Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 May 1927, p. 1

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WILMETTE VOL. XVI, NO. 32 \VILM ETTE. ILLINOIS, MAY 6, 1927 LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS f,ublituill weekly by Lloyd Holliste1·, Inc., 1222 Cent1·al Ave., Wilmette lllinoiiJ. Enterell aiJ second class matter arc' H, 191~, ltt the post office at Wilmette, lllinoiB, under the Act '>I Ma~ch $, 1819. Subscription p1·ice U.OO a Slear. DR. GEORGE P. MAGILL IHigh School Head SPEAKER SUNDAY NIGHT to Addr.ess Parents of Etghth Graders 1 Wilmette's Official Personnel NEW VILLAGE BOARD .BEGINS ITS WORS Frederick E. Clerk, superintendent · President Orner Announces ApPresbyteria~ Minister to Give of ~cw Trier High school, will speak - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · pointments; Split Comes on Second of Sermon Series for before the parents of seventh and Village Preaident Confirmation by Trustees Business P~ople eighth grade pupils of the Howard Earl E. Orner school. Tuesday evening, ~lay 10 at 8 Dr. ~enrgc P. Magill. minister of o'clock, in the Howard school 'gym- Village Board President Earl E. Orner, three Viltl~t: Ftrst Presbyterian church, will nasium. [ John Clark Baker lage Trustees and a Village Treasurer gn·~ the address Sunday c:cning, May . This will be an important meeting, it Ernest c. Cazel were formally inaugurated at the regR, dt. ~h~ se.cond of a sr.~tes of com-Its explained. since ~f r. Clerk wilt disCla.rence E. Drayer uta.r meetJng of . the Village board n.t~mt~) services. at the \\ tlmette ~ap- cus~ n.tatters concerning the children Paul A. Hoffman Tuesday evening of this week. tl:-..t. churc~l dcstgn~<l to he of J?art~cu - ~dw \\'til rnter Ke,y Trier High school Hans vonReinsperg 1 \Vith the Council chambers packed lat mtcrest to hthtn<·s:- and prnte ss10n- 111 the fall. At that time the eighth john F. \Viedlin to capacity and a few score citizens grade children \\·ill he selecting their 1 - - occupying points of Yantage within al, peop_le. I hr maugural :-l'rtllon hi tht series cour~<.·s ior next year and Mr. Clerk Board of Local Improvements hearing distance in the corridors, the ,,·as . preached by~· Dr . . Stephen. A. \\· il~ be glad to answer any questions Village hoard memhers and Prc-..i- business ::>f inducting the recently Llo~ d of the F tr~t (.. ongregatlonal \YI11ch may occur to the parents in this dent Orner elected officers proceeded without unchurch last Sunday en·ning hefore a connection, it is stated. due ceremony and, within a remarklt.trg£' auclienn· . . I I is ~~thject, "The }lusic for the evening is to he fur-l Commissioner of Public Works ably short time, the new Village hoar.:\ (_hun~} 1 anc1 tht· .t.ontnn~nJt~· Orgalllza - ni shed by the se\·enth and eighth grarle Charles C. Schultz (reapp::>intcll; was functioning and engaging itself tton ~ . wa~ recl:t\·ecl \nth utmost en- girls' and boys' glee clubs under · the ""ith the task of confirming appoint thustasm a_ncl attracted a largr n_um - direction o f ~Iiss Betty Scheidler. Village Attor.n ey ments of various municipal officials inhl'r () f hu . t_ne~ s pcopk to ~hl' s~n· tce s . J . Cha.rfcs H. Jackson (reappointed 1 eluding the Superintendent of PuhD r. ~Lu.nll has c hn~l'tl tor h~-; suh lie \\"nrk s. · Building Commissionl:l'. jt·rt thi~ Sunda~· 4..:\"Cllilll!, "Evaluating ntlque Exhibit Beckons I Chiei Electrician. Police and Fire 1 Building Commiaaioner Our Reli~ion - ·:\n~ \\"e l.~itiH'r a.; (.nod to Villagers Next Week 'i Ho,,·ard Bowen (new appoinkL· l chiefs. Health C::>mmissioner, and sevnr a .; Bad a~ we ~e£'m ? ·· ___.