Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 May 1927, p. 46

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·· CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · Genettll N 0 t ICe Glencoe Inclusive whose neular subscribers to GLENCOE NEWS. 16 cents RGt eS- papers. te~ WILMETTE LiFE 17 May 13, 1927 SIT. wANTED-MALE ~--E-V_A_N_S_T_O_N_I_N_T_E_R-:I-:0-:R:--- I fG FOB RENT-FURN. HOUSES Classified advertisementS wlll be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to name& appear In the telephone directory. or who are ~lthP.r WILM]ilTTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or ulled. 'a line in one paper. 26 cents a line In any two 30 cents a line In all three papers. MINIMUM CBABGE it eents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type ou ollee a& 1111 Central A"e., Wllmette, (lr 6U Lineoln, Winnetka. I dlseoant on all e~sla wlth order adnrtlsements wlaen brought to Deadline lot Insertions-Classified ndvertlsements will be accepted up to Wednesday a o'clock tot the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday · 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. FOR SUMMER llON·rHS- NICELY HOUSE CLEANERS furnished bungalow; 3 bedrooms. S75 Expert paint and window washing. rno Wlnn. 690. 45L33-ltp 1906 W. Railroad Ave. Evanston, Ill. }'OR RENT-GARAGES Phone University 5535. 4? 37LTN32-4tp - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !"OR RENT-GARAGE, 1031 GREE~4 YEARS' EXP. AT CHAUFFEURING, "'ood Ave. 1'el. Wit. 2036. 47L33-ltc garden work and a 11-around house ~1an. Highland Park 1942. Box 895, Ravmia, 4~ FOB RENT-STOII.ES " OFFIC}~S Ill. 37J,T33-1 tp l:<'PR RENT - VERY DESIRABLE OFMEN, WINDOW WASHERS, CARP~T tlce svact!, about 10x.l.O ft: E~celle~t f'lt:aners house deanet·s cooks, butleis, ground floor location, at 736 Elm St. drivers, 'gardt-nt!t'H. Jo.; Watlt'y. Wil- . Phone Winn. 142 48LTN:;3-tfe me'·te Hili~ ~iL33-1t!l t ' · FOR RENT LARGE WORK SHOP, POH. \VANTED BY RF.L., EXP. CHAl F- 1 28x38. Tel. Wil. 969-W. 48LT3~-tfe feur. 7 years t:X}). ll~!-:t r efs. Uni\·. 3864. 37LT1'1:33-Hc ul WANTED JA~I'fOR WORK IN $180. HARRIS GARAGE, 12X18 FOR stores or office. Call Glencoe 280. $40.00 if takt·n away at once. Phont: :HLTN33-ltc Kenll. 347. S1LT33-lte 8 BUILDING. AND CARPENTRY LOST AND FOUND -· 1"011 SALE-HOUSES REL. CHAUFFEUR. NORTH SHORE ;;t refs. Uni\'. 3273-::\£ or 4388-J. ----------------37LT33-ltp EXPERIENCED CARPENTER WANTS LOST - RED CHOW DOG, 2 BLACK all kinds of repairing. Call Wlnn. 2563. name of "Pien·tt('." Reward. Glencou 3t4 8LT33-ltp 74. 31LTN33-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - tA CONCRETE A CEMEN1.' WORK liELl· WAXTED-FEliALE K£NJLv\1QRTJf 184i SUU~TA:"-J'TIAL 11 ROOM HO~U;, ~onh EaMt !-!ectlon of Highland K"J1~NJLWORTH ALL KINDS OF BRICK WORK DONI!