WI~METTE LIFE INITIATE TOMORROW }.[ay 13, 1927 Ouilmette Court 848, Catholic DaughGive ~n;p..... at ~ir ters of America, is planning an initi- Juqe Mary Bartelme Streaaea Need of ation for Sunday aft~rnoon, May 15, at Mrs. Fay Palmer Creer of 11V8 Peraoaal Touch ia Ju·eaile Court Oddfellows' hall, at 2 o'clock. After the Cherry street, Winnetka, and Mrs. ea·· initiation -ceremony, dinner will be Dorothy Riley Brown of 515 Abbotsserved, and a musical program will folford road, Kenilworth, have been asked Judge Mary Bartelm'e was the low. All Catholic Daughters are in- principal speaker at the a~nual luncheon . to give a program for the Woman ~s ENGAGED vited to attend. Worlds Fair, May 24, at the Chicago of the North Shore Catholic Woman's COliseum. They have given childrca,'s Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Dirks of league Tuesday. Judge 1Bartelme spoke programs together over radio station 816 Lake avenue, Wilmette announce During the last six months of 1926 of a number of the cases that have WMAQ lately, and Tuesday enter- the engagement of · their daughter, savings deposits . in Illinois increased cotpe up before her in the Juvenile tained in Rogers Park for the Gale Evelyn, to Dr. Carl Struck of Stettin, $11 per capita, making the state aver- court, and emphasized the great inPaw:ent-Teacher ·association. Next Germany. age $192. · flence a little personal contact can have · in such cases. The spiritual message is more important than any mattrial Somewhere on an azure Inland lake, May skies are smiling an invitation to you; May breezes are one -can be, she said, because these softly whispering, "Come"; May flowers are beckoning in the woodlands; Nature is in waiting people believe that no one cares about with her bright new emerald garb. Answer the call of Spring! Spend a day or a week-end. Just a them. She pleaded especially for the inAbort, pleasant trip by North Shore Line train and motor coach. Lake Geneva by comfortable motor fleunce of the members in establishing of homes for the border-line ca:, !S, roach meeting North Shore Line trains at Kenosha. Fox Lake District, Lake Villa, Antioch, Volo, children who are not too bad, but who McHenry, by motor coach connecting with North Shore Line trains at Waukegan. The cost is so small area menace. These children can usual-the pleasure so great! For fares; schedules, full information, ask your North Shore Line ticket agent. ly, with the right treatment, be made useful members of society. There are only two such· homes now, and they are filled up, Judge Bartelme said. She also spoke of the need of the personal to!!ch with . childten who have stwnt five or six years in an institution without having a single inquiry made about them. Besides J mlgc Bartelme's talk. :-,hort ad9resscs were giYen by the guests "i honor: Mrs. \Villiam Farrell, president oi the Tenth district, Mrs. Frank Oclcrich, Mrs. R. H. :McColl, Mrs. John Yan' der Vries, Mrs. Maurice H. Lieber, and the Rev. Father Magner of the High· wood Catholic church. Mrs. Sydnie Smith Cooley, accompanied by Beulah Taylor Porter, gan~ three groups of songs. Mrs. W. A. 1\:i :termas ter made the presentation specd1 when the retiring president, Mrs. \\"ilA dinner and theater party is a] liami F. Brown, was given a pair ()l [ fine Anniversary celebration. French candle-sticks. The new officers were inducted, and the president. ~rr ~. Wiltiam Schildgen, spoke, and \\'a :> presented with flowers. The league expects to send some rrpresentatives to the meeting of the Statt: Federation, to be held in Danville ht:ginning '.Yfay 17. North Shore Women to F week they will give a group of songs at a tea Mrs. Harrison Rilt!y o£ Evanston is giving for the Evanston Drama class. Mrs. Brown is a com·· poser and pianist, and Mrs. Creer is the contralto soloist with the North Shore Congregation Israel. . SPEAKS AT .LEAGUE Nakeyour Theater Ticket Reservations· through our Ticket Agent It is easy to obtain good theater tickets on reasonable notice. If you wish, the local North Shore Line Ticket Office will act as your agent without charge; they will make reservations by North Shore Line direct telephone, and have tickets left in your name at the theater box office. Your choice of current Loop theater attTactions is wide. Here are some of the best: ~-"TendaAt~enue"-Melodrama William Boyd and Edna Hibbard AI'OI.LO-Al )olson in "Big Boy~' [last week] AUDI'I'OIUUII-"Old Ironsides" Paramount SuP,!r..Picture (last week) Startina May 17- 'The Rough Rickr·"Motlon P;cture with Mary Astor and Geo1'8e Bancroft Ga.AT NOaTBBaN-"The Student Prince" - Musical Romance - Use Marvenga- De Wolf Hopper ILUNOII-"Sunny"- Musical Comedy Marilyn Miller-Jack Donahue OLTIIPJC-"The Madcap"-MitziMusical Hit IILACitiTOD-"The Barker"-Comedy Drama-Richard Bennett coaT-"The Little Spit/ire" -Farce · DJ,·...NGa-"Twinlde Twinkle" Musical Comedy-Joe E. Brown and Ona Munson 4 c:o&ANI-"What Et~ery Woman Knows"-Comedy-Helen Hayes [last week] PLA.DIOUSI-"That French Lady" Comedy - Louis Mann and Clara Upman PUN~-'Ihe Moscow Art TheatreHabima in "T~ Dybbuk" Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It'a not 10 much the size or color of the EYES that makes thenr beautiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiatea from them. UrY· la.icept always dean and healthy,. EYES laclc,thia alluring lusm. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE healtl~ and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating particles :1nd keeps them clear and bright. Contains no bella~onna. Oe.r mu..,.aud boob em "Bw c....,. "E~ Bea..a," care ~RER ULWYN- "The Noose" - Melodrama WOO- The Passion Play- Proceeds for Flood Sufferers' Fund V........_ . . . Plctaa.-Palace, Majestic, State-Lake, Rialto, Chka1o, McVicken, Oriental (Paul Aah and His Gang.) The North Shore Line supplies · unequalled theater service with hequent, fast trains downtown stations are convenient to .all Loop theaters. saving time and taxi f~ Train schedules that suit ,OUT operating direcdy INTO and FROM the Cl-DCAGO LOOP. convenience. North Shore Line .Chicago North Shore &. Milwaukee R. R. Co. · The Road of Service WILMETTE PASSENGER STATION T elepbont Wilmette 15 1 4 Baggage Cbeckta em ...,...... The Murine Company l'kpt.. 33, Chicqo .lf/1~/!~JY.L .JI·'EYES· Q