__ eral subsidiary officers. · 1 't S . G \ \ tlmdte has often been called the 1 H . · 1 h ~C ommass1oner ., nva e ~rvace . \"t·w England oi the \Vest Ho\v a) eat Prhident Orner and the old and . I hl' pr~gram. tor th~· :-; tnt·~ tll ~ ~· r - 1 >ro )riatt' i:-; ·th 11 1 1 I Dr. £··. E. :\foore (reappointed l new trustees " ·ere ushered into a 1 · . \' ll'l'~. ,\"Inch mil CPnttnut· througli'(lut I ~I 1 1C .11 01 · · le ..~~ e, t,le \\Ome! 1 of - -veritable springtime bower of flov;crs tht" nwnth of ~b.Y, \rith the mini~t e r~ 1c Jlllt < t .1 ~ rtrst (ongregattotnll Village Collector \\'lletl tll"\" a:-; smiled their seats at the · · r tttrc 1 a :·c \rattlllg to prove ~ . .. · 1 1 u1 t ll' vanous c1 HilT 1lC:' 111 t 1 lt' com, . _ · . I·.dmond ll. Kerr (rcappotnkd) 1 outset 0 ( the meeting. tok~t~s 11 Jl l ttn i t~· ~i\· ing the. ad.dr e . . ~c ": i~ ( )n ~n < !ay .a_ltert~O_:J · . · :\lay 13. tront of .regard came from vanous Ct\·tc cl~'c.k .the~. " 1.11 conduct Chief of Police organizations and individuals. ar tl lltHI the ::>rgantz :ttlltll :- cd na·n all 1 l~ 1 :1 Charles \V. 1.eggett (reappointt·d 1 thl' ,·illaQ'\', arct~rding. t :) 1ht· 1\eY. anttq_ue cxh~btt 111 . Ptlgn 1!1 hall. Ran~ Franci s Carr S'itln: \rith wl 10111 tht· and tnkrestmg arttcles ot every sortPeriuncton business before the old ·t 1· 'I · 1 · Villarre h::>ar~l ha \·ing heen dispatched . idea originated. :\ spl'cial invitati nn I I urnt ure. c 1111a. St ,·er. _ Jl'\H' ~y. pte- Fire Chief ~ ha~ been extend...:<! to tlw Optimi ~ t itlHI tun·s and ~alllpkrs. even tncludtng co:- \Vatter H. Zibhlc (reapJ)Oitlted) with alacrity, President Orner im· t I 1 t1 Jtllediatel_\' J)roceeded w_it h the f.onnal >y _lt' wom.en 1f 1<ot ;1ry cluh.;. various fraternal gnntp :-; ttl 1lH ' S 0 >e ~~~;orn and tht' Chamber of Cnntlllt'l'rt· tCI tht"~llsl'l.\·cs .. wtll he on dtsplay wtth Chief Electrician swearing in and scatmg of hnnse h<_lvc th...:ir memht:r:- attt-nd tht -..n - I tiH'tr h _ tst:}rtes attached. \Viltiam ]. Shikv (rcat)l)Ointed> I and the newb· elected trustees, Ernest J C. Cazcl, Hans nmReinsperg. and nce s. It mll he a treat for young and old, --,' · Paul Hoffman . I? in~u r e a lo~·al applicatint_l of tit ·: · an~1 an e d. uc~twnal ~xpaien~e for the Street Fo~~n . . . uh)l'Ch to ht· dtscthsed dunn~ tl :e chtldr('n, tt 1s explamed. Coffee and Ernest \\ilutc (reappomted) Retiring Tru:-.tees Elmer D. Becker Sl'rit·:-;. ~f r. Stiflcr · n·cently st'nt out a tea \Yill I>L· :-rn·ed. and lemonade for and \V. \Y. De Berard were the recipiqtlt':-.ti::>nnaire to rcprrscntatiYe hmi- thl" children. Playarouncl and Recreation Board ents of beautiful pencils, presented hy ness and profc s:':onal prople in the - -- -- - ---John Clark Baker President ·Orner as gifts from thl' ctmtnnmitY through the medium of tht' Lincoln C. Torrcv Village in recognition of faithful and Chamber -ni Cut;lmt·rct·. includill!! tht' Mothers' Day Theme Henry ]. Haack · untiring sen·ice. inllmring intere:-;t compelling item~: I at Chur~hes on Sunday Mrs. ]. R. Brown Among the gifts to the onew offilcials lntereAtinl! Queries Herhert La Roy was a cane for President rne.r, >ear~f other's Da~- will he the subject of 1 cl "H · the Big I. Are ,·ou a Chwc-h mt·mbe~·? :--ernwns in most \Vilmettt: churches (Messrs. Tor·r ey and LaRoy tH'\\. ap-J ing the ege11 : tre:; 2: \\"hy. <lid ~·()u join t!H' church 111 ~unday. ~tay S. ~{usic appropriate pointees, others holdover) Stick." wlHch you arc a l~tember ~. to the n_ l 0ther theme will also feature Board Splits Evenly 3. At:t' YOU satt«fied. wttl~. the p~:) - the sen-icc~. The \Vilmette Optimist Board of Appeala [mmediateh· the ne\v board was Ill gr;-~m the church~~ m_ \\ tlmettc: cluh memher~ plan to attend the l~obert Stoddard session and- r::>ll-call taken, Villa~e ~- \\hat real sc~vt.rl'. tf .