~., WANTED ~"EVERAL NEAT APLarg,· living ruum, ltbr~ry. Excellt·nt Especlally chimneys and fireplaces. pearlng ftoor girls for cafeteria work. eondition; :: ca r garage. One of tht· Contract or day work. Otto Otten, 8Zi Pleasant ·working conditions. Expertfitw oldt·r honw~. Exceptional l~nd Temple Court. Kenilworth 1307. encc not ll(!Cessary. Apply Central Cafe- · 41 l"OR RE:ST-ROOli!S scaplng- and h~'nutiful lot 100x215, mort· frontag·<· available if d es ir-~ d. Locat(·d 9ALTN33-ltc t erla, I 131 Central St.; Wilmette. ----------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 32LTN33-2tc A TTRACTtVE CORXER H00:\1 E. ~IDE near gradt· and high scho'>IM; a l·lo('kH to depot. Wonderful vaiU4." :~t $32,500. DRESS~L\KING home. Accessible to all transp. Bathrm. NURSE - COliPETENT WHI1'E GIRL facillti~s unusuallr good. ftarnge nt>SIT. "TD. - DRESSMAKING AND to help with care of children and assist tinnal. Rt·f(·rt-m·N;. 'Vii. 204. f[))o K\iroJJffl\lLll'i'l~~rmll'i'l .!9>-(Crm with 2~d fluor work. Permanent posi~lflluu&~U..~uu ~ \W 0 plam sewing by the day. Good rcfer41 1.:tJ-1tp ~ ll\'1ll tlon, wtth good honw and wages. Glen~~O Liudt·n An·. t'nces. Call Greenleaf 1142. Phone Wil. 6S 10L1'N33-ltc coe 871. 32LTN33-ltc. CI·:~TRAL HOTEL _ LTUHT OUTSlUE 52LT~33-1 tc " ' AN'TF'D _ FXPERI.E'NCED CHILD rooms for transtf'nts a~1_d residents. 629 Pl~IN SEWINU AND MENDING.· .. go\'erness, ~ .~ · ~hin Stn.d. l'hont· Wtlmettl' 1080. nurse ~or nursery 30 years of · < 41LT:1:~-tfc '\. Winn. 2017. 10LTN33-ltp age or O\'t·r, to take care of 3 children. ~ j 1100 ~ 1 E~(l LISH 'I'YPJ.~. ~1Tt T< Best wag·t·s. T e l. Kenil. 692. 'L,()R RE:"T'[' HOlJ"'E h oJnc, \'ery · d et'P 1 d f 1 Lu~· ll ·INSTRUCTION .. . .... _ ",, <>n , ... . ,· LIGHT · " .ot. ,., n 011 t'l' u 32LTN33-ltc kee}.ling ·r ooms. Tt-l. Wll. !)6~1-W. . .· 1 $14,500. _o_F_F_I_c_E_H_E-·'L_P __ W_A_N_T_E_D ___ c_A_P_A_B_L_E -uJ...;J .·-tfe REMEDIAL 1'UTORING BY EXPERIENCED TEACHER \' ··r~· xmart Spanb;h uungnlow, attnl<·tin· stenogratlher and. typist in attorney's I ROO~I SUITABLE FOR ONE OR TWO Jy :tlTang-t·d, $1S,OUO. Now is the time to go over the year's office, must he sktlful at telephone and gt:"ntlt>nwn narag·t> if desir··<l . Phont> work and to strengthen weak places. able to meet the public. Carlton Prouty, \Vii 662 · 41L33-ltc Bt:autiful 8 roo!n home, designed by not Elementary and high school pupils. Franklin Bldg·., "WinntJtka. 32LTN33-tfc · · t·d architt·l't, ~:~s.;;oo. Phone Kenilworth 248 FRONT ROOM. GENTLE~IA~ PRE13L'rN32-2tp MAID FOR Gl<:N. HOUSE. WHITE, ft>rred. Winn. 2669. 41LTNa3-ltc VAt'A~T EAST SIDE exp. refs. Nur~t:- employed fot 2 t:hll-~ ti5x J 5a, nt·ar dt~pot $3,200. lt LOANS dren. 86:1 Vt·rnon An~ . Tel. Glen. 14ri0. -t:! FOR RE'NT-APART:MENTS 1:12x::::s, ht·auti ruBy ·,-oot"h·d. woudt·rful hu~· ~:·0.00 t't. 32LTN33-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WINNETKA. PART OF A BEAl"TH~l.·L I oo ft. lot in I h·en· l'nrk, UOO.tiO ft. "'XPERIENCED BAKERY CLERK. AI'E home. Large grounds. :::o;let>p. and li\', 1st and 2nd Mortgagei ' ply Rapp B1·os., 522 Lindt·n. Winn. 1&70. porches. 