. WILMETTE LIFE May 13, 1927 TIME not WORDS proves a tire's value · EVERY NEW TIRE LOOKS GOOD. Dunlops not only look good, but they make sood-over rocks and gravel, and ruts and sand. . ) Thirty-nine years of experience has shown Dunlop how to design a tread that gives maximum traction and slow, smooth wear. This Dunlop 't read is the toughest development of rubber known. And this same tough tread-rubber is carried clear around the sidewall to give maximum protection against rut wear. · You get the full benefit of all this extra tr~ad-mileage because each Dunlop is built wtth the famous trouble-free cable-twist Dunlop carcass, to provide the highstrength and elasticity so vital to long tire life. · We recommend you put Dunlops on your car A group of three mothers journeyed I Spring· Flowers Color · to the University of Illinois at Urbana over Mothe.r 's day week-end, to visit· I ay e . Ing ~remony I their daughters who are attending! Baskets of spnng flower ~ lent a school there. Mrs. I. R. Adkins of I colorful touch to church and home Ja.;t 1112 Central avenue, visited her daugh- Saturday afternoon, when Miss Norma ter, Edith, who expects to graduate in \ Schuettge and Ralph Edinger wt~·e June, Mrs. Arthur H. Howard of 1055 married. The ceremony took plan· at \Vilmette avenue, was the guest of her 15 o'clock, in the Presh)'tc.rian church, daughter, Frances, and Mrs. N. P. with the Rev. George P: Magill officiColwell of 520 Gregory avenue; visited ating. Tmmediatdy a f t e r ward, thl' her daughter, Eth.el. They drove dmn1 bride's parents, :Mr. and Mrs. R. D. and returned Monday. Schucttge, were hos.t and hostess at a -oreception and dinner for eighty guest..Mrs. H. Otto von der Hoff of 332 at their residence. RO-t GreemYood a\'f.·Oak circle has been ente.r taining her nue, \Vilmettr. uncle, Henry Selden of Fond du Lac, A gmyn of \\'hitc chiffon fashioned Wis., during the past week Mr. Sel- in period style was worn .by the bride. den came to the north shore to attend Her -tulle veil \Yas caught with oratlgl· his brother's twenty-fifth anniversary blo~soms. and her houq~~t was oi as pastor of the Ra,·enswood Presbv- wh1tc sweet pea:' and hhes of the teri;tn church. Dr. Fred L. Selcle~n., \·alley. ~[ rs. ( ~eorgl' A. Hallstcin oi pastor of the church .. is a brother of \\ innetka, h.c r sistl'r's 111atron of h~n Mrs. Amerett Penniman. Mrs. Von or. \\'ore a frock oi pale pink georgdtl' der Hoff's mother, who Jiyes in \\"il- and carried roses . The bridesmaids. mette. Miss Bertha DcHaye. Miss Jane Roh-oerts, of \Vilmette. and Miss Katherilll' ~frs. E. 11. Antrim of llJo Ashland Edinger of \Yinnetka. wore bouffant a\·enuc entertained the room chairmen dre ssrs oi French hlue gtorgl'tte and mothers of the Central school, at tea, carried arm bouquets of spring flower :-. Monday afternoon, Uay 9. in her ~[ar~· Lois Hamhkr of Rogers Park home. Mrs. Antrim, "·ho is room and Janice Tidmar:-;h of \lanitO\\'Ol' . chairman of the fifth grade, inclucled \\'i:-., as little Aowcr girls, wore whit t' all other grade chairmen and in addi- dotted s\\·iss dresse~ and carrird ha , tion members of the board of the krts of spring flo\\·crs . Parent-Teacher association as her Clarence Edinger L)f Evanston \Ya ~ guests. best man ancl Roy Olsen, Howard -oMattias, an cl \ \' illialll ~[ c lvin were ~[rs. Dwight L. Harris of 629 Cen- ushers. All of the groommH:n li\'e 111 tral avenue entertained three guests Evanston. at the Delta Gamma bridge party giv~fr. and ~lr :"t. Edingrr are 110\Y at en by the mother :; of alumnae anrl honte in their apartllll'tlt at 910 Colia x present students of Korthwestern uni- street. Evan s ton . ' versity who arc members of the Delta Gamma sorority. The party was Miss Ethel Gilchri::.t, daughter c1i ~I r. gi,·en in B ighland Park, Thursday, .,1 12 1 1 c. f fl and Mrs . F. A. Gilchrist of 510 Lake l\ ay , tor t le )Cnent o t 1 lC ouse avenue. ha s earned the distinction oi ftt~HI. the mother'~ _organization chose winning second place in her class schol tlns method of_ ratsmg money. I astically. Miss Gilchrist has also been , . -:-oelected to Phi Beta Kappa, and a . a _l.,arl Swa1111 ot 701 Laurd avenue member of the se nior -clas s will rrad Wlll spend .the week-end in Louisville, uate in June. She is attending Dennison Ky., attcnchng the Kentucky Derby. university at Gram·illc, Ohio. I I M W dd· C I. r,,.,,;~;:;·,,c~:;:~""":;"""'C~;~:;·:""""~:~::;~:·~.,,,,.,.: WILMETIE, ILL. - MARGERUMS TIRE SHOP Vulcanizing and Accessories Tenth. Street and Central Avenue SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A. M. . · Wednesday Testimonial Meeting-S P.M. Sunday School Exercises 9:45A.M. 621 Main Street Wilmette . Phone Wilmette 3243 May 15t 1927 Subject: "MORTALS AND IMMORTALS" READING ROOM-1163 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary .Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, barrowed or purchased. every 2Y.t seconds. someone buys 4 ~ The Public is cordially invited to attend the Church Servh:es and visit the Readinr Roem ~ - ....lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllh I I Engraved Wedding Announcentents P~one f i Wilmette 3051 Wilmette Stationery ·and Gift Shop· 115 5 ; ~ .. WILMETTE AVENUE _j ,I " -.. --------'