~ny, do you !morning :-;ervice ..; at the First Prcshv- F. C. Huffman Clerk Miller read Presidet~t Orn~r ~ tl~11.1k ~he churches 111 \\ tlmettr arr terian church where Dr. George ·P. F. ]. Newey [various a!>pointmen!s followmg whtch tll~lll!J.. ~f agill. a member nf the luncheon Dr. Lloyd Clark Ayres confirmatiOn was gtven by the board. :1. \\· hat would you sugge:o;t as the cluh. is to prearh a special ~f other's Ralph C. \Vessel Opposition to appointments appeared nc':'t. mon to strengthen the cause nf Da\· sermon. (D_r. Ayres and Mr. Wessel new ap- in three instances. Trustee Drayer dcrellgtOn? · po.ntees, others holdover) dined to votP when the aonointment ll. \\"hat d:-> vou believe \rould re-j - - --of Howard B::>wrn as building com~ult from a dosing of all thl' churches Congressman Rathbone to Wilmette . Repreaentative, Evanston missioner was· considered, and he in \\"ilmette? · Ad.d M T · h Community Recreation Association IalTain refu~Nl to vote when the name \\'hat "·ould vnu ·like to hear the ress asons onig t Victor Metzger (new appointee) of Walter H. Zihhle was presented for p·· 1 ·arher~ speak- of particularlv? Congressman Henry Riggs Rathhone, fin' chirf. Appointment of Dr. Lloyd The sermons arc haserl on -the re- whose home is in Kenilworth, is to J · · Clark Avres and Ra1nh C. We'\sel t() plies to thesl' question~. which. Mr. speak ~t the \\"ilmette M.asonic tef!lptlmtst U OIDS In member~hip on the Board of Aporals Stifter asserts, have heen received in I pte tomght under the ausptces of WtlMothers' Day Observance wa~ made n:)!'Sible only aftrr Pres;de.1t larl!e number. mette Chapter, Royal Arch Masons. Members of the Wilmette Optimist hrokr a tie votP among thr tru.;tc"!'. ~fmr. Gilderov Scott, director of His subject ·\\·ill be "Americanism." rlub are to attend the services at the In this in~t::~nct> ' Baker, Dr",· music in the Ba.ptist church, will have The. congressman is r~c::>gnized as First Presbyterian church Sunday er t~nd Wiedlin (holdovers on the charge of the musical program Sunday on.e ot the finest orators ~n the _coun- morning, May 8, at 11 o'clock. Dr. bo.ard) voted aQ'ainst the appointevening. The services begin at 7:30 try and has a host of fnends tn the George P. Magill, minister of the ments. while Trustres Cazel. vono'clock. · communitY. All ~fasons of the vii- church and who is a member of tlw Reinsp<"rg ancl Hnffman voted in tlw ltage and. members of their families luncheon club, is to deliver a special affi.nnative. President Orner's vot£' WALTONIANS MEET MONDAY have been invited to hea~r him tonight. sermon appropriate to Mothers' Day. favorinQ' the appointment was gr.eetrtl Wilmette Chapter of the Izaak Wal- The doors of the :Masonic temple His subject will be "Making Mothers' hv wild · applause from the auchencc. ton Leag-ue of America will hold its auditorium a;e to be opened at 7:30 Day Memories · a . Beautiful Benedk- It '"'as the first instance of an ev···t tion." The music at the service will vote on the ne\v bo::~rd whkh necr·s· regular May meeting at the Central o'clock. Orville S. Cavanagh's String sex-~ also touch upon the' Mothers' Da~' sitates the President's deciding \·::>te. cafeteria Monday evening, May 9, at tet will provide a program of music. theme. (Continued on page 4) 8 o'clock. I · I I I I A . . . . --- I I I ° an i 1 I I 1 I I Is I o; I l 0 · · Cl b I

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