Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 May 1927, p. 45

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May 6, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 45 BOY SCOUTS TO HOLD N. U. Athletes Face RALLY AT NEW TRIER. Busy Week End; Invite Paftmts to Attend North Shore Area Council Gathering .. This Evening Reports of the progress of thr last six months in the ~orth Slwre Are~ Boy Scouts of America, thr award oi badges to progres s ing sc~ u ts, a talk by one of the leading Scout men of the Middle \Ve st, and other special events are heing arran~cd for the Spring Council me e ting program and Court of Honor to he held tonight. at 8 o'clock, at the ~e,,- Tri e r High school auditorium. Thr public is invited. is no admission charge. The Elmhurst Boy Scout Drum and Bugle corps will furni sh mu sic. This group of 35 scouts have heen pacticing on selections especially for this gathering and the program committee assures an interesting night. Make Honor Awarda One of the feature s of the evening's program will he the selection of the neatest troop from the thirteen competing, to receive the honor award. Among the additional program :na-· terials and activities provided to enrich boy activitie s that have been provided through the· intrr- tronp co-opC'ration of the council. arr: The Cabin for the us1: ot' all tr oops o f the North Shore council for s hr\rt hikes, being huilt by th<" Cook County Forest Pre se rve hoard, larg1: ly thron~h th e efforts of Commis~ioncr Oscar \V. ~hmidt of \Vilm e ttt, i:- Jnca tl'<l tw ~· miles west of Glcncot, ct11d is n "il :; access ibl e to a l1 troops. :\ copy of "The Talk o' the Troops," a monthly paper puhli:-hed h_,. an Ed itoria l board of older Scnuh. j-; fmnislJ(·d free to each Scout. Boost Civic Service Opportunities for SC!ltlts t o cu -u pn · a tc in civic se n · ice and nth n se n ·i ct acti\'Jtll'S are provided. Scout:; of Highland Park helped po:-,t the street tlag-s on \Va ~ hington' s birthday. ScouLs oi \\.ilmctte planted tr ees on the public library grounds in commemorating .-\rhor dav. Troop s of the north end of the Area attended a Scout ra !h· recenth· held under the auspices (~i the A1;1erican legion. Courts of honor, \\'hich provide incentive and opportunity for advancement to higher ranks in Scouting, are held in mo st towns monthly, and in other towns at intervals as needed. Open rallies, in which troops m~ty com p c t c if they choose. are hclrl monthly. The se give opportunity to build co-ope.r ation within the troop, through competing with a not her group. Monthly Conferences :\'lonthy conferences of junior offi.cas, those boys who have been given positions of trust, honor, and .respon~ihilitv in their troops, are gtvetr an oppo~tunity for an exchange of exp~ricncc. 4 Teams in Action A busy time awaits Northwestern's athletes this week end as four teams swing into action against conference opponents. The baseball and track teams journey to Bloomington, Ind., where they take on the Crimson, while the golf team is competing against Purdue at Lafayette. The tennis team will appear in the only home contest, the University of Iowa racket exponents providing the opposition. Coach Frank Hill's track boys ·are given more than an even chance to run away with high honors i.n the Hoosier engagement. Although Indiana has some capable performers in several events, they are not considered strong enough to topple the Purple. Northwestern's .weight men should have little trouble in annexing the majority of the points with Lewis, Karstens, Bagge, Dart and Nessler all prepared to do their stuff with the sixteen-pound shot, discus and hammer. · Gleichman and Bagge wilt toss the javelin. In the track events, the Purple also has an edge in nearly every race with the possible exception of the quarter. Hermansen looks like a sure bet in the 100, while Furrey, Reynolds, Sparling and Orchard will ta-ckle the other distance~ . PLANNING TO BUILD?' Sec the State Bank a·n d Trust Company for your first mortgage construction loan. We have assisted many thousands of home owners. Bring your problem to us-large or small-and possibly we can arrange a constructive money-saving plan for you. Prompt and efficient service. 1'elephones U ni ver~it t1 5 I Briargate 5ooo Real Estate Loan and Department STATE BANK TRUST COMPANY Orrington at Davis, Evanston Loss of all last season's regulars through graduation and ineligibility has practically wrecked the golf team, although some promising sophomores may improve their game enough to win several meets. The tennis team has a number of able performers who will win a lot o f meets this season. Coach Kent and his baseball squad will find plenty of opposition at Indiana Saturday against the Hoo siers.. With steadier s upport in the field, the Purple should win more games since their hitte.r s arc clnnting- out plenty of runs . i AT THE PLAZA Hotel Comfort at Nominal Cost Departing Villager Guest of Honor at May Luncheon A nwst unique lunch eon party was g-in.: n on \\'cdne ., April 13, by :\[ rs. Fon·:-t :\I iller at her home. 1027 Crecn\\'ood an·nue. in honor of ':\1 rs . F ra nk ]. ~dinger of Linden annue. Tile tahlt..· \Yas dec orat ed with maypole :-trcamer . . in the :-;pring colors and the ia\'ors \\Trt· phntJgraph:' of the honor guest. During the hmchcon :\1 rs. Selinger was presented with an autograph album containing the pictures of her friend s. a verse to her accompanying each photograph, and a ~~ ay basket containing tea towels made by the other guests. Mr. and ::\Irs. Selinger arc leaving \\'ilmette about the last of :\Iav to make their permanent home in- St. r.ouis . ... AT CONVENTION :Urs. F. \V. Strube, 216 Golf terrace, accompanied Miss A. A. Johnson of Evanston to Joliet last Saturday when~ thc..:r attended a convention of the Sta-te Academy of ~cience of llin~is. Miss Johnson, who t.s .connected wtth the North Shore Cltmcal Laboratory 1 in Evanston, read a paper on the "X-Ray and Bacteria Finding of the Apices of Teeth." -------Mrs. Frank Johnson, 1431 Gregory avenue. and her nephe\\·, Axel Carson of Rockport, Ill., are leaving ~-ilmette tomorrov; morning to drive to New York Cit\·, to sail for Europe on May 14. they arc going to take their car with them and will spend five months touring and visiting in Sweden. C OMPLETE Camping facilities of ··Camp Chec_agua," one of the well managed umts of the Chicago Scout camps, have bee:1 made available for the use of troops, this summer. The quality of this camping experience is unsurp?ssed. The 0 was i p p e camps are 1amed throughout the 'Cnited States for their quality. freedom from household caresrest, relaxation and all the ease of The Plazaat a cost that is thriftier than servants and a private home. Spacious rooms and suites with and without kitchenettes- beautifully furnished. Plan -now . to visit us tomorrow or phone University 8000 ~fr. and Mrs. Leopold H. Hansmann of 1240 Hill street are leaving next :\fouday for a three months' trit~ in Europe. They will stop in \Vashmgton en route for New York, where they sail May 12, on a German stean~ -aer. They will spend most _of thetr time in Germany and Swttzerland, One half of the public utilities of and expect to return to \:Vilmette in the United ~·atcs are finance(! from Chicago. August. Orrington Avenue, just south of Church Street

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