Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 May 1927, p. 30

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30 . W lLM 'E TTE L IF · ~ May 13, 1927 News o¥ the North Shore Clubs Woman's Club Gives Resume of Its Year Woman's Club ofWilmetteShows Record of All Departments and Activities By S. I. P. B. The Woman's club of Wilmette held its annual spring luncheon May 4, at the Edgewater Beach horel. A very . fine program was given by Marie Morrisey, contralto, with Morton Howard at the piano. The club has just completed a very enthusiastic and successful year under the able leadership of its retiring presi dent, Mrs. Nathan P. Colwell. A fine record has been made by all the departments of the club, not only for their cultural and social activities, but for their interest in others. · $3,140 has been given to charity the past year through the Economy Shop and the philanthropy department. Over 3,000 garments and other articles have been made and sent to the following organizations : Mary :Bartelme home, Infant Welfare, Sarah Hackett Stevenson Memorial lodging house, Dorcas home, Lake Bluff orphanage, Chicago Commons, Francis Juvenile home, Cook County hospital and other charities. The philanthropy department has also assisted the Service council in its work and the committee for friendly co-operation with ex-service men, to whom Mrs. W. H. Hutson and her committee have brought many happy hours in their visits to the soldier boys at Great Lakes and the New Psychopathic hospital. A grade4 school for adult foreigner!' has been carried on by the civics department and its chairman, Mrs. R. ll. Taylor, teaching them to read, write and speak English, as well as instructing them in good citizenship. The child and home department has established a fund for the equipment of n_eedy students at New Trier High school and also cash prizes to be· used in the grade schools of Wilmette. A very fine Art exhibit has just been held this spring in the club under th~ direction of the art department for th<: purpose of showing the works of vVilmette artists. Prizes were given to the young people who made the best posters announcing the exhibit. The program and music committee-; have furnished the club with many outstanding programs during the year with such speakers as Alice Amc5 Winters, Frank Bohn, Dhan Ghoupal Mukerji, Henry Turner Bailey, Dr. Henry Neumann, Winifred Mason Houck, and musicians, Katherine Wit·· mer, Civic String Quartet ·and others. Two lecture courses have been given -one by the child and home department with Miss Helen Parker lecturing on "Use and Appreciation of Color"; the other b.r the literature department, .. Books and Current Affairs" by Mrs. Anthony French Merrill. The proceeds from these lectures help ~o swell the building fund. The total raised during the year for the building fund amounted to $5,300. The officers and chairmen retirin~ with honorable mention for their service during the year are: Mrs. N. P. Colwell, president; Mrs . .T. W. Fisher, recording secretary; Mrs. David I~. Anderson, treasurer; Mrs. Edmund M. Simonds, child and ho~ departments; Mrs. R. A. Wheelock, music depart· ment; Mrs. C. P. Berg, philanthropy department; Mrs. R .F. Huff, ways and m~ans department; Mrs. W. A. Dur- Catholic Club Has Annual Luncheon By M. A. E. For the first time in the history of \Vilmette we are to have a garden market. This is to be held on the grounds opposite the Chicago, Milwaukee. and North Shore Electric station at' \Vilmette avenue. The money raised is to be used in beautifying Witmette. We desirous of raising as much money as possible and can only do so by the aid of those who will furnish plants .and flowers. The Wilmette Garden club committee, headed by Mrs. E. E. Moore, has heen working out a plan which is sure to succeed. \Vill you kindly help us by purchasing your plants from us? On Friday, May 20, Mrs. Carl Miner of Glencoe will be the guest of the club. She will build a rock garden at the home of Mrs. John F. Weedon,. 204 Fifth st,r eet, to demonstrate the secrets of plant growing among the rocks. After the demonstration, the club will go in a body to the home of Mrs. C. N. Hurlbut, 715 Greenleaf avenue, where Mrs. Miner will give an illustrated lecture on "A Rock Garden." Tuesday, May 24, is to be our first opportunity to contribute flowers to the sick and needy of Chicago. Will you try and acquire the habit of sendin,g in flowers to the North Western station every Tuesday m or n in g throughout the summer. Flowers are acceptable every day, but Tuesdays are set aside for the people of Witmette to see that these people who have so little in life shall at least share part of our great privilege of living in the midst of sunshine and flowers. MacBurney-Turner Costume Singers Give Gypsy, Japanese and Dutch Program The Woman's Catholic club of Wilmette held its annual luncheon at the Orrington hotel, \Vednesday, May 4. After a word of greeting, Mrs. Frank J. Oelerich, president of the cluh . introduced the guests of honor, Mrs. M. H. Lieber of \Vinnetka, Mrs. MeIntyre of Edgewater, president of the Big Sisters, and Mrs. Frank McLaugh lin, president of the Glenola club oi Rogers Park The new officers for the coming year were asked to rise and he introduced, Mrs. Oelerich, who is .succeeding herself in office, Mrs. Sam · uel H. Moore, first vice president: Mrs. Frank T. Barry, second vier president: Mrs. B. M. Lupton, trea s·urer; Mrs. Forest W. Miller, recording secretary: and Mrs. Ha.rry Sherwin. corresponding secretary. The new eli rectors for the year will be Mrs. J. F . O'Neill, Mrs. James E. Tarleton, and