Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 May 1927, p. 15

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May 6, 1927 WILME TTE o;n May 16 at 7 :30 p. m., at Third Pres-~ byterian ·c hurch. Every young person in the church is invited to attend. Admission will be by ticket only. I fl{·.gulat· meeting of thf T. F. S. club f0r intermediate church m e mbm·s :sunday afternoon, 5 ::!0 o'clock. Regular schedule of Young- P<·ople's activiti('s for the ·week. Boy SC'out m eeting-, :\Tomlay at I :30 o'clock. Boy's nwding- Friday at :1 ::~o. downstairs. LIFE 15 Presbyterian Church The First Presbyterian church is lo<:ate<l at the corner where Ninth street crosses Greenleaf avenue. North Shore t·xprf'ss and Evanston cars stop at l·;ighth and Tt·nth streets, on·· block from the ('!Jttn-~. Ht-!v. <:eorge P. ::\Ia,:;·i·ll, D. 1 1. 1011 Lake avenu~:·. ltt·s idt-nce Phom·, \Vii. 189!1 Pastor's study, Wil. 1G7::i. · l·:,·t·ry mot·ning· our Sunday :-;\'lt110l m t·ds at l:l ::10, t·xc·t·pt tlw \\·ome n's 1 Mmne_haha Troop of ( o~_rl S ·outs Will and 1\Ien's HiLlt· da~~~·s, whiC'h Ill ·t·L at meet Frtday at 3:30, upstatrs. I u o'c·lock. Arrang-ements have bN·n ma{h: fm· a :\I , . . ,. . . , , Visitation Day for Sun<lay afternoon, May . _ · .<.t n~n.~ wo~sh1p at I I ~: l'lodc Sv1·m.on 22, wh£>n ev£>ry family of the church is : ul~JI .ct.. Makmg- ~I~tht·~:s Day ::\l"mol'lL'l> to be C'alled upon by a committ(·c of .t l..~:<~uttful Dl·nt:dtctlOn. forty (not all at H·e same . place at the A fmt· Mothers' Day prog-ram ha~ b ct-n 1 samf' time) who ·will tell of the work of anang-ed for next Sunday with HJ1(·cial the past yPar an<l p!anR for th e ctliTt:nt :--l·rnwn and approprial(' music. The mcm- year. h<~ l'H of the Wilmette Optimist dub and thl'ir families have arranged tu atl£·nd in Community church ser\'icC's rwxt Suna body and obscr.·t· l\Ioth£·rH' I>ay with us. day evening. at the Baptist church. Dr. Magill is to be the speaker. The suhThe following is t·~lt· mmdc:al IH'ogram: .i ('Ct of ~h.e addr('SS will be-"Evaluating t u·g-an Pr ·ludf'Our Rehgton. Are W(' Either as nood or "Homane·e Sans Paroh·s" ...... Bonn£>t as ~ad a~ \Ve Seem?" This wi,ll be. a . \ ntlwmconstderatJOn of the rf'cf'nt "Qu('sttonna·re "H.iHt·, Crowne d with Light ' ' ....... Otis to tl)(' tnPmbPrs of th(' \Yilmt-ttf' C'hamber .\nthem- "Our ::\lothers" ... . ...... Hines of Comnwrr··." Urg·an Off rtory-------" Solvt· jg-'s cradle :-iollg" ........ urieg :-iolo--"1 Have a PraY£·r" ........ Austin 11 11 11 Mrs. (;~lllnon 88(; Elm fitref't. Winnetka Urgan PostludePastor, A. E. Rohrbach "l'ax \'obiscum ................ Schube rt ! Sprue£> str ·et. \\·inm·tka ~7~·1 .lunior <'hureh nwH~ at II o'l'lo('k in tht! .I unjot· ..\H~··mbly room downstairs. 'l'h· ~ HOURS OF WORSHIP l··ad··r Is Dick Hall. Tilt· suhj··c·t is Sunday-:\Ioth('rs' Day . .. ~lotlwr, Our Hest Frit·ncl." Sunday school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~l ::w a. m. Swedish service ............ 1l :00 a. m. l.'ht·istian Endeavor at ~~: ::o o'clo<'k . Young people's .............. 5 :00 p. m. I ~··gular mid-week pray··r ~~·n·ice on Eng-lish service ..... .... ..... 7 :4 ii P.. 111 . ~ubject . . . . . "The :\IothC"rhood oC God" \\'t·dn··Hday at 8 o'clo<'lc. ~unclay - I . - .. . . Sunday, May 8th Surely Mother Sh· ould Get I CANDY On This, Her Day MOTHER and sweetness are synonymous. And it is fully in keeping with the sentimtnts of Mothers' Day to bring home to her a box of Johnston's or Whitman's Candy . Of course, nothing but the best will do. Mother knows the quality of our Candies. And she'll especially like our Mothers' Day box-a choice selection of our finest. p;rst Scand-inav,;an Ev. I . \11-<lay meeting of tiH · \\'onwn's so··i··.ty Tuesday, May 10, bE-g-inning at 10 o'C'lock. Luncheon at noon followt>d by t)rug,ram. TlH· Prt·shytf:rlan l'niou of · 'llil'il~·~~ i!; banqu t alHI Yonn!.!· p,., ; plt·'~ ,. , tll ft·J'· ·tH'· · at t·~W La Sa 11 .. hol.-1 'I 1\ursday, :\Ia~· 1 ~. a.t li ::111. :\ nllmht·:· uf our yo ung- JH~O J1l will attf·nd . · Jl, >!ding- a \Vednesday-Swedish sen·iC'(', 8 p. m . Saturday-Confirmation class, 10 a. m. "\Vhen we go to God, tlwn·fon·, Wt.· ~o to the eternal Mother-heart to which we b··long, from W·~ich Wf' come; we g-o to One who always thinks of us as littiC' d1ildrttn to be patiently bornf' with: to One who asks no qut.~ stiom; and Rtikes no wound: to On ' who folds us into His own presencf', ~nd by His Yery nearness comforts. That is our Clod. with all the tf·n<lernttss of a mother within His breast." Ridge Avenue Pharmacy <'. C. REXXE< KAR Opp. St. Joseph's Church Ph. Wilmette 316 l't·· ·sbyt· ·rian Young P(·o plt·'s Fed··ratiun will ha.n' a llig- Billy Suuday Hally Riparian Rights Homesites Vlith Private Beaches are very limited in number, so if you are dreaming of such a home, you· d better act quickly. PH~O~ r E '{oo 1 ~~~\ '~..""" ~)§ - - typical - of our offerings of Riparian property. we have 200 ft. in Kenilworth. with a Large 1 4-Roorn Home. selling considcra bl y under the market price. You '11 find that we luvc the best values at their respective prices on the North Shore, many in the Kenilworth and Northeast Wilmette district that aren't even known to be for sale. Reliability is probably the most important factor in making friends; making customersReliability in a high grade grocery and market is not only a matter of having the finest food that the market affords- not only a matter .of maintaining the lowest prices consistent with the high quality of the merchandise-but even moreReliability means rendering courteous, efficient and constant service-Interested, sincere, and intelligent clerks; Six telephones, making it never necessary to wait to order food; and Four daily deliveries, help us render service. Opposite Village Hall · T·ghe Realty Co. I Wilmette Grocery & Market For Better Things to Eat 1146 Central Avenue Six Phones: Wilmette 420-421-422-423-424-425 4 20 Sheridan Road-Wilmette Entrance to " No Man's Land" Phone 2671 Four Free Daily Deliveries

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