Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 May 1927, p. 16

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WILMETTE . LIFE May 13, 1927 Better Design Givea added convenience, Enjoyment and Saleability ~nilworth H~ppenings PREACHES TO PRISONERS \. ~~~k. Better Homes WtLM~TTE. Iu. Chicago Offlce -Fin& National Bank Bldg. Phones ~lmcttc 2427- ~ ··· Builders of I The Rev. Leland H. Danforth rector of the Church of the Holy Comforter, Kenilworth, conducted Sunday services at the Cathedral Shelter, Chicago, and at the Bridewell last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watson, 249 Cumnor road. have moved from their home in Kenilworth to their home on Woodland avenue, \Vinnetka. ·Mr. and Mrs. Rogers of Winnetka have moved into the Watson home in Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. ~ George E. Shipm4n -oand the Misses Elizabeth and Alice Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Crooks, 615 Shipman, 432 Warwick road, returned Cumnor road, Kenilworth left last week to Kenilworth Monday morning after for Diamond Lake, Cassapolis, 1nd .. 1 spending the week-end at their sum- where . they will spend the summe. r. mer cottage in Michgan.· -o-oMr. and Mrs. H. A. Brassert, 547 ~fr. and ~Irs . Fred L. Workman, 222 Roslyn road and their three sons will Leicester road, and Mr. ·a nd Mrs. leave Kenilworth the middle of thi s Merritt H . Dement, 337 Abbottsford month for four months ahroad. road, · returned to Kenilworth last -o1 week from Virginia Hot Spring~. F. E. M. Col e, 315 E ssex road, K en-oilworth is recovering at his home aft,·r Mr. and ~Ir s. Robert Osgood moved an illness of several weeks. from Evan ston last week to Kenil-oworth to be with Mr. Osgood's parJohn Benham , 165 Kenilworth an:ent s, Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Osgood, · nue, is report ed to be convalesc ing 423 F ss ex road, -o-for the sunimer. from a seven· att ack of ery s ipela ~. 1 -o- Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Timmins, il Warwick avenue, Kenilworth and their daughter, Virna May, are sailing from New York today for three · month s abroad. Mr. Timmins will stQdy a:: t in France, Italy and Spain. Their two soriS, Junior and William, will be in a camp in New York until their return. -oBishop Gilman of China will delinr the sermon on Sunday at the Church of the Holy Comfor-ter, Kenilworth. Bishop Gilman's will be concern ing the present conditions in China. ~ . and Urs. Charles Ware, 325 Arthur \\'. ]~uf , 236 Cumnor road. Abbottsford road. returned to Kenit- left K enilworth this week on a short worth SaturdaY. Thev drove from bu siness trip to Kan sas Cit y. Pasadena where they spent the winter, -oand stopp ed off in Denver for a visit Th e annual gymna sium exhibi tion 1 he fore returning home. \vas held Saturday evening. May 7..1 t -oth e Kenilworth Community Cent er. Mr. and : M rs. Dana E. Morrison, 306 -oCumberland avenue. returned to Ken Mrs. J ose ph Joyce, 531 E ssex road , ilworth Friday after two weeks in Kenilworth ent ertained he r se wi ng Virginia Hot Springs. club on Friday. ~fr . - o- Now· two thousand FRIGIDAIRES a dalj I I Two thousand Frigidaires a day are now required to ·supply the enormous demand- a demand that has already placed more Frigidaires in use than all other electric refrigerators combined. ·Two thousand more Frigidaires to provide carefrer., economical refrigeration for homes and stores-to bring two thousand more users of refrigeration a new.ind~pe~d ence of outside ice supply. The amazing growth in popularity of Frigidaire is conclusive proof that it is filling a real need-a nted for better, more economical food preservation. Modtrn homes and stores find that Frigidaire pays for itself many times over in ~tttr rdriguarion at low costs. · If you are not among the thousands of Frigidaire · users, visit our ulesroom and see Frigidaire demonstrated. Ask about prices, terms, and operating costs. VISIT OUR SHO\VROOM TODAY to offet . . We ate here ett auto set~\ce. Wi\roette e1tP . "' Newcomers 10 the peop\e of Storage h. g was tn . Aato Laundttj Ftnest . Th e d Gceastng Oiling an Gas and Oils eat T ices Goo dtj . .t Battettes Prest .. o- lt e . . All Ac.cessones. .1 Neat the "L " -r· ' FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTQRS S T 0 V E R C 0. Ill N. Mlehlgan An. (Display Room) 4U E. Erie St. (General Otft.ces) Telephone: Superior 5it8 ETaaeton-ltU Sherman Ave., A81tla---5t44 lV. lladlson St., Col· Greealeaf U80. ··b·· IUS. H·bbard Wood8-!otil Linden Ave., .Eiall·nt--111 S. York St., Elm· Winnetka Ull. · ll·nt JIH. RIJIIIaad Park-c/o Huber Elee. La Graase-4 s. Fifth Ave., La Co., 181 Central Ave., Highland .. Graase 477. Park lM. Tile Falr-ttb Floor-State uoo. SO·tll 81de-t7C7 Slony 18land Ave., Mllwa·l,......ll Wlseoasln ATe., Plan 17tl. Graa4 ..... ·· Se·Ul 81de-17U w. tltll St., HI l'nl,eet Ave., Lakealde 5100. BeTerly 8Ut. Gta·et Bros., Graad 7Mt. ~. Wibnette Motor Sa\eS I ·1 p. J. Schaefer, ·1 636 Phone Wt. 515 FourthSt. ProP· I' .

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