4-5 bedrooms. Furnished or 32LTN33-llt! unfurn. Baths and !'howers. ('on\'en- j .Jii Linl'oln An·. WinnHka s:: ient lo('ation . Oil t·ombustion, hnt ~ 2LT:\ ·s:l-1 H· gxPERIEN('ED WHITE w ANTED watPr lwat. Ca ll O\\'llt'r fm· further inINSURANCE girl; small hOUHt·; :-~mall family; good formation .. \Vinn. 2664. 42LT~33-tfc wagt>s. \\~inn. :~H~. ~2L1'~:l:l-lt<· 645 Main St.. Wilmette Tel 66 B'OR RE~T ....:_ :; ROO;\I ~lTl'E, PRIY16L:J:l-tfc \ VA~ TED -- flELlAHLE WHITI<~ UIRL <tt·· hath and stort> room. Gas ~to\'e and XOX-JU:SIDJ'::--1'1' OW!'.:ER HAS IXfor getwral housework. Good homt>. i<·(· hox furnh;ht'd. Suitnblt> fot· young :·tru<"tt·d us to ('Ut the nnu~ to qs,EOO l'hont> Kenil. 2656. 3 2LT:;3-ll<· . eouple. '1\: 1. Wil. :Ji)2!1. 42LT:J?. lt(' ou his S room stuct:o. ll'l llooJ' : Lidug- rm., dining rm., stud~·. w A~TJ.JIJ - \VHITE CifRL F'OR GEN- F'OR Rlij~T- 2 ROO;\I KJTCHEXE'l"l'r-; GARDENING !lB 2 lwdrootns, hatlli'<..'Oll"l, kil('h(·n, 2 pant>ral work, no laundry. Photw Wil. 1:::~0. apartnwnt in Xt·IHon Building, \Vilmf'ltl·. u·~·s, hn:al< fa~t pon.:h. 1118 · For\~ st A\'l~. ~2LTN:l:J-ltc Con\'enit-nl to tranl'p. Janitor St>rvit'l· . \Veil Rotted 1\Ian ure :!nd lloot· : ~ i·t·dt·oo·n -; , l·athroom, billi4:!1./f:l:l-1 tc Ca.ll \Vii. 1800. ard rm., Hton·ro<·m, all rooms are largl·. w ANTEI> MAID J.'O.R CENEHAL Black Dirt Lot 50x1 !ll. (~Jose to transportation. housework. Phon t· <ilen<:tk 370. FOR RE~T- APAR'l'ME~TS, FUR:12LT~3;~-ltc nished and unfurnished, all sizes. Hen ted. Phone Wil. 2399. EMPLOY:\lE~T AGCY. R('liable donws tic lwlp furnished. 421 ltichmond Rd., Kl:'nil. O\'er Post Office. 38LTN.13-ltc -l mash·r bt"droom8, 2 . baths on S et'<·n~ floor. Also 3 rooms. anrl bath on third. llEHT Park: ·· JlA\T INIA I HENRY F. lJI-IE & CO. Charles H. Brethold - and - lHInnlb~Ir~ lHI©~~rnm&IID WA?.:TED Ridge Road, \Vilnwttt· Phone Wil. 3300 21BL33-tfc mot·ni ngs. WH lTJ~ - XtrHSE~LHD, WHIT!!:, Tt·l. Oh·n('ot· 1247. !"12LTN3:1-ltc FOH. REX'r - 42LT~3a-tfc WoeGo §it&~J & CC©o BUNGALO\\l ~LUI> RF.LIABLI·~ <a-:~. HOPSEMAIV. 4 IN TO RlJBLET FOR SUMMER MONTHSfamily. No laundQ·. Winn. 12:: 4. HAS SOME REAL BARGAINS ON A I"urnlshed apartment in Orrington variety of A-1 shrubs and perennials. :l2LTN3:l-ltp Hotel, Evanston. Good summer exposWest Park A\'e., Highland Park. Tel. ur~..·. Two large rooms with twin beds 21BLTN31-4tc HILiH 2098-Y-1. ~IOTH.EH.'S faRL, Sl'HOOL and in-a-door bed. Bath with shower. 32L33-llp helpt·r. Whitt·. 'Wil. 3957. Gra.n d piano. Kitchenette with electric BY EXPERIENCED SIT. WTD. -range. Complete hotel service. Ample Jl.IU.P W A ~ 1' f~ D-ll..-\1, l~ gardner. Tel. Wil. 708-~.l. 21BL33-tfc ss closets. Garage in building. P. B. Kohlsaat. Apply hotel rental office, YOUNG MA~ TO TAKE CARE OF University 8700. 43LTN33-tfp soda fountain. Permanent. Winn. 2626. 33LTN33-ltc HEADY JUNE 1, 1 4-ROOM APT., $65, Indian Hill Drug· Stort·. DELIVERED,. $7.00. TRUCK LOAD Phone Wilmette 2183. 1 3-room apt., $40. Ready June 20, 1 l\IA~ :! DAYS A. WEEK. WANTED North Shore Home Garden Service 4-room apt., '65. Tel. Winn. 2113. 33LTN33-ltp Call Glencoe 1288. 