oJ c!r cle will . hol<i the closi11~ llll'\'tin ~ 1, .r the year at the homl' oi ~~ r:-.. K I I Hen~l erso n , 721 Prairie av('lltlt', ·lt , Thur sda ~· even ing, \by 1 ~. at }o'clock. · The suhjert for di--ru-..-.i ,,t , will he "ria hit Forming." ~~ rs . l·:ug<':tt P. Briong, the leader. is anxi()us to!" all those pre se nt to takt· pa r t in t )1 , discus sion. · ·m o d e 1s, a11 The circle extends an im·ital inn 1< · all mothers of voung children 1I) at materials, a 1 I tC"nd this meetit;g, with the lwpl' t 1Jal types, d r e s s, they may become active memht·r.; nf the circle next year. Village President te J e Olde Town Folks Hold Annual Meeting Thursday Pre-School Circle in Final Meeting ~Beautiful sport, etc. prices size~~ Coats at all and tn }4 tCI from 54. North Shore Bus Hit by Car on Ridge Road A North Shore Line bus g-oing- north on Ridge road and driven by \\'. R. Smith Alcxancl<. ·r. Rogers Park. wa'stntck hv a car driven hv Toni ~far ini, 180() · Eltm,· ~od avemH.< at the Fln1 \\'Oocl an·mH· intL"r section ]ate Frida~ momimr, A nril 29, it \\'a.; reported to the ]ora l police department. 'l'he ~far ini c·ar wa-; on.'rturncd in the na sh while the hns escaped with minor dam:-~gl'. ~o one was injured in tlH accident. ~~ i..;s P~ts~· Rovlston, dau ghter ?vtr. and Mrs. A. \V. Bovlston of Bro:l dway, is enterta i11ing. thirty of fri<'nrls at hPr home for luncheon Saturday, May 7, in honor of thirteenth birthday. Also Hats and Dresses Free Deliveries on All Orders. 01:10 BARGES BROS. 6~5 Main Street Phones 159 2306 UNIQUE STYLE SHOP B. Coplan, Prop. 1126 Central Ave. Phone Wilmette 2403 WILMETTE ·pee····ee·eoee········e: of 220 her on her West across the tracks from -oTuherculosis tnnrt1litv in Tllinois ha~ decrea serl from 7fJ 3 per 1()(),000 population in 1925 to 76.3 in 1926. the· Station.

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