Mus. John T. Janette; Mrs. John Boylston is ochairman of the sanctuary society; Mrs. J. P. Budinger, chairman of the philanthropy department; Mrs. Frank Thale, chatrman of the fine art s con:mittee; and M:s: A. W. ~oylston. chatrman of the ctvtcs commtttee. The afternoon program was ~y the MacBurney-Turner Costume Smgers. composed of Elsa Fern MacBurney. soprano, Viola Leola Turner ·. soprano. and Anna Daze, accompantst. The first group of songs were Gypsy songs and included "The Gypsies," by Brahms, a duet "Dost · Thou Know That Fair Land" by Thomas, and "Cloudy Heights of Tatra" by Dvorak. both sung by Mrs. MacBurney. "The Maids of C.adiz" by Delibes was sung by Miss Turner, and .,Card Scene" from ··carmen " a duet, was sung by Mrs. MacBurney and Miss Turner. The second g;oup, a Japanese group. included "One Fine Day" from ··Ma dame Butterfly." by Miss Turner. ··Flower Duet" also from "Madame Butterfly." The Holl~nd Dutch group was composed of "Old Dutch Song," folk songs, a duet. 11 The Dance Duet" {.rom Hansel and Gretel, a duet. The encore, a German song was given after this last group, "Du Lieg-st Mir Im Hertzen," sung by Mrs. MacBurney. The Colonial group of songs included the following, "Powder and Patches" by Phillips, a duet, 11 Charming Chloe" from the German and "Oh Come with Me in the Summer Night" by Vander Stucken, sung by Mrs. MacBurney. Miss Turner followed with "If Music Be the Food of Love-Play on!" by Clifton and "Lo! Hear the Gentlr Lark" by Bishop. The final number was a duet, "'Mongst the Gay an_ d Gallant Nobles" fr()m "Martha" hy Flotow. ASKS FOR WHITE ELEPHANTS The North End branch, Friends of · . . . . · the Chtcago J untor school .. ts tssumg a 1 t 11 f t' 1 f r tt rummage as ca or ar tc _es o s . . ·sale. to be held thts month. ~loth mg. furmture, shoes or any other dtsrarded articles acceptable and will be called for. Donors are asked to notify Mrs. Mabelle R . . Johnson, rummage chairman, 636 Cornelia street, Chicago, phone Bittersweet 2366. The regular monthly meeting of thi~ organization will be held on Tuesday. May '17, at 8 o'clock at the Sovereig:-~ hotel, 6200 Kenmore' avenue, Chicago. A new arrival in the club world is the Garden club of Illinois. It was formed recently with the thirty garden clubs that took part in the Chicago Flower show as charter members. Its membership is open to any garden club in the state conforming to its constitution. Mrs. Frederick Fisher of Lake Bluff, president of the Glencoe Garden club. has been chosen as its president. Mrs. Charles D. Ewer of Wilmette is the corresponding secretary. ________.....___ __ Wellesley Club Holds Election of Officers The Chicago Wellesley club at its annual meeting May 7, at the Stevens hotel, elected the following new officers: Miss Marie Remien, vice president; Mrs. W. H. Riker. corresponding secretary; Mrs. Dunlap C. Clark, recording secretary: Mrs. Irwin Re . . v, counsellor. Mrs. Ralph Brown of Evanston continues as president, and Mrs. Charles \Vaterhouse as treasurer. The last regular meeting of the North Shore Oberlin Women's dub will be held on Friday, May 13, at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Karl A. Roth of 320 North Green Bay road. Highland Park. A musical program will be given by Mrs. W. G. Waterman, Miss Ethel M. Cain, Mrs. Wright Whitlock and Mrs. H. F. Malott. -----------------gin, bulletin department. The officers and chairmen for the coming year are: Mrs. Hayes McKinney, president; Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, first vice-president; Mrs. L. W. Strong, second vi-ce-president; Mrs. Irvin R. Adkins, third vice-president; Mrs. William A. Richardson, recording secretary; Mrs. F. 0. Ebeling, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Frank L. Tolman, treasurer. Chairmen of departments: Mrs. J. C. Mannerud, literature; Mrs. Gordon Wilson, art ; Mrs. Herbert J. Leach, child and home; Mrs. Robert B. Taylor, civics; Mrs. David F. Hall, music; Mrs. George H. Webster, philanthropy. Chairmen of standing committees : Mrs. R. F. Potter, program; Mrs. 0. E. Thaleg, social; Mrs. H. R. Hitchcock, house; Mrs. Edward Anderson, ways and means; Mrs. F. Z. Favor, The Bulletin. Church Group Planning Bridge Tea on June 7 The Epiphany group of St. Luke's church is giving a pivot bridge and tea at \Vestmoreland Golf club Wednesday, June 7, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. C. F. Marlowe is chairman of the group and ~fr:;. C. W. Hopkins the chairman of the party. Tickets a,re heing sold hy the committee which is composed of the following- women: ~frs . Edward H. Hatton. Mrs. Charles A. Wanner, Mrs. Tames Hibben, Mrs. C. C. Virgil, Mrs. W. E. Merritt, Mrs. Parker Paine, Mrs. F . J. Rugg-les. Mrs. George H. Glynn. Mn. T. A. FitzSimmons, Mrs. Elton Kettlety, Mrs. T. T. Lyman, Mrs: A. W. Sherman, Mrs. W. A. Turner, and Mrs. W. T. Watkins. FRIENDS IN COUNCIL MEET The Friends in Council of Evanston m~~t today at the Orrington hotel. A business session for the purpose of Plectin({ officers is to be held at 11, following which Miss 1vfargaret Hawkins will ~ive a review of "Trelawny of the 'Wells.'" Luncheon will be served at 12 :30 and tlwn a reading will he given h}· Mrs Edward J She · · · a paper rwm. U rs: Lav..-rence Bean is to give 011 Harriet Monroe and Vachel Lindsay · Mrs. George E. Tarnow of 126 Fourth street, entertained a group of friends at bridge and tea the afternoon of Tuesday, May 10, in honor of Mrs. M. M. Purcell of Minneapolis. Mrs. Purcell is the guest of Mrs. Carl Schaeffer of 830 Sixteenth street.

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