826 Greenleaf Ave. 43LTN33-1tc 2lBL33-2tp WTD.-I'EliALE SITUATION U FOR RENT-HOUSES ss PETS II WANTED- WASHING, IRONING AND FOR SALE - PEDI. BRINDLE BULL cleaning by the day, by Swedish lady. terrier. 7 mo!-:. old. Price \·ery reas. Ph. 36L33-ltp 11 ROOM HOUSE; 2 BATHS; GLAZEr Tel. Wil. 2486. 22LTN33-ltc Wlnn. 1008. porch : hot water heat ; 300 ft. frontage CHANCE TO PROVE facing park : near transportation and WANTED FOR SALE - HIGHLY-BRED SEALYability as cook, maid or general houseschools. Tel. Winn. 1905. 44LTN33-tfc ham puppy. Glencoe 1035. 22LTN33-ltc work. Call Edgewater 3076. 36L33·ltp 46 FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES LAUNDRY, CLEANING LOST AND l,OUND SIT. WTD. 11 and extra dinners. Call Unlv. 5569. FOR RENT - 8 ROOM HOUSE, 2 36LTN33-2tp glazed porches, 4 bedrooms, 2 tiled LOST - APRIL 22ND. MEDIUM SIZED baths, maid's room and bath: 2 car tan Collie, with white nose, neck and WHITE GIRL WANTS garage. Corner lot 100xl87. Near lake. legs; male. Answers to name "Bushy." SIT. WTD. work for cook or small family. Call June 1st or 15th to Oct. 1st. Phone $10 reward tor return or Information Wil. 1646. 36L33-1tp Winn. 1650. 45LTN33-ltc JeadJng to return. 211 17th St., Wll;;1 L:-::;-IL~ mette 1370. 17 SITUATION WTD.-MALE JUNE TO SEPT. 8 'ROOMS. LARGE sleep. porch. 2 screen porches. Corner LOST- PAIR OF TORTOISE SHELL lot. Large shade trees. $150 a month. rimmed glaues on Monday afternoon, CHAUFFEUR, EXP., SINGLE. GOOD refs. Swedish.,, Phone Wlnn. 692-J. 1124 Tower road, Hubbard Woods. Wlnn. between Byron r:. Stolp BObool and 1011 ~0 1L33-ltc 37LTN33 ttc 1730. 45J~TN33-ttc JOHN OSTROWSKY NURSERY t'XJWrt(·J1('l' ll('t'dt·(]. FOH <l8N. HOUSK NO C'a.ll <ilencoe 1~:~ L. 32LT~:;::-ltc 5 A~D 7 rooms. Also light housekeeping rooms. " Wil. 1183. 42L'l'33-ltp APART:\lE~TS, Phone Wil. ~08 521...33-ltc I:C }'OR RENT-FlT RN. APARTMENTS H;\£ALL AUTISTIC ·sHINGLE llUXGAlow in Highland Park, splendidly Joeated, con\'f:'nient to transportation and school. Consisting of 5 rooms, 2 be:drooms, Lath, furnare heat, gn.rap;e : on a beautifully wooded lot 66x180. Price $12,500. Terms. - vValter P. Stnith & Co. 332 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 52 LTN3:~-l tc BLACK SOIL WINNETKA BEAU'fH'UI.. ENGLISH TYPE 81X RM. home, brick 9-nd stucco with timber effect, 2 baths, and lav., breakfst. uook, Frigidaire, hot water heat, 2 car heated garage, lot 75x187, l,eautlfully landscaped. $28,000. - Wjnnetka Special HENRY F. UHE & CO. 546 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 8:3 52LTN33-ltc - Bl{AND NEW liOUSE 3 BLOCKS TO INDIAN HILL STAtion; brick and stucco; attractive house. 6 rooms, spacious bath. H. W. heat. Attached garage. Price $17,500. Easy terms. - - QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 746 Elm St., Winnetl~a Winn. 2199 52LT33-ltc . FOR SALE - 1719 ELMWOOD AVE., Wilmette, 8 room :frame : hot water hf. ; terms. Owner Phone Wit. 2399. 5!LTN33